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Viktor Chi, Renegade

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Viktor Chi, Renegade Empty Viktor Chi, Renegade

Post by Shiny February 24th 2016, 2:16 am

Viktor Chi
The Bottomless Man

Basic Biography

Real Name: Viktor Chi
Renegade/Hero/Villain Name: Sideshow
Title: The Bottomless Man
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Race: Human, Korean/British
Hair: Ginger/Auburn, Usually Tucked Under A Hat Or Left Totally Wild And Natural
Eyes: Dark Brown
Height: 5'9
Weight: 192
Blood type: A+

The Looks

Picture 1:
Picture 2:
Tattoo Mask 1:
Tattoo Mask 2:

Viktor does not have much of a costume, letting the constantly moving and changing tattoos that cover his body do most of the work for hiding his identity. He has learned to call upon the strange ink like substance that covers his body and bring it up to his face for temporary periods of time, aiding him in hiding his identity.

The Legacy

Personality: Viktor fancies himself very humorous, upbeat, fun-loving, and wild. He is entirely unable to take anything seriously, cracking a joke or making a terrible pun at every chance you possibly give him. He doesn't enjoy the harsh truth of reality and prefers to keep himself far from it, spacing himself away with laughter and good times. It's difficult to get Viktor sad or down, though it's not too difficult to make him angry. He never turns down a good time no matter what it is and doesn't let anyone stop him from enjoying life. Even though he seems incredibly and entirely secure on the outside, he uses all of this fun and enjoyment to protect himself from his own insecurities. He's incredibly good at rolling with the punches and always staying one step ahead of whatever life throws at him. To give Viktor a few titles, he's a lover, a fighter, a prankster, a jokester, a gambler, and a wildcard.

History:  Born on December 1st, 1999, Viktor's life had a fairly normal start. He was born to a British mother and a Korean father in Genesee Falls, a very small town of less than 1,000 people in New York. He was the second youngest of 5 kids, his parents did their best to provide for their family and they managed to scrape by with what they called an "earnest living". Viktor's father was the previous owner of an MMA gym in Brooklyn, and in turn, he taught all 5 of his children how to defend themselves, though Viktor took to fighting a lot quicker than his siblings, and he kept up with it until he finally moved out at 18. With barely any money and a dream, Viktor wandered into Brooklyn with plans of reviving his fathers old boxing gym, but was unfortunately a little too hopeful for his own good. After spending a few weeks in Brooklyn unable to really get off the ground, Viktor, down on his luck, accepted an offer from a strange man. The man offered him a sizable amount of cash in exchange to be a "test subject" for a new medicine he had been experimenting with. The man only gave him a syringe filled with an odd looking liquid and told Viktor to meet him tomorrow afternoon in the local park if he began to experience and changes. That night in one of Brooklyn's many dark alleys, Viktor tentatively planted the Syringe into his forearm as he was instructed and felt a wave of excruciating pain flow through him. His skin burned, his mouth felt so terribly dry as if it had never known hydration, he felt awful, crushing pains in abdomen. Viktor was brought to his knees and he blacked out. When he came to, he felt so incredibly different than he did before. He felt so hungry that he was sure no amount of food could ever fill his growling belly. His skin was covered in a strange, black ink-like substance that slithered and crawled over his skin. He felt this strange heat burning in his chest and in his lungs that hadn't been there before. Viktor didn't go to the park the next day and he never wished to see that man again. He ran from Brooklyn to Queens, using the money the man gave him for rent on a studio apartment he still lives in today. Using the money the man gave him to sustain himself for quite some time, Viktor spent a year locked in his apartment, learning about and testing his new abilities. He eventually slowly began to leave his apartment, buying himself a motorcycle for a mode of transportation and using a stolen police radio to listen for crimes in progress, donning a mask and a trench coat and using minor robbings and other small crimes as opportunities to see what that serum had done to him. He ended up donning the name "Sideshow", due to his very strange abilities and appearance, and the name sort of stuck.

The Powers and Weaknesses


Bottomless Stomach: Viktor has the strange yet surprisingly useful ability of an endless stomach, capable of holding or digesting almost any material, save certain varities of metal. He has also yet to find a limit to the amount of things he is capable of holding in his stomach, and he is able to swallow new material or spit out stored objects at a moments notice. His stomach, throat, and intestinal system function as if made of diamond, allowing him to quite literally eat bullets and even some forms of explosives.

