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City of Ghosts (closed to Agent Reaper)

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City of Ghosts (closed to Agent Reaper) Empty City of Ghosts (closed to Agent Reaper)

Post by Zell August 4th 2013, 4:29 pm

           Zell Atterrius was working around the clock once again. Saturday night, it was 11:50pm. He wasn't tired, nor did he need sleep. Instead he was hoping to actually get the chance to spend some time with his little brother before he went back to college. Instead he was here, looking at the small 'colony' of the Imperfect that he had inadvertently created by cloning himself. They were getting smarter, growing, adapting, and evolving. They were terrifying. He paced around the circular observatory station, looking down from his one-way window. He watched as the creatures worked diligently, creating and constructing their own small habitat. Zell had only provided them with a stick and yarn, and they had already figured out how to make a weapon…ten minutes later. They were not a race of great potential, intellectually at least, but they learned quickly. Zell watched as the creatures begin to build structures…all of them but one. One began clawing at the metallic sidings. It was clawing relentlessly, letting out a high pitched whine. Time slowed, he focused in, his eyes becoming like binoculars, al color draining form the area. That wasn’t a creature…that was a kid! Zell ran over there he pressed the security code on the wall and the door slid down. The kid stumbled forward.
     “Are you okay?” Zell asked, for some reason his voice echoed, he didn’t pay it any mind, the observation center was empty other than the S.T.A.R.K corps officers and the scientists. The kid’s shoulders were shaking as if it had been crying. Zell placed a hand on the kids arm. The kid was whining, like he was scared. The poor little guy didn’t need this, what the hell was wrong with his staff for doing this to a kid! The kid looked up at him, panting, as if it had been crying.  That face…what the hell!?
       That face was Zell’s face. The eyes were glowing green, and the light ‘cracked’ out from the eyes and spread to the rest of his upper face. Zell let go and back away a step before there was this haunting, twisted little kid voice, like it was straight out of a possession movie. It looked at Zell, shame in it’s eyes.
       “Why...Why are you doing this...Please stop..I-I can't take it anymore...Why did you do this to me? Mr.Summers...why?The voice asked, it sounded like a little kid that had been beaten. The door behind the kid closed. Time seemd to stop, it was Just Zell and the kid making eye contact. Mr.Summers, Zell’s eyes widened, his pupils constricted. The voice suddenly boomed deep and sounded like that of a demon than a possession.“ I'LL KILL YOU!” The kid lunged onto of Zell, it brought back a fist, and brought it down. Zell moved his head, and it punched the ground. There was a dent in the floor and suddenly Zell saw blood spatter from it’s neck, as if someone burned the film, the color returned to the area, the kid revealed to be nothing other than am imperfect, one that Zell let out. It flew off to the side, Shara and Nero were there, guns trained, powersuit cannons armed. Specter phase-walked past Zell and A’s mechanical sentry bots began subduing the creature with beams. The creature was slain. The corpse was dumped into the room through a tube, and Zell stood up, shaken, trembling, and terrified.
      ”Zell what the hell?” Nero, codename Archangel asked him. Worry racked his voice, even through the modifier.
      ”Not your brightest move my Canadian comrade.” Specter added in his very thick Russian accent. Then he offered a hand, which Zell took.
      ”…” Black Halo ‘said’ Black Halo didn’t speak, but he didn’t need to, Zell could feel the worry from the man, he could feel the anxiety, and the frustration.
      “I can’t believe you, do you want to die you little shit?” Shara snapped at him, Zell did his best to avoid her gaze. The last thing he needed were for the rest of the world to learn he was in a relationship with the S.T.A.R.K Femme fatal.
      “Ease off him Banshee, guy almost died!” A reminded Banshee, who was Shara.
