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Fall from Grace [Samael, Knightfall, AAT]

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INV ONLY Re: Fall from Grace [Samael, Knightfall, AAT]

Post by Knightfall May 6th 2017, 8:51 pm

The guard peering into his cell shut the slit quickly and Knightfall could hear him fumbling with the keys to open his cell. Knightfall struggling to get up off the floor to face the guard watching it open only to reveal a familiar hulking build casting a long shadow into his cell. "Break times over assswipe" Nathaniel's eyes widened as two guards stepped into the cell and stood him up against the back wall restricting his movement. Then SnakeFace stepped into the room cracking his knuckles and neck. "Nobody makesss a mockery of Naga!" Naga's arms stretched towards Knightfall and slowly wrapped around his neck coiling and tightening around it. Knightfall struggled to free himself of Naga's grasp to no avail as it started getting harder to breathe.

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INV ONLY Re: Fall from Grace [Samael, Knightfall, AAT]

Post by Samael Christensen May 7th 2017, 1:39 am

Despite how dire the prospect of prison was, something about Ashley always remained chipper and Samael liked that. He didn’t like the black color that rose in his cheeks, but the overall prospect he liked. Feeling like he needed to protect someone just jibed with him, or maybe it was just someone needing him. ”Guards rough you up any?” He asked, letting only minute concern slip into his voice, deep black eyes scanning the male for anything that looked like a bruise. Nothing was there, and so he let himself relax as much as one could. Corrupt guards always made places like this dangerous. Once he was sure there were no guards, Sammy reached under his bed and removed a small box, which contained two candy bars.

Milky Ways to be exact. He offered one to Ashley with a smirk. ”Don’t ask what I had to do to get these.” He then added with a soft chuckle, seemingly joking but giving no indication of whether he was or not.

That was the charm of Samael. No one could really tell if he was joking or not, unless he made it clear.

The cambion relaxed against the wall, pulling a knee against his chest. Some guard passed Ashley an odd syringe, though Samael didn’t say anything about it immediately.

”Looks pretty suspicious if you ask me.” He said with a sigh.
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

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INV ONLY Re: Fall from Grace [Samael, Knightfall, AAT]

Post by Martyr May 7th 2017, 4:48 pm

Ashley shrugged off the question about the guards. He didn't think it was necessarily an important question. They had - after all - not done anything Ashley couldn't heal from much later. He didn't like not having his abilities. It made him vulnerable. He took one of the Milky Way bars and bit off a piece. “Thanks Sammy. Don't know what I'd do without you.” Ashley said chuckling at Samael’s joke - or at least what he assumed was a joke.

The syringe felt heavy in his hands. He grasped it firmly in his hands as he looked around the cell. The cell was bleak, and there was a very dim light coming off the syringe. It felt heavy in his hands, despite only weighing a minute amount. Somehow, it seemed to contain the weight of all those people inside of one jar. He couldn't lie to himself anymore. It was official. The Martyr is the villain in your history.

”I’ve gotta do it, Sammy.”

In the Yard, the next day.

Ashley sat at a table, seeing no sign of the guards from yesterday. Probably hiding somewhere behind their helmets. He saw a bunch of villains and a couple stood out to him. A yellow skinned man with a triangular head and one giant red eye in particular caught his attention. He seemed highly influential even among the most hardened criminals.

He shoved the needle into his arm and drove the plunger down. He felt an odd tingling sensation where the liquid flowed out, and there was a massive burst of energy. He looked at his arms, and he didn't see anything other than the needle sticking straight up. He pulled it out and it cracked into a million pieces, even the metal felt like putty under his hand. Not even a single piece of glass cut into him however.

”Hey,bro. You the Martyr?” A man with the face of a dog asked. Ashley nodded. ”My cousin was in that explosion you caused, bro. You better hope that your immortality still works. Because I'm gonna fucking kill you.” The man punched Ashley, and Ashley flinched away before turning back to see the dog headed man holding onto his fist screaming. The fingers were bent back in an unnatural position, and he really looked hurt. Ashley was surprised at first, then reached for his collar which snapped off like it was nothing.

Ashley grinned. A beam of energy shot from his eyes, and the dog headed man flew back with two holes in his chest. The guards raised their guns at him; but suddenly they became melted plastic puddles in Ashley's sight.

He turned to Sammy, still grinning wildly. "Sammy, I think we just got our key out of here. Let's go get rich!" He said floating over to Sammy and putting his index finger between the collar and Sammys neck. The metal broke with just a minute amount of pressure.

