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Fall from Grace (Closed to Pat)

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Fall from Grace (Closed to Pat) Empty Fall from Grace (Closed to Pat)

Post by Silus December 15th 2013, 3:57 pm

Ouroboros glared as Niall stepped onto the stairwell of Valhalla. Of course he could NEVER travel alone now could he? Instead he brought friends, and Ouroboros was instantly angered. How dare he bring them to the sacred shores of the Ethereal Isle!? Has he gone mad, does he truly wish for an early grave? The last time he saw Niall was the night he had lost control. He looked to see that his son, Silus was with Niall, holding onto him, looking at Ouroboors fearfully. The look alone made Ourobor’s heat sink, tears welling up in his eyes. For the first time he didn’t care who saw him in this state. Seeing Silus….it tore his fucking heart out. His mind began racing…for about a five meter sprint…then it slowed down…almost like a fucking leper whose leg fell off in a race.

     ”While I’m always happy to see an Ethereal return to their roots like this…I’m afraid I must ask your friends to leave.” Ouroboros said as he swallowed his saliva, almost literally choking on his pride to not call Silus home. However if he called Silus he would need to call Michael. It was not that he didn’t love his children…hell he could even overlook their undermining him in the real world. What he couldn’t undermine was the potential for them to take his throne. He couldn’t let either of threm take it, not yet. Not while The first Ethereal user could still hurt them. His eyes shifted and widened when his eyes landed upon another being. Ouroboros couls see it clearly…it was himself, the Energy was so damn familiar it was sickening. The difference was that his hair was pitch black and was mated down over his eyes a little. His eyes narrowed, and Ethereals from all over began to back away from the crowd, where as a moment ago the entire city was ready to pounce upon the trespassers. They waited for Ouroborors to attack the man he glared at. ”So you’ve dragged a version of myself to try and reason with me? How surprisingly…. Underhanded of you.” Ouroboros said, still looking at the man.

     ”Pretty sure we’ve gone and pissed all over reason by this point. I’m just here to stop you from making the same mistakes I did.” The other dimensional Ouroboros said, stepping forward. He placed a hand on Silus and smiled reassuringly, which made the little child feel better. The Other Dimensional Ouroboros looked to Ariana and smirked. ”I know it’s hard, but bear with me…please. I’m gonna make things right.” He said with the same reassuring smile. Niall was shocked by the sudden calming of Silus, and how different this guy was form the one just up the stairs. This Ouroboros was apparently the creature the current Ouroboros was supposed to become, except he was…civil. Niall could have sword he, Aaron and Ariana got along fine until the revelation of who he was after the fight with Milla. Niall himself called such a change impossible…but it was apparently. Niall almost wished that the current Ouro was replaced by this one…then everyone could have gotten along…though Niall instantly felt bad about wishing his friend from this dimension away.
  ”Make things right? He..hehe…haaahahahahahaha!” Ouroboros began laughing hysterically as he heard this, clasping onto his arm in pain as he did. He searched the area for any trace of Nether energy, was Sean here..watching this? Despising him for this? It would be only perfect then… ”Make things right? You act like a holy man who’s found redemption…I sense your energy extending out to them…guarding them… You act as if defending Ariana or Aaron means something, you act as if sanding with Niall is going to ever change what you did. The damage is done…and though every fiber of my being lives with regret it cannot be changed. I will walk my way to it’s bitter end. Then at it’s end….though I would never want it….Niall and my children will meet me there.” He said. Silus shittered ror a moment, contemplating what was being said. He tugged on the hydraskin prototype, causing the blonde’s glowing ethereal eyes to snap down to the younger male.

     ”I-if he dies…the that means…” Silus began. Niall sighed and closed hid eyes, nodding. Niall placed a hand on the messy brown hair and let out a little sigh before looking back to Ouroboros…getting a rather amusing reaction. Ouroboros’ jaw clenched, seeing Niall place a hand on Silus, his very being cryed out…the next thing he knew Michael would return and make this intervention even harder. IF only these damn brats really knew why he exiled them…

    ”Only if you die to HIM. You’re going to die, and all of them with you if you go it alone. You’re not in this alone…did you ever thing to ask anyone for help rather than try to remove an arm?” OD asked. The Ouroboros they all knew growled.