       ”Did no one else see that kid?” Zell asked. It was a strained question. A question only met with blank stares. Zell waved them off and began walking off. ”I’ll just go take a nap or something. I’ll be fine…don’t worry.” Zell waved them off and briskly began his walk into the elevator. As he passed by he looked down into the lit observation area, while the dark room faded. For a split second he could see the observation the way it was when he was kept there. It was only like the flash of a camera, or a brief memory. He sighed and repressed the memory once more. Zell sat in the back of the elevator, the doors began to close, and so he closed his eyes, rest his head against the back of the elevator and he sighed.
       “Not happening jackass.” That noise the sound of his kind and gentle spirit…on a rage about his suicidal antic. It wasn’t as if he intended on it. She entered the elevator and closed it.
  ”Shara not now.”
    “Bullshit. We’ll talk now. What was that about, what’s wrong with you?” She pressed, Zell just sighed and began tapping the back of his head on the metal elevator as he pressed the button to take him to his living quarters. Shara was ranting and raving, about Zell going to the bars without powercells, about interacting with magical entities and persons and such. Zell ignored her, which he knew was a bad idea. He continued to do his usual ‘mhm’ and ‘I understand’ mindlessly to everything she said. “You run off to the Amazon on me, then you’re in this battle with all these other people, and then, THEN you start running around to every bar in Chicago. DO you know why I’m upset? Do you? I’m afraid Zell, I’m afraid of  bananas, they chase me in my dreams, and then they use their fangs and then you fell in love with an idiot, and I’m pregnant.” Her tone of frustration never changed, but then she spiraled off on a string of untrue or unrelated events, catching Zell in his state of inattentiveness. She scoff and Pulled the emergency break, the elevator stopped and Shara pulled down her hood, revealing he long black hair and her eyes bearing into the shocked Zell.
     ”The hell babe?” He asked her. She raised her eyebrow and Zell sighed. ”Look…I’m fine, seriously. I’m just having…bad nightmares lately. And they’re sort of…leaking into my everyday life. It’s nothing…really.”
     Fine…I’m here for you…
     ”I know…” Zell said pulling her into a hug. This was the first time he’d been at peace all day. Suddenly his mind caught up with him. He stopped the embrace and pushed her away a little to look her in the eyes. ”Did you just say you’re pregnant!?” He asked. She just scoffed and shook her head, pressing in the elevator button that allowed them to continue their ascent to the CEO suite.
      The elevator reached the suite, and Zell’s arm went up and he pulled Shara back. Something wasn’t right. He didn’t pick up anything immediately, but he definitely knew something was up. His bodyguards should have been at the door. This was a welcome surprise. While Thorgron’s away the villains come to play. Zell turned around and waved to her, pressing the B1 button and waving her off. Zell turned around, and went directly into the living room. His brother was surrounded by unconscious people and still looking at the screen.
     ”Corbin?” He asked the younger Atterrius.
     ”Oh hey. Someone was here to see you.” He said casually. It’s sad when people breaking into your house to try and murder you are so ritualistic that your brother is unaffected.
      Zell turned and followed the yellow brick road of bodies. He finally reached the end and his face went pale. His heart stoppe debating, and he could have sword that he had died. He couldn’t move, he was totally unprepared for this, totally lost for words. The memory flashed through his mind. He remembered stepping from the sub-dimension, getting the drop…the stabbing…the ripping the helmet. The promise. Never before had respect been rivaled with horror.
 A girl, a Russian one…It’s up to you now, to protect her…Protect her at all costs….if it means rising from the dead…. I WILL RIP YOUR FUCKING THROAT OUT.
     Zell all but fainted, he held himself together, praying that this image was just a hallucination. Because if it wasn’t a hallucination….then the bitch was back. The Reaper came to collect her dues.