Superior Oral/Guttural Strength: Though it doesn't seem like much, the improved strength in this particular part of Viktor's body allows him to regurgitate items with more force and swallow things others would find impossible.This allows him to spit each object in his stomach out at the speed of a bullet (Which is around 1,700 mph). This also gives him slightly more opening power, allowing him to open his mouth a little wider than the average human.

Tattoo Manipulation: Viktor's entire body, save his face, is more or less covered in constantly moving tattoos that he can use to aid him in combat. These tattoos provide him with a fairly wide variety of extra little abilities, such as high jumping, tendrils made of ink, gliding through the air, and even walls or shields in times of danger. The tattoos also provide a decent amount of protection against attacks, not protecting him entirely but softening the blows.

Breath Attacks: Viktor is capable of emitting waves of fire and/or electricity, but only out of his mouth. Though he himself has no idea what this ability is fueled by, he is capable of spitting fireballs roughly the size of a volleyball and lines and/or cones of electricity at distances of roughly 75ft. Though any other fire may harm Viktor, fire that he creates cannot harm him.

Toxin Immunity Viktor can resistant just about any poison if it is ingested, killing off anything harmful to him biologically, and can resist most basic poisons that are introduced to him through his blood or through the air, though he is still entirely vulnerable to lethal toxins that take this form.


Hot Temper Though Viktor himself believes he is level headed, calm, cool, and collected, he has a terrible temper that can be easily taken advantage of by his enemies. Getting on his nerves is not hard and it always throws off his combat strategy, causing him to make reckless attacks he otherwise wouldn't or run headlong into terrible danger that he would otherwise avoid

Bites Off More Than He Can Chew: Even though often times it's quite the opposite, Viktor has a tendency to think he can handle anything regardless of how out of his league the danger/threat actual is. He is so absolutely absorbed in himself and his new found, yet entirely grotesque abilities, that he sees himself as unstoppable, as if in a constant state of grandeur.

Ugh! That Tastes Disgusting!: Even though Viktor may be able to consume anything without any biological harm to himself, he still tastes everything he consumes, meaning when he inhales things like dirt and sewage, it still tastes absolutely terrible. Though he can endure it for the sake of combat, even Viktor has his limits. After eating enough "stuff" at one time, Viktor has to take a moment or two to vomit and/or dry heave before he can continue using this ability.

Recovery Period: When it comes to his tattoo abilities, though they provide a lot of versatile uses, they can only be used in short bursts and have cooldown periods that he must wait out before reusing the same tattoo power. His super jump may only last for 1-2 jumps, he may only be able to glide for a few seconds at a time, and his shield may break after only a few hits.

Where Can I Get Some Grub? If Viktor doesn't have anything useful around to consume, the majority of his powers are rendered fairly useless. If you don't give Viktor anything to weaponize, he's much easier to defeat.

Ow! That Hurts! Though Viktors tattoos cover his body and provide a sort of shield-like protection against certain attacks, they still contain nerve endings and he still feels and experiences all the pain he would normally feel as if the attacks struck him directly. The tattoos also take time to reform after he's been struck or after they've been cut off or damaged, allowing for decent periods of complete vulnerability.

Hey, Uh, You Gonna Eat That? Due to his bottomless stomach, Viktor is almost always hungry, need to eat 3 or 4 times what the average human would need to eat to feel satisfied, and his satisfaction does not last very long. However, Viktor can draw the nutrients out of just about anything. This is often a distraction or a hindrance to him in combat, since he is weaker when he is hungry.

RP Mechanics

RP Mechanic(s):
Motor Cycle:
Viktor is the proud owner of this odd looking motorcycle that he uses as a mode of transportation, keeping it stored in the garage near his studio apartment. He also must keep himself totally covered from head to toe while out in public so that no one can see his strange, constantly moving tattoos.

Physical Priority
Agility 4
Endurance 2
Reaction 1
Strength 3

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 18
Location : Smashville
Job : Cocktail Waiter
Humor : New Phone Who Dis
Registration date : 2016-02-21

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Viktor Chi, Renegade Empty Re: Viktor Chi, Renegade

Post by Danny The Sphinx February 25th 2016, 4:19 am


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Danny The Sphinx
Danny The Sphinx
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 849
Registration date : 2014-09-28

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