    ”Yes…I’m sure they would all just love to help…that’s what the magical families do best. Yes I’ll just ask the Titan’s and the Fae for help so they can stab me in the back or swipe the souls of my subjects. Let me go to the Dwarves so they can continually hate me for whatever reason. Let me go to Niall and ask him to DIE to save the Ethereals. I tried to take the arm form him so I could save him the agony of utter death, so he could be happy. I was willing to die for my people…but now I’m going to die WITH them. We’re just another chain in the cycle…” Ouroboros said. Niall had remembered reading in on of the Dartamease journals that this had happened before. Ethereals gaining power and then his “Jehovah” or self-proclaimed God appears and wipes them away, draining their essence to do who knows what with it.

   ”I forgot how it felt…but seeing myself there now. I remember everything. The entier world gave up on me…even Silus. I felt like I was the only one fighting to keep my family alive. Everything I did was to protect my family…I scratched, clawed and tore at everything just to try and hold onto them…I ended up pushing them away because I knew…it would be easier for them when I died….if everyone hated me…. I did the same thing with Niall when I attacked you all that night… The last Shred of Zell held onto Niall and saved him…the last shred of Ouroboros held onto his and Zell’s new family. Soon…Ouroboros and Zell will be both gone…and there will be just…me.” OD said, only loud enough for the people who came with Niall to hear. He looked around for a moment. He noticed that Lych had arrived, and in an instant he was next to this realms Ouroboros. Cyril landed in the air, perching on a nearby building. The ground quaked, and in the distance Jhurunder Xeir, the titanic beast was moving towards the Ethereal city, toppeling trees as he came. The ground cracked and magma shot form the ground,as Animositus appeared, and a black oozing liquid appeared as Abyssal shed formt he armor f Animositus, his cornflower blue skin and estranged eyes fixated on Silus. None of the creatures were hostile, but they came upon the sense of intruders, they seemed to be awaiting Ouroboros’ command.

     ”I’m not alone…as you can see..I think you should leave now…” Ouroboros said firmly, almost growling as he noticed Silus hug even closer to Niall. He wasn’t going to die, and he wasn’t going to give Jehovah the satisfaction of winning. Ouroboros awaited others to appear to help them, Niall wasn’t bright…but he normally did have a decent plan when it cam eto trying to talk to Ouroboros.

Fall from Grace (Closed to Pat) Lucife10
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Fall from Grace (Closed to Pat) Empty Re: Fall from Grace (Closed to Pat)

Post by The Bolt December 15th 2013, 4:45 pm

Brandon Hale found himself standing only a step behind Niall, fingers clenching and unclenching nervously. He was on the very island where Ouroboros lived, where the man ruled from and where his people lived as well. Something within his blood boiled to destroy the male, to reduce him to nothingness and move on; a primal urge that felt out of place. He looked to Niall, to his twin and then to his mother before warily eyeing the dark haired male, the other Ouroboros. He may be good, but Brandon could not trust him, even with that air of civility about him. Infact, one thing that really annoyed him was the fact that the blonde Ouroboros suggested that they leave, as if he had a choise within the matter. He was heavily outnumbered, not only by one of the most powerful mages within the magical world, but also Niall had his soul sucking arm. If anything, he didn’t seem to have the advantage to talk like that.

Arianna kept quiet for the most part, quietly looking onward, gauging the situation with his twin who seemed strangely naked without the little blonde Titan clinging to his leg. It had been a while however, and something strange had been happening to him, something that worried Aaron more than anyone else. He was said to be tied to Sean, and whenever anything was happening to him, something was also likely happening to his other half, the Titan Sean. Which reminded Brandon of something that he felt was missing, where was that little dark haired bastard anyway? The Hale mused over this while the Ouroboros pair seemed to argue over something, about their race or something along those lines, about how they would die and all of that. That was when he noticed something, people of great power appearing to rally around Ouroboros, his allies, one of them being The Lych himself.

A deep anger welled up within Brandon, his eyesight nearly turning tunnel before he controlled himself. It was within an instant that he then heard a voice, one that was strangely familiar but exotic at the same time. ”So I’m here, took forever to find this place.”

”Well maybe if you figured out the coordinates the first time we would not have had so much trouble.” Another voice much more familiar spoke up, sounding like….Sean’s dad? ”It does seem like we got here on time though.” Michael said with a slight smirk, looking upon those that had gathered. ”Well, save for one son with an emo cut but he’s probably brooding.”