City of Ghosts (closed to Agent Reaper) Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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City of Ghosts (closed to Agent Reaper) Empty Re: City of Ghosts (closed to Agent Reaper)

Post by The Bolt August 4th 2013, 7:07 pm

”Am I to constantly play your baby sitter?” The question was poignant, and direct. Reaper had lately found herself dealing with people that could barely be called men, and from reports this one would be no different than the last two. The albino pounded against the triple reinforced titanium walls, yet the smallest of dents still revealed itself in the wake of her rage, and the rage was plain within the blood red eyes. Adam Paxton raised a single hand to silence the insolent agent, his hand running over a pile of files, pulling them together and in a single folder.

'Shayla, Dominus has been over looking your discrepancies for years now. However, we simply cannot overlook your latest incident with the young metahuman. You not only failed to capture him, but killed multiple law enforcement agents in one of your rampages.” His voice held a tone id disapproval. The disapproval was even obvious within the wizened grey orbs of his eyes, which always hid behind his spectacles. ”I do hope you do not make a fool of yourself on this mission.”

'Of course not.” She answered tightly, body growing rigid, and hands tightening into fists. He was one of the only people that could make a fool of her without even having to throw a punch, yet she only stood there unable to do a thing.

”I've also been reading over your physical report, and it reads that you've been undergoing physical improvement. This mostly within the areas of your physical speed..” He flipped through a large manilla folders, eyes scanning lines of nearly illegible black font. Part of Shayla wanted to reach across the desk and wring his old neck, and watch the life leave those old, glassy eyes of his. Yet she knew that the holy terror Persephone would be called upon her, and that would simply be the end for Agent Reaper. ”I want you to make sure that any improvements within your physiology are documented and sent to me as soon as possible. Delayed reactions of the Enhancement Formula will need to be documented, so that it may better be utilized.” She nodded, heart clenching within her chest.

”I also need to ask something else.”

”What?” His tone spoke of annoyance.

”Well...I was hoping that perhaps I could be given custody of Agent Etoile.” She used her proper name, and Adam raised a salty eyebrow. ”Having her anywhere near Head Enforcer Salters could prove further detrimental to her mental health, and a broken agent is a bad one.” She slammed her fist down against the metallic table, and the clang reverberated through the room. ”I also know what Salters has been doing to her, and do not doubt that I will do something about it.”

'Are you going to kill him? If so, I sincerely doubt you would live long enough to enjoy the consequences of such an action, and I did not raise you to be a rash stupid girl.” he had her then. ”now are you going to do your mission, or will I have to send someone competent?”

”I'll be on my way.” Reaper stalked from the room defeated and for the most part angrier than when she had walked in, but that was to be expected of a visit with her father. He was father in title only to her, but the closest damn thing she got, considering that she knew nothing about the people that had birthed her. Whoever they were, the two sacks of shit were probably scum to have sold their daughter, but the superhuman traits were also a decent tradeoff. Dressed in only her sports bra and abnormally short shorts, Reaper stormed through the Dominus head quarters, some of the works looking upon her but not saying a damn thing.

Hollow footsteps reverberated off of the walls as she stormed towards her personal armory/room where the best of the Energy Harnessing Initiatives weapons; handpicked by her were stored for missions use. Reaper had designed them after all, so there was no harm in her getting the best pick of the crop. There was also her armor upon a pedestal, all glistening and white, though about as covering as what she wore right now. For a warrior such as her, speed was just as important as strength, and bulky armor could weigh you down when you needed fluidity the most. Fabrics were cumbersome, and so were morals,though Shayla knew that nudity was not allowed. In the end Adam had allowed this specialized armor to be made; one that was both light weight but covered key areas of modesty. Underneath it in a large, transparent storage compartment were her weapons of choice, all of which at least could damage a metahuman pretty good. Her favorite weapon in its own place.

In a blur of motion she armored herself, the deep red Dominus sigil still showing on her pure white armor. Weapons were strung along a tough metallic belt that held all of them, except the advanced energy weapon that powered itself from a small battery on her elbows and the miniature rail gun under her wrist. Enough weaponry to take down a small metahuman army if she were ever called to do that, but then again that was not the mission for Agent Reaper. Blackmail and subversion were the motif and one that she would have to follow to the letter. Hopefully the great head of Dominus had a plan for all of this, and perhaps even something that she could work off, maybe info to use against this target. The transport was all ready, ready to take her to the icy north of Canada, where she would have to make sure this mission went off without a hitch. Father dearest always got so angry when Reaper would not perform to expectations, and that was something that she feared more than anything, and Persephone was also a fear inducer. The bitch had taken down someone as powerful as that Maroon guy, and that was something that even Shayla could not perform. Even the perfect example of metahuman kind could not hope to surpass that.

Upon stepping onto the chopper, she was presented with the document that would have all she needed. The targets name was printed on the front in big red letters “ZELL ATTERrIUS. Reaper eyed the front for a moment, a little amused by the font choice but then proceeded to open the folder and rummage through everything that was compiled inside, though it was nothing that could help her in anyway. Sure it told her the age, and about this company, but then she came upon something that may have been useful. He was involved with a woman, and that was something that Reaper could use. People were always so easy to control when they had loved one to use, and Reaper knew that all too well. However, Lilia was someone whose power was even greater that Shaylas and that made her someone that could not easily be abused, unless of course that person was Salters.  He was one of the only people that Shayla knew of that Lilia would elt abuse her, but it may be something to do with her messed up mind. If over half the things that happened to her had happened to the albino, perhaps she would have ended up the same.