Last edited by Martyr on May 7th 2017, 7:05 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Quote : "Do you want segregation?! Because that is how you get segregation!" - Ashley Jonah Cresswell

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INV ONLY Re: Fall from Grace [Samael, Knightfall, AAT]

Post by Uryurvkos May 7th 2017, 6:39 pm

AAT-08317 laid in his bunk, his eyes closed. It looked to everyone else that the assassin was asleep, but rather: he was still conscious. A group of guards who sat around a table, playing a card game while AAT-08317 feigned his rest. They spoke about some irrelevant details, mostly concerning their encounters with a few of the prisoners and things about their life outside the prison. Between them they distributed bottle-caps of labelled waters and sodas that they used as chips in their little gambling game.

"Did you hear about that package?" One of the Guards asked, as AAT-08317's attention was raised, "Found really, really strange things in it."

"We are in a prison full of metahumans, with some of the most outrageous abilities ever. Is anything really strange anymore?" Another guard asked.

"No, no! Like, the higher-ups seized it really quickly. It was sent in a regular equipment shipment, y'know, rifles and stuff like this. Rumour is, it isn't even listed on any record."

AAT-08317 shifted his folded arms, as he exhaled noisely. The three guards looked up to the assassin, before they excused it as nothing more than a trance in sleep. The third guard shook his head, before he said: "I don't buy it. And even if I did, why would it matter? They are weapons, so use them."

"Unsanctioned equipment? That is a matter in of itself, my man!" The firsr guard replied, "They didn't even tell us they were sending it! That doesn't sound good, at all."

Suddenly sirens went off, as AAT-08317 finally opened his eyes and looked down to the three guards around the table. They all exchanged each other troubled looks, with the exception of the assassin who had nothing but a straight face. Panic suddenly set in, as they dropped their cards and stood up immediately. AAT-08317 dropped down from his bunk, as he retrieved his equipment belt and fastened it around himself. The other guards hastily did so as well, pulling on their gasmasks as a voice crackled over the loudspeakers: "Code 3! Code 3! Alert, all units: take defensive positions around Block A! I repeat, Code 3! Code 3!"

"Is this a drill?" One of the guards peeped, as AAT-08317 glanced toward him.

"Prepare yourself. I doubt it is." AAT-08317 replied, before he removed his sidearm and prepared the weapon. Flicking off the safety, the assassin headed for the door with the group of guards. Others were running with rifles in their hands. The assassin glanced over as a prisoner was being dragged along the ground with medical personnel: two holes marking his chest.

AAT-08317 looked ahead, as he heard screams of terror in the distance.
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INV ONLY Re: Fall from Grace [Samael, Knightfall, AAT]

Post by Knightfall May 7th 2017, 10:56 pm

"Get... off me... cold-blooded... bastard." Knightfall knew it was only a matter of time before he completely ran out of oxygen. Naga chuckled and tightened his grip on Nathaniel's neck, got to love villains right? Man, what would I give to be anywhere but in this situation right now. Suddenly blue sparks erupted from Knightfall's body in a loud crackling frenzy. These hit Naga and he lost his grip on Nathaniel as the blue sparks shocked him back. Knightfall collapsed to the ground breathing heavily as the two guards hurried out  of his cell. Naga ran out of Natahniel's cell, looking over his shoulder and hissing at Nathaniel on his way out. The sparks faded away as quickly as they'd appeared, they had left no scorch marks on the walls or anything. It's as if they'd never been there in the first place. What the fuck... Did I just do?


Knightfall entered the yard the next day, his neck bruised from yesterday's encounter. This time Naga made a deal of staying away from him, hissing at him from afar. He needed to find Ashley and get the fuck out of here somehow. Apparently that wasn't going to be hard to do. As Ashley floated into the air and shot a hole through a man's chest, with his damn eyes. I'll take whatever drug he's on any day, or maybe I'm just delirious? Then Nathaniel noticed Ashley was with someone he recognized as Samael from that party a while back. "Yo, "Super Ashley" it's me Knightfall. We bustin' out of here or what?" Knightfall greeted Samael with a nod. "Nice to see you again Samael." Knightfall didn't have any of his equipment as it had all been confiscated as most meta's gear was, including his helmet. So announcing his presence in front of Ashley and Samael gave him slight discomfort.

Fall from Grace [Samael, Knightfall, AAT] - Page 2 2rggabb
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Quote : "Woo yeah! I'm like fucking Spider-Man bitches!" -Knightfall
"Didn't your parents ever teach you not to play with guns?" -Knightfall

"Show me a hero and I'll write you a tragedy." -F. Scott Fitzgeral

Warnings : 2 Warnings
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Humor : Dark and sarcastic.
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INV ONLY Re: Fall from Grace [Samael, Knightfall, AAT]

Post by Samael Christensen May 8th 2017, 12:16 am

The night was a pleasant one, filled with conversation and made the whole being locked up slightly bearable. In a sense he didn’t even know when he had fallen asleep, but the Yard time came pretty quickly. Samael was not sure what to feel about the concept of Ashley injecting himself with an unknown substance, and yet he did anyway. Black eyes locked with a manner of concern upon the metahuman, waiting for something to happen though nothing immediately did. That being until someone did come along, this odd looking person with dog features.