”Yeah I would be doing that too.” The sound of Naes voice cut through the conversation. ’Not sure why I had to come with you two though.”

”Well, perhaps because you didn’t go with the Hales, and I don’t think Silus likes you that much.”

”Puhlease, he totally likes me.” The three appeared upon the scene, the blonde Sean no longer sporting silver markings and his aura of Aether replaced with something else, an energy perhaps familiar to those of the ethereal persuasion. ”So Niall, did we miss anything? I would say so considering that everyones already squared up to mash each others faces in.”

”Well I hope they don’t start without me.” And so the prodigal son returned, Michael walking in not far behind his grandparents and pseudo father. His eyes now taking on their natural color, silver orbs with those flecks of neon green that made them different from his other fathers. He looked from Ouroboros, to the Hales and then to Niall, the one that wielded the oh so scary arm that Ragnarox spoke of, the weapon that could stop all this trouble that was coming their way. He cross arms over his chest, looking to Naes for a moment, perhaps perplexed before turning back upon his father, one that had summoned the most powerful of the isles to oppose them. If anything, he knew that there would be some hell coming their way, luckily enough his other father would not be able to join the frey, or they would have a immensely harder time indeed. Still, with their numbers there was a chance that they could prevails, though to what end he did not know.

”Elena, I thought you weren’t coming.” Arianna said with a neutral tone, raising an eyebrow.

”Well you know me, can’t keep my nose out of other people’s business.” She said with a smirk joing the small group amassed against the Ethereal king, her husband following in close behind. ’Never thought I would be fighting the Ethereal though, it will be….intriguing.” She mused the dragon armor about her body clanging lightly, two crystalline swords within her hands, both deadly from even one scratch. Arsenal wielded a simple katana and what looked like a few high power guns were strapped to his body, as if he were ready in case some kind of great conflict broke out. ”That aside..” Within an instant the five of her most powerful homunculi appeared, Lucy the only one that stayed close to Elena, holding onto her leg and hiding her face under a hood.  ”We aren’t leaving.” Michael looked to his brother, clinging to the irsh male tightly, much like he used to do to Ouroboros, before he lost his sanity anyway. From above Sean watched the events unfold, unable to really hear what was going on, but then again he had the gist of it.

Something major was going to go down.
The Bolt
The Bolt
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Fall from Grace (Closed to Pat) Empty Re: Fall from Grace (Closed to Pat)

Post by Silus December 15th 2013, 6:54 pm

"Marie, a pleasure as always."
     "Marie, a pleasure as always."

      The Ouro's said in sync, a slightly surprised tone. OD didn't recall her being at this event when it transpired in his realm. He lit the cigarette he placed in his mouth. With a puff he blew out smoke through his nostrils, akin to that of the dragon from which his name was born. His emerald eyes fixated on his "twin" as he listened to the family argue. He looked to Michael and smiled widely, before he found himself snapping back to reality. He didn't expect this Ouroboros to believe him when he said he was trying to help. OD had a plan to save his family and possibly make things right, but he also remembered how he felt...he felt as if redemption was too far off. Maybe he was right, but that wouldn't keep him from trying to stop himself. If Ouroboros continues on this path he will win the battle but lose the war, and the war will cost him his family. He remembered burying Michael, Silus...Shael again surprisingly, Jordan and Sean too. Even Niall turned his back to him in his own realm. OD had to stop this if he could.

     Marie, Michael, Michael, Arianna, Brandon, Aaron, Niall, Naes, Silus and OD. Ouroboros analyzed them all, and he lined them up against his own little militia. Lych, Cyril, Animositus, Abyssal, Jhurunder Xeir, wouldn't be joining him in this. This was Ouro's burden to was his fate to face... He also accounted for Jordan, though he wasn't exactly trusting of his son at the moment. It seems he was in fact outnumbered...but numbers don't win wars. Arianna against the Lych, Cyril against Aaron, Jhurunder Xeir could match Brandon Hale in strength and so that was obvious. Animositus against Michael Senior, Abyssal against Michael Junior, Jordan against Silus, Ouro's senschel could take care of a weakly powered blonde Pseud-Ethereal, and that leaves none other than the beautiful bitch herself...Elena Marie. Ouroboros had confidence in his generals, Lych would prove formidable at worst, Animositus' relentless aggression and thick skin made him perfect against Michael Senior, and Abyssal's unique power proved to be most annoying...something Ouroboros knew his son would just "LOVE" about this creature. Jhurunder Xeir would fall...Ouroboros accepted this, it was a good loyal pet, but it was still a pet. Sean was out of this for now...and Ouroboros continued to hope that Sean would not make a plea for his sanity as well. "Marie, it is out of the deepest respect that I ask why you insist upon this." Ouroboros asked, his interest piqued. The woman obviously has no concept of what was truly going on behind the scenes. He would have thought all people to have understood would have been her. It was of little consequence however. Marie was just another obstacle, one that he needed to overcome. For Jordan, Michael, Silus and Sean...