She leaned against the cold metallic wall and waited for the transport to take off, which took a round three minutes or so, but soon enough they were in the air. Shayla hated air travel for sure, but it wasn't like she would bitch about it if that was what she had to do. No, she would just mentally groan about it until she was back on the ground, or she would busy her mind with other things. ”Where are we headed?” She ventured to ask the pilot, considering that she didn't want to waste her time wading through the files to re read where he lived, and it was always fun to ask the pilots, and perhaps ease the boredom of the ride.

”Somewhere in Canada.” he said with a slight southern lilt. Shayla nodded returning her attention to the file, pale lips curling into a smile, though before she knew it she nodded off into a dreamless sleep. What woke her up was the sound of a beeping; likely the chip waking her up. The helicopter had been lowering its altitude enough for Reaper to jump out without drawing attention or hurting herself, and that was her que really. Leaping from her sitting position, Reaper leapt from the plane onto the night bathed  ground and already the target residence was in view. Of course she would have to deal with a few complications but in the end, there were only a few unconscious people and reaper met no resistance form a younger looking male who was fixed intently on the television. If she remembered, it was this Zells brother, or something along those lines.

”Is Zell home?” The boy confirmed that he was not but had noted that she could stay until he was. It was strange indeed but the albino did not complain and chose to sit on the counter in the attached kitchen, pale legs swaying as she waited.

When Zell arrived, he talked to the younger male and then walked into the kitchen to see her but his reaction was very unexpected. He acted as if he had seen a ghost, and almost went as white as her. This caused a smirk to form on her lips, as she went to her feet in a fluid motion. ”Zell Atterrius, right? I was sent here by a certain interest group to talk to you.”
The Bolt
The Bolt
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1262
Age : 27
Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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City of Ghosts (closed to Agent Reaper) Empty Re: City of Ghosts (closed to Agent Reaper)

Post by Zell August 4th 2013, 11:38 pm

  No…it…it couldn’t be. She’s dead! This is all part of the hallucinations I’ve been having! This is all some part of my subconscious getting back at me. This happened every single time I saw something that reminded me of the word Reaper. Zell thought as his breathing became uneven, it was deep labored breaths. They began to increase. He ignored what was merely a ‘hallucination’ and turned and walked into the bathroom.  Niall came out of the bedroom, probably having come from the lab.
      ”Zelly your toxicity is getting up there, what’s wrong?~ Oooh Hello beautiful but underdressed lady.” He said shying away from her. He then went towards the bathroom. Zell punched his fist through the medicine cabinet pulling out a weird serum he concocted in the lab to battle these episodes. The truth was that the episodes had been going on since the conclusion of the battle where he was kidnapped from. It wasn’t just Reaper he was seeing, but h was seeing every person he’d ever wronged. They were haunting him, almost as if trying to pull him into the grave with him. With the swift twist of the pen, he jabbed himself in the shoulder, pressed the medicine pen button and the needle shot in the needed dose. He walked out past Niall, dropping to a knee, and knocking over the majority of the coffee table trying to stabilize himself. He ripped off his tie and wiped his sweaty forehead as he stumbled for the couch. He kept closing his eyes and muttering things under his breath.
          ”Ah, it’s one of those panic attacks! Watch this, he freaks the eff out!” Corbin said as he jumped and bolted to his room quickly. He came back with a poster of the Grim Reaper and placed it in front of Zell’s face, waiting for him to open his eyes. Once Zell did Corbin yelled ”REAPER!”  Zell jumped back, instinctively thrusting his hand through the posted and grabbing his brother by the face. Corbin, being the ususal family idiot, started laughin at hi sbrother’s torment. Zell let him go and leaned his head back.
       ”That’s not funny you little bastard!” Zell snipped at his brother.
      ”Corbin you know better lad!” Niall scolded him as Zell leaned his head back. Once his eyes were closed Niall stuck out a fist with a massive grin and a silent laugh. The brotherly fist bump concluded
       ”Not helping…” Zell said, Niall rubbed th back of his head and turned to Reaper.
       ”Excuse him, he’s having a panic attack. They’re a side effect of…I don’t know…drugs most likely.” Niall said with a smirk.
        ”Wait…Niall you can see her too?” Zell asked.
        ”It’s kinda hard not to...’ey Zell. Is…she….like…getting married to you?” Niall asked. He looked down at her hand where she was adorning the ring that Zell put on her before burying her. Zell cursed.
        Fuck…she’s real He thought with frantic thinking. The medicine took full effect and he started to relax. While this serum was pumping through his blood there was nothing on earth that could worry him or scare him out of his current state. He was as relaxed as it got.
      ”Niall, take Corbin out for me…I need to talk with this…nice lady.” Zell stated. He looked around and saw the security hands lying on the ground. ”Who…so happened to have knocked out my bodyguards…and….that jazz.” Once Niall and Corbin left, Zell looked at Reaper. He stood up and held up a single finger. He walked over to the bar and pulled out an assortment of bottles. ”I don’t talk business with out good flavors. Do you want anything? I’ll let you pick it and pour it yourself if you’re worried about poison.” He offered. He let her have full access to the bar area after he retrieved his drink and sat down on the sofa.”Alright…so what brings you to Excalibur City? More specifically to my home?”

