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Derek Darkfire

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Derek Darkfire Empty Derek Darkfire

Post by Darkfire August 2nd 2013, 4:57 pm

Real Name: Derek Darkfire
Renegade/Hero/Villain Name: Toxic
Title: The Wall Walker
Alignment: Lawful good
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Race: Mutant
Hair: light brown hair
Eyes: sky blue
Height: 5 foot 6 inches
Weight: 120
Blood type: A+

Character Image/Character Costume Image (Or Description):

As himself:

As toxic , Derek wears a skin tight black colored spandex suit. The suit comes with spandex black colored gloves with the finger portion of the gloves colored white. His suit also is adorned with a black mask with white colored lenses (that look similar to Spider-Man's) that Derek can look through but no one can see back through them. The lenses also protect his eyes from dust particles when he swings around. He also wears black spandex footwear that have a thin material that acts like the sole of a shoe.

Derek may not look like it but he is very much a loner. He feels insecure around people and doesn't think they would like them , only due to the teasing he had as a child. If he does communicate with people in his school , he is usual said to be cool and outgoing and generally laid back. He loves studying things associated with science , especially studying about the mutations of mutants , such as himself , and meta-humans. He wishes to use his powers for good , and save innocent people from evil Villians.

Sometimes , even in life n death situations , he is known to crack jokes. Whenever he stops joking is when he is at his utter most serious about a situation.


Both of Derek's parents where scientist in a special, secret, lab that studied and experimented on the DNA of insects and animals , usually making them radioactive or into monster. Derek's mother was one month pregnant with him , when one of the spiders that they had mutated escaped in the lab and bit her. She was kept at the lab to see if any of the spiders mutants had gotten into her DNA , only to find that it had not. Little did they know that the radiation from the spider had found its way to her womb , fusing with the still growing babies DNA. Eight months later , Derek Darkfire was born , with no oblivious mutations.

Throughout his childhood he still showed no signs of a mutation to his DNA , not at the slightest. However throughout his years in school , he was teased horrible by the other kids for wearing glasses and because of how geeky he was. He never told his parents and kept this too himself , which is why he is such a loner these days. Luckily the teasing ended about the year he had started his sixth grade year in school. This was also around the time he had gotten very sick out of no were.

The sickness was actually a cover up for the mutation in his DNA to finally show itself , finally showing the powers it had given him. He learned he could climb walls , swing webs and had more physical abilities far beyond the normal human. He kept his powers a secret and went through a year without using them publicly. One day while he was walking home , Derek saw a innocent woman getting robbed and wanted to do so but also didnt want to let someone know he had powers. E quickly put his jacket hood over his head and saved the woman from the man by creating a spiderweb in the corner of the ally then using his webs to grab the man then throw him in it, making him unable to move.

He quickly fleed home so the woman didnt see his face trough his hood , but no before hearing a thanks from her. Going home he took out pieces of spandex and material that his parents had from their lab and created his costume , and donning the name toxic. Just like since he was born , he usually goes home to a empty house or over his grandmothers so his parents do not know of his abilities because of their constancy of being at work till early morning hours. It has been one year since he has became known as toxic , the wall crawler.


1. Web slinging: Derek can produce organic , black spiderwebs from a spot just under his lower palm.

2. Wall Crawling: Derek can cling to surfaces with his hands or feet just like a spider.

3. Spider-Sense: the mutation also created an invisible field around Derek that is four meters wide that allows Derek to sense anything that he can't see that enters that field.


Intelligence: 5
Occult: 0
Strength: 4
Speed: 4
Durability: 4
Ability: 6/1/1
Fighting Skills: 5
Magic: 0
Spells: 0
Flight: 0
Wealth: 1

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 4
Registration date : 2013-07-23

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Derek Darkfire Empty Re: Derek Darkfire

Post by The Bolt August 2nd 2013, 9:42 pm

Approved until stated otherwise
The Bolt
The Bolt
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1262
Age : 27
Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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