   "Zell...don't do this. I know what I need to know. I want to help you, but you need to stop carrying the burden on your own." Niall said. Ouroboros looked right at him and closed his eyes, cracking his neck before clearing his throat. The man wanted him to share? Very well...he would share a taste of what was happening.

    "The Ethereal race is on the brink of extinction. I would be able to deal with this threat myself had it not been for CERTAIN PARTIES who feared what they could not control. I do not blame the descendants for the sins of the father, but It is a fact and so it is worth mentioning. Contrary to popular belief...I am not a heartless monster out to rampage across the lands and conquer. I am a paladin, a defender and leader of the Ethereal. But before all of that I am a father, and I have a family that I am sworn to defend. I will not dedicate another child to the Etherium...I will not let my mistakes leave their backlash upon the ones I love. But I will NOT just lay down and let our enemy take them away from me. How dense can you all be? I exiled my children to get them away from here, away from He who would se us destroyed and yet you bring them back here...and expect me to simply allow it? I want them, if none others, to survive. And forthright, none of you have any business here in truth." Ouroboros said as he folded his arms, wincing as the left one folded under his right.

   "I know what you're trying to do dumbass, I tried it to. How dense can YOU be? IT.WON't.FUCKING.WORK!" OD shot back. He suddenly saw Silus and bit his lip. "Sorry Si." He laughed awkwardly before looking back to his Other dimensional self.

   "I-it's fine." Silus said as he let go of Niall and made his ay over to Michael and Marie, clinging to the both of them instead of Niall. It felt more like home again. Once he reached them he trembled as he watched what had happened. "I-it's my fault...Shael..." Silus began, but he was interrupted.

   "It's had no control."
   "Si buddy, it's not your fault." OD said, suddenly the 'normal' Ouroboros' face flushed with anger, this creature was pissing him off, quickly.

   "He's just trying to save us..." Silus replied, uncharacteristically brave, seeming to yell at both of the Ouroboros'. It was truth it was one man, divided about how he wanted to try and save his family and his "friends" (depending on which one you asked).

  "I swore to protect my family... I will. Even if I have to protect you from yourselves, even if I have to beat the lot of you to keep you alive...If I have to die. Cyril." Ouroboros said, little did anyone notice that Cyril had been using his frost powers to extend his tail, and in an instant it flew and hit OD, sending him reeling. Lych slammed a hand onto the ground and an Obsidian pillar shot up, immediately splatting him and extending high into the air. Lych rose back to his standing posture, and a sphere of blood enveloped around OD entrapping him. OD had no idea what to do, He wasn't this organized when he had done this. He let lose a spinning sphere of Ethereal energy and fell to the ground, before he hit it and went 'splat' his hands and feet would glow with Ethereal energy, allowing him to descend slowly and remain untouched. Blood rained form the sky.

   "Plans' changed...Niall...stay away from him. Silus..." OD said as he looked to the little boy who clung to his grandmother as if she were his favorite person ever. Silus cringed, but nodded, a couple tears forming in his eyes. He let go of Elena and his eyes began to glow. A magical staff was produced, a snake made of pure Aether appeared upon it, coiling up, meanwhile a serpent of pure Nether also appeared and began to curl up the staff in the opposite rotation. Once the two creatures reached the top, two wings appeared, one bright like a celestial, the other dark like an unholy visage. Abyssal made his move, dark liquid flooding for him and Marie, OD threw his cigarette and it exploded with a pure Ethereal energy, creating a powerful barrier. OD raised his gun and fired it, Dark Ethereal energy phasing through the creature. He had forgotten how unbearable it was to fight that creature. The Creature corrected itself, and moved to attack Michael Junior. Lych slammed his hands together, and bone walls raised up around himself, and Arianna as well. In a flash, Lych had  vanished, only to take Arianna across the Ethereal Isle, into The Veil. He sat upon his throne, an elbow on the throne’s arm and his cheek bone rested upon his knuckles, looking bored. He was certain Marie could follow them if she wished, though it wouldn’t surprise him if Ouroboros kept her…”detained” at the moment.