City of Ghosts (closed to Agent Reaper) Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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City of Ghosts (closed to Agent Reaper) Empty Re: City of Ghosts (closed to Agent Reaper)

Post by The Bolt August 5th 2013, 12:06 am

Reaper was somewhat taken by surprise when the guy suddenly went all panicky on her, and that for some reason sent Reaper on edge as her muscles tightened and body prepared. She was ready as if this would spill into a confrontation, but that was not how this was supposed to be. She was not supposed to be fighting, no killing at all. ”What the hell is going on?” She thought somewhat annoyed to herself, trying to hide the blood lust, as if this were somehow inciting predatory instinct within her. Pale fingers dug into the counter behind her, wood splintering from the powerful rip and the albino had to rip her hand away quick. The wood came away with the digets and left it somewhat ruined.

When her attention came back, she found that he had walked away, probably to another room but for something. Why had he gotten like that the moment that he saw her, and why did it bother he so damn much? Was it some sort of stress disorder or something deeper than that? Red eyes narrowed as her mind ran over so many possibilities that it would have been nauseating for the average person, but mental overload was not an issue for one such as her. That was when others came into the mix, including that young boy that she had seen on the couch only moments ago.

There was one with a thick accent that commented on her choice of attire, probably with a tone that was more flirtatious than she cared for. Then  the kid brother, that seemed to only draw enjoyment from his brothers suffering. Shayla could not help but look in disgust, mostly at how family would treat their own so callously but then again she knew nothing of real family. As far as Shayla knew, parents would sell their children if the money was good enough, which meant that her understanding was indeed lacking. ”Panic attack eh? Excuse me while I appear to give a shit.” She muttered far too low for anyone but herself to hear.

The albino took a step forward, now that the attack was over and attractive irish twin and annoying brother were gone. 'I have yet to find a poison to harm me, but no I do not drink. Dulled senses are dead weight for a killer.” She said declining the drink and taking a seat. ”Anyway, you bring me here. I was sent to represent the interests of an organization gaining popularity within America. Dominus, if you might have heard of it.” She rested her head on her hands. 'We were hoping that you would be willing to be a sponser of sorts to our organization.
The Bolt
The Bolt
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1262
Age : 27
Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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City of Ghosts (closed to Agent Reaper) Empty Re: City of Ghosts (closed to Agent Reaper)

Post by Zell August 5th 2013, 12:45 am

        So a representative of Dominus. What on earth could they have on him? Why come to a Canadian business owner to support an American organization. On top of that why send a trained killer. Zell needed to keep his wits about him, something about this smelled awful. This Reaper chick was insane. Zell wanted to ask how she did it, how she managed to cheat death.  They couldn’t know about his identity. There were a handful of people, and those were people who either had no reason to out him. Dominus didn’t know he was the Ancestor. That was out of the equation. They had something on him, they wouldn’t think to send a killer otherwise. Killing him wasn’t a bright idea either, killing him meant a huge shift of power, and NOT in their favor. Making an enemy of Zell wasn’t their intention either, or else they wouldn’t have sent this woman. Being as death himself couldn’t keep the Reaper back, Zell could assume that this bitch could get things done. Dominus wanted, if not NEEDED this funding. Zell would more than willingly give them the funding, but not without the proper information.
      ”Before I could make such a decision I’d need a couple questions answered.” Zell said, almost as if he hated to say it. He didn’t like this. This woman was a ghost from the past…and now the bitch is back. ”They’re fairly simple. What does Dominus do…as in a mission statement. I can’t fund you if I don’t know what you do.  Next I’d need to know WHY you went to the trouble of coming to a Canadian company. Then I need to know who’s in charge…who do I get in touch with? Finally…one last question… No fool comes to the poker table without a chip…a bartering chip more specifically…. The question is ‘What if I say no?’ what then?” Zell asked. His A.V.A.T.A.R was set to go off on a full nanite assault. Everything nearby would be infected and slowly die if anything happened to him. What else is he supposed to expect?