Samael took a slightly defensive stance, though he was too slow to stop this person from slugging Ashley in the face. Where he expected to see the male knocked to the ground, instead all he heard was the sound of knuckles crunching. Instead of Ashley being harmed, he saw that the guy had somehow hurt himself on Martyr’s face.  ”What...the fuck.’ Samael muttered to himself, as a beam of heat erupted from his eyes, and likely killed the man on contact. Suddenly the concept of living in prison forever was not something he had to worry about. Guns were melted, and then with a casual motion he noted that the power regulator on his neck was broken.

”Getting rich sounds really good to me.’ He said with a smirk, cracking his knuckles audibly. There were a few guards that had remained, though most weapons that likely would have posed him a threat were nothing more than slag now. Someone approached them, though he didn’t immediately recognize this person, only really recalling something after a few seconds of thought. His nails grew to the large black talons that they could become, more dangerous than any shank that someone could drum up.

”So, how about we blow this shit hole?”
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

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INV ONLY Re: Fall from Grace [Samael, Knightfall, AAT]

Post by Martyr May 12th 2017, 5:55 pm

Martyr grinned and clenched his fists; feeling the energy from the serum coursing through him like a freight train. ”Yeah… Let's.” Martyr ran through the wall; face first, opening up a large hole through every wall in the prison.

He found himself face to face with a villain he recognized. ”Mister Magnet?” He asked starstruck by the golden age hero turned super villain. The wizened old man looked up; seeing that Martyr was floating. ”Oh good, the new anti-heroes are going after villains in prison now, eh?” He whispered before holding out his head, waiting to die.

Instead of killing him, Martyr broke his collar off. ”Mister Magnet, welcome to my employ. You know how to use your powers still?” The mans eyes met the glowing eyes of the Martyr and smiled as his own eyes crackled with electromagnetic energy.

Together, Mister Magnet and martyr flew through the prison. MM turning off the collars of those willing to join, and Martyr punching those that tried to stop him. All in all, 6 recruits joined Martyr after this point. And Martyr came back to Sammy and Knightfall; doing a superhero landing in front of them. MM in contrast, gently floated down on a disc made of deactivated collars. The rest of his team also floating on MMs discs.

Martyr broke Knightfalls collar, and glared at him. [color=greenapple]”There. We’re even for what happened in Canada. I strongly suggest you stay away from Las Vegas, Knightfail. That's my turf.”

With that, a disc slipped under Sammys feet and Martyr opened the last wall holding all the prisoners in with a rather large explosion of energy from his hands. He chose to pick Sammy up in his arm, and bridal carry him into the night. Believing it to be safer. Next stop; Toronto, Canada. Then he would rob Fort Knox and buy himself a casino in Vegas. It's about time someone showed Sin city what villainy truly is.

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Quote : "Do you want segregation?! Because that is how you get segregation!" - Ashley Jonah Cresswell

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INV ONLY Re: Fall from Grace [Samael, Knightfall, AAT]

Post by Knightfall May 16th 2017, 2:53 pm

Nathaniel stood in awe as Ashley just strolled through a wall and saw a familiar villain that Ashley now floated over to. "Wow, Mister Magnet? I thought you'd have died in here after all this time." He smirked now as Ashley grudgingly removed his collar and he felt his strength returning to him. "Yeah fine. We're even now. But don't expect me to pay your bail if you land in here again." He paused looking Ashley up and down. "Not that you may need to that is." Crossing his arms he watched as the immortal Martyr flew off with his troop of villainous ex-cons into the night air. "Not a big fan of Vegas as of late. Seems like that won't be changing." Turning around Knightfall made his way back into the prison heading towards where he heard they were keeping everyone's stuff, maybe make a stop by their armory as well. You never know what these types of facility's could be using in terms of weaponry, government funding and all.

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Quote : "Woo yeah! I'm like fucking Spider-Man bitches!" -Knightfall
"Didn't your parents ever teach you not to play with guns?" -Knightfall

"Show me a hero and I'll write you a tragedy." -F. Scott Fitzgeral

Warnings : 2 Warnings
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Humor : Dark and sarcastic.
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INV ONLY Re: Fall from Grace [Samael, Knightfall, AAT]

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