    ”I have to say I was rather worried. I was beginning to think you’re little antics might have changed him. Do you have any idea how long I’ve been setting this up? The murder of his Father…manipulating him to lose his mother… I even let him throw me from a thirty something story building….all so that I could awake the Ethereal within him. Sabotaging Misanthropy and Godsbane to strike his beloved to hasten the transformation and to intorduce him to Sean. I don’t brag often…but it seems like I’ve done well keeping myself hidden. Though this is a nice reunion as always dear, I’m not about to let you, Nor Marie stop the events I’ve set in motion….though I has always been tragic to me that you and Marie had drifted apart…I rather missed the days when you two would foil my plans… who knows…perhaps this is supposed to be a blesssing…just like old times, no?” The Lych’s raspy and supernaturally echoing voice carried out to Ariana, as she blasted free form the bone with a blast of Aether. The Lych broke into a little malicious laughter.
*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *  

      ”Brandon, you gotta take that guy or the monster outside the city, thank you kindly.” OD said quickly as he motioned to Animositus, that was charging towards OD and Michael Sr.  Jordan ran up towards Silus, but stopped, looking to Michael Jr. then to Silus. He was conflicted and not a threat at the moment…despite his dislike of Sean, it seems blood realy does run thicker than water. Cyril took to the skies and began to fly around overhead, throwing ice spikes at Aaron with intense speed and strength. OD was careful to watch and judge the force, if it was too much for Aaron’s telekinesis, he had his two guns ready to fire out Pure Ethereal and Dark Ethereal energies and shatter them. Zakaken leapt from the building, bearing fangs and two pistols of his own, it was almost instantly clear where OD had claimed the pistols from in his dimension. Upon landing he shot out Pure and Dark Ethereal shots at Naes.

     Meanwhile, Ouroboros just stood there, looking up to Sean, and then down to his mother. He just stood there, looking at Marie, waiting for her to make the first move…almost…reluctant to fight the battle he had tried to prepare himself to fight. Could he really bring himself to do this to Sean? Hasn’t he hurt Sean enough…to fight and potentially kill his mother…or die to his mother… what wuld that do to him? No…Sean was strong…or so Ouro kept telling himself as he tried to move and make the first strike…but he just couldn’t.

Fall from Grace (Closed to Pat) Lucife10
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Fall from Grace (Closed to Pat) Empty Re: Fall from Grace (Closed to Pat)

Post by The Bolt December 15th 2013, 8:28 pm

Elena Marie inclined her head, acknowledging that both Ouroboros seemed to know her. Perhaps the Elena Marie of another dimension knew the dark haired one, an Ouroboros that had made the same mistakes that this one was going to make. Marian stood closely to her siblings, all artificial humans staying silent within this minutes debate that would turn into an all out war of gods, one that she was unsure that she would walk out of alive. She had rested much, mostly because the woman was told that there would be some kind of great conflict, one that her celestial body would need to be at 100% for and so that was what she was. One thing she was wondering more than anything was where her son was, considering that the female was more than aware that he was allied with the ethereal male, perhaps staying out of the conflict.

Fingers tightened around the handles of her weapon in preparation, her husband not doing anything, other than looking blankly at Ouroboros, looking over every small move that he made. He was with his wife, The Crimson Witch and the scourge of the families; there was no way they would lose with her about. If things went south, then she could summon her army to take the island with one fells swoop, thousands of homunculi ready to do her will. ”Because I can see the fallacy in your actions, as good as you want them to seem. If what I’ve been informed of is true…its my duty to stop you.” She stated simply, looking about to those that would aid her, sizing up what she knew. Brandon was powerful, and his strength would prove useful in the coming battle, especially against the large thing whose very steps would shake the earth.

She had no fear of the ethereal, an energy like any other, and one that could be opposed with equal force. Infact, Marie never deigned to touch the energy, if only because she hated disappointment. If even what half of what Arianna told her was true, then she would not allow the Ethereal king to continue to foolishly endanger her family. She would not have her son, as well as grandchildren die only to assuage this mans ego, that he could save them the way that he was going. The crimson witch felt something tug at her leg, Silus pulling himself closer to her and his elder brother, a young man that had some of Sean’s features as well as something else that spoke of his father. How Silus acted reminded her of Sean when he was that young, bringing a warm smile across her lips, as she ran her fingers through his shaggy hair softly. She was a grandmother, and these her grandchildren; something that she had given up hope for long ago. No way would she allow them to die. Something was bothering him however, and both versions of his father were quick to comfort him.

The frost dragon was the first one to act, attacking the dark haired Ouroboros since the other deemed him the first one that he wanted dead. However he seemed more than capable of protecting himself, and that meanr everyone else would have to do their duty. The Hales were already on moving to defend themselves, Brandon perhaps acting out of instinct to make sure no harm came to Niall, while Aaron and Arianna did what they did best; stick together. Within that moment Elena felt Silus let go of her, and that meant that she would also have to go into action, eyes aimed upon Ouroboros. First Abyssal would make his way towards Marie and OD, but became sidetracked and then aimed for Michael jr, someone that was more than ready. ”Come and get me you abyssal fucker.” He cursed not intending to hold anything back, his energy rising within him, and launching a volley of dark ethereal bolts at the being.
Arianna however found herself transported by the Lych, to a place where nether was rich and where he would be most powerful, a place that Arianna did not want to be. This was where he revealed his great evil scheme, almost like she expected a villain to. The skeletal cage was easy enough to break, Arianna using a blast of Aether from her gauntlet before looking upon the Lych, who only laughed. ” So this was all part of your plan, but to what end? What could you possibly gain from awakening the ethereal within Atterrius? You who couldn’t gain it for yourself.” A silver gauntlet formed upon her other hand, a smirk forming upon her lips.
”Will do” Brandon said with a nod, looking to the large beast that was charing towards Michael jr, his eyes narrowing his he burst into motion. He was barreling towards the monster as his wings appeared, black feathery things that flapped powerfully as he slammed into the monster with all of his strength. With every ounce of his strength, Brandon wrapped his arms around the thing, and took flight into the air as it flailed against him, moving at a speed that would have him leaving the city within minutes, and that was where he would slam it into the ground.

Aaron however was having a hard time with the dragon, its ice spikes a little more powerful than he could deal with, but luckily OD dealt with those that he could not stop from hitting him. Zakaken began his assault upon Sean’s other half, though he already saw that coming, easily sidestepping each shot at him. ”You’ll need more than that to kill me Zakky.” He mocked looking quickly to Sean before back to his foe. ”I’m not weak like my other half.” In that instant an immense energy burst from him in an aura, a conflagration of many hues, all outlined by serene silver, mixtures of light green, dark purple, blues, blacks, grey and radiating a strange feeling that would drive anyone with a small amount of magical energy away from him. ”I'm not here to play around with you, so this will be quick.” In an instant he was in motion, wielding two blades of the energy, all aimed to slice through the vampiric ethereal.

Elena Marie now stood before Ouroboros, Michael not too far from behind her, passive as if he were waiting for something to happen. ’It looks like its just you and me Ouroboros, so I suppose that means we have to fight.” She mused, motioning for Michael and the others to join the rest of the fighting. ”Unless you’re weighing what Sean will think when one of us die at the conclusion. Sadly it’s a little too late for turning back now however, and I’m not going to hold back” She said unleashing a torrent of golden fire upon the ethereal.
The Bolt
The Bolt
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Post by Silus December 15th 2013, 10:49 pm

      "I don‘t doubt that… honestly this was over a long time ago… when one of your lackey‘s attempted to kill that Canadian senator, when you ousted Zell Atterrius for being a hero in an exosuit." Ouroboros said…He closed his glowing emerald eyes, and when she brought down the torrent of Celestial fire at him, he opened them again. His pupils were gone, and an Ouroboros formed where his pupils had once been. With his ungodly reaction time, he activated his Ethereal Transportation belt. He was instantly behind Marie, his back almost perfectly to hers. He noted Michael nearby, and he was prepared to move out of the way. His eyes allowed him to see the energy inside Michael…it was akin to that of Silus’ wolf, Hocus. Though the application was very much up to speculation, the power could simply be a stronger form, or it could be an explosive barrage, many, many variations to consider. ”What would you do? How would you keep them safe? How would you protect them? I’ve done everything I can with the hand I’ve been dealt. Time to show our hands I suppose.” He said.

     No sooner had he said that, The Imperium and Misanthropy had flashed in from nowhere with an almost instantaneous warp in reality. Imperium was at Marie’s throat and Misanthropy in Ouroboros’ hands. Pure Ethereal and Dark Ethereal energies roared in opposing tones. Though something was different about them, when they called out, they called out words.

”Destroy them all!
”Protect them.”

      Ouroboros froze, he was in total shock, Michael obviously didn’t take to Ouroboros appearing behind Marie very kindly. A fist was thrown, Imperium (who refused to kill Marie) moved and positioned itself between Ouro and Michael Sr. Ouro’s concentration was throne off as the blade was hit, meaning Ouro only had a fraction of a second to move. He leapt forward and landed at the base of the stairs, looking over his shoulder at Marie and Michael Sr. Misanthropy in hand his eyes flashed, and The Imperium moved to his aid. Ouroboros clenched his free fist, his knuckles cracking as his arm shook.

     ”What are you blind?” Niall said with his Irish accent. Ouroboro’s eyes widened as he looked to Niall, his energy vivd and alive, yet still repressed. Niall’s face almost paled over at Ouro’s reaction. With a skillful swing, Ouroboros sliced a portion of Niall’s arm, just enough to cause a little blood to trickle. Trying to put distance between him and that potentially terrifying arm, he moved back, his sensory being careful to perceive any incoming noise. Holy shit…he‘s really blind… Niall thought to himself. How was he expecting to keep up with Marie if he couldn’t see anything? Fortunately for Ouroboros, blindness was not an imparement against a person who’s energy shined like a celestial light.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    The Lych stopped laughing, and he stood from his throne, looking up to the night sky. He let out a satisfied sigh as he pulled off the hood to his robe, the skull itself was warped, twisted into a sick smile full of razored teeth. The Lych’s bones began to rattle as he stepped forward. Something was different about him. Arianna would soon realize that the Lych was…different somehow. The Lych’s left arm turned to Ash, and was blown away by a light breeze that went through The Veil. His one eye socket filled with a strangely familiar energy, and his one arm was encased in the same energy. Within moments Skin formed over his body.

   ”But I HAVE gained it…Arianna” The voice was different, and a terrible wave of Ultima energy echoed throughout the Isle, one even more powerful than that of either Ouroboros on the Isle. ”I must took me a long time to do it…but I have perfectly replicated the body of the First Ethereal user. Since my “new form” is consistent of only the most powerful of Ethereal parts, and my very bones are infused with the godly essence, I have been able to graft myself into a living and breathing Ethereal.” “Jehovah” said with a laugh, his real identity of being The Lych exposed to Arianna, and Arianna alone at this moment. He had apparently done the impossible…He had once been a man who was not fated for Ethereal energy, who reached out and grabbed it anyway. A man who was cursed…but he had now turned his curse into a very powerful blessing.

   ”It was my pleasure Enthralling The Atterrius child….speaking to him that night the deal between the Titan and the Ethereal King was sealed. It was my pleasure to play with Sean’s mind, poking and prodding him into the genuine belief that he was “addicted” to the Ethereal energy. It was my pleasure to force Niall to his Death….just as it is my pleasure to do so once again.” He said, and his eyes began to glow the same color as Niall’s., Arianna didn’t need to be there to know exactly what was going to happen.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    Niall, once so long ago, after dinner heard a voice…one that promised him that he could bring Zell back. Little did he know that it was cancer buried within, flourishing and sprouting. It had been placed there long, long ago, back when Zell Atterrius was still the Ancestor Dragon, even back then the very Soul of Niall was plagued by the Lych’s seed of evil. The evil within him was ever so easily disguised, where the Lych himself hungers for souls, it would easily be disguised by Niall’s arm, the Arm of Ragnarox. Ever since his first use of the arm, evil tendencies had begun to sprout, and now it was in full bloom.

    Niall dropped to the ground, eyes lit up like a Christmas tree, as Lych’s energy surged from him. Zakaken chuckled as Naes side-stepped the bullets. Cyril used the cries of pain to his advantage, when OD had looked over to Niall, Cyril lashed out with his frost breath at Aaron, while throwing down his iced over tail with extreme precision. Zakaken held out a hand, and form the cut in Niall’s arm, Ethereal energy seeped out in a blood-like viscosity. Niall having “Ethereal” energy for blood was no exception to the rule of Zakaken…he used blood, ALL blood. With that, he sent out a shockwave of Ethereal energy, at the current moment it was bound to hit Naes, though the little bugger was fast, and nothing was certain with a Collin…

     Abyssal didn’t respond to Michael’s taunts, and as his body was hit, it reverted to liquid, only to reform. Michael would likely find the situation as frustrating as Sean did. Ouroboros closed his eyes, using the nanites form his visor to send a message to Michael.

     Don‘t just fire out at him…use your head. He is not being affected, he‘s somehow still surviving. This is why we spent all of these weeks in the woods playing ‘survival‘ remember? The nanites carried the message form Ouro to Michael…Ouroboros remembered and smirked, it seemed as if his memories were the only place he could remember anymore. He remembered teaching Michael to survive…Sean even hopped in when he felt like it. That was back when it was just Sean, Michael and Shael though. Jordan was always a little too busy to do anything Sean did. He’s manipulating this ink-like water, right? Well when you blast it… it- Ouroboros thought, sending the message to Michael. Michael never really did get the low down on Abyssal, it was only fair for Michael to know that Abyssal wasn’t your conventional foe…Hopefully Michael would be able to finish that thought for him, because Ouroboros found himself distracted when the Arm of Ragnarox flew at him, he could definitely see THAT energy clearly. The Imperium defended Ouroboros, and Misanthropy moved upon it’s own volition, break free form his grasps, and swung at Niall. Ouroboros actually gasped, and was staggered. He had finally put two and two together. He had no idea how he did it....but the Lych did it. His enemy had been a creature he believed he controlled the entire time. Ouroboros Grunted, knowing exactly now that the Lych had been an agent of his enemy...little did he know the full story however. Animositus, with a beat-like roar hurled himself over Ouro and Niall, and landed on the Ethereal stairs, glaring at Michael Senior with golden glowing eyes of hatred.
* * * * * * * * * * * *

     Brandon had dropped the large beast, though it’s largely durable body only received it as if it were a regular strike. Jhurunder Xeir, the large ass creature of the Final Frost, had been rebuilding itself since it’s defeat at Sean and Sam’s hands, and now that it came back, it came back with a vengeance. The wind became frigid and winds picked up as a snow storm began, The snow was thick and heavy, and the large creature’s breath could be seen as a deep blue frigid mist. It leapt at Brandon, it’s primitive mind thinking only that winds mean no flying, and leaping at a ground target with fierce fangs was a good idea to get food. Though it didn’t know the extend of Brandn’s durability or ability to fly in winds, though the winds weren’t exactly beyond means of a Hale.
* * * * * * * * *

       OD had leapt into the air, conjuring Ethereal wings and floating there on wings of celestial light. He wasn’t too far from Sean, his gun was aimed down, trained on Cyril’s back. With a shot, Cyril’s wing was pierced and he was grounded, meaning that he and Aaron would be taking the fight on foot. He holstered his guns and let out a small hum. He almost expected Sean to say or do something, but before Sean would even have had the real chance, he spoke.

      ”So…” He started. He let a small pause take the moment, over the fighting below. ”Is this where it all falls down?”

Fall from Grace (Closed to Pat) Lucife10
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Fall from Grace (Closed to Pat) Empty Re: Fall from Grace (Closed to Pat)

Post by The Bolt December 17th 2013, 9:52 pm

Arianna narrowed her eyes, taking in everything that the Lych said, though within that moment she found out that he was something different. A wave of Ultima energy filled the area, and within that moment she knew that things would not be going well now, even with her new weapon. A multifaceted orb of crystal formed on the back of the silver gauntlet, glowing multiple colors before settling upon something. ”Unfortunately, you won’t be making it past this point.” She stated plainly as the gem began to radiate energy, one that seemed to mimic that which radiated from Jehovah; in both intensity and in