City of Ghosts (closed to Agent Reaper) Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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City of Ghosts (closed to Agent Reaper) Empty Re: City of Ghosts (closed to Agent Reaper)

Post by The Bolt August 6th 2013, 9:04 pm

He wanted questions answered, and Shayla could understand that clear enough. She fiddled with the ring that she had never removed, ever since that damned tournament. She would hold onto it until she found the person that had run her through, perhaps exacted a little payback on him for what he did. Even if he did make good on his promise, no one would do what he did to her without payback. 'Whats our mission statement?” She mused over this for a second, trying to make sure she remembered everything that Adam had tried to drill into her head, and perhaps draw it out fluidly.

”We deal with metahuman threats wherever they may be, though for the moment that reach only seems to be in America. Mostly our targets are known for causing property damage, as well as civilian casualties.” She rattled off, tapping a metallically armored boot lightly against the floor.'As for why you, we know of your company and its seemingly inexhaustible funds. While government funding is generous, its not unlimited and that means if we want to do what we do, we need more than what America can shell out. Because we all know that money isn't endless for them.” She added with a derisive roll of her eyes.

”I'm sure you've atleast heard of Adam Paxton, seeing as he seems to enjoy satiating the masses and their fear of the metahumans.” Reaper stood from her leaning position and bridged the gap between them. ”I think it would be in your best interest to finance us though. Afterall, everyone has someone they love and it would be a damn shame if a certain flame in your life.....”She napped loudly, seeming to make a point. ”Were to go out. I do hope we have an understanding Mister Atterrius.”
The Bolt
The Bolt
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1262
Age : 27
Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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City of Ghosts (closed to Agent Reaper) Empty Re: City of Ghosts (closed to Agent Reaper)

Post by Zell August 6th 2013, 10:39 pm

Zell listened, making sure to come off as highly interested. Meanwhile he was also calculating every last detail in the room. The woman was tapping her metal boot while he recalled her mission statement. A sure sign of a quick temper, justified in her sudden attack on the island. The woman lined up perfectly with that of a callous soldier. Her scarce clothing kept at a minimum made it quite clear the woman had absolutely no insecurity, her previous display of strength made it clear to Zell that she also had a bit of a ‘defensive’ attitude, ready to strike whenever and wherever. So in short she is what Zell would call “A Crazy Bitch’.

    ”So that checks, stopping meta human damages is always a plus. It’s unfortunate that even those meta humans that label themselves ‘Heroes’ cause damages without meaning to. In that aspect I suppose an organization such as this would be the only one qualified to truly claim such a title…” Zell said. He was looking at the table, his nerves not rattled by the woman’s dissertation. He fully agreed with the mission statement thus far, although it did seem a bit ‘loose’ and easily manipulated. Zell indeed heard of Paxton, and while the man seemed to be a stellar leader Zell could tell by the profile of his face that he was a man who was one to manipulate to do whatever he needed to. A man like Paxton was a great asset and ally, so long as their heart remains true and their intentions pure. Sadly men such as Paxton tend to ‘pervert’ and sidestep form their original intent. ”Uh…Yes I have heard of Paxton however the man never really interested me, he seemed very….dedicated, I suppose is the word I’m looking for.” He said, he way rotating the small glad in his hands, watching the drink swirl. He took a sip of the fresh and cold drink, with a refreshed sigh and looked back at Reaper, scanning her face.
 ”Let me ask you something, if I may? Just a question to help me get into the mind of a Dominus soldier.” Zell asked. He didn’t really care if he was given consent or not, he was asking this question. ”A man, acting out of instinct…becomes a murderer, because he defended himself against another man who would have killed him…then the surviving man spends his remaining life dedicated to protecting their ‘family’… would the man who was murdered, who struck out first…have the right to be angry?” Zell asked.

City of Ghosts (closed to Agent Reaper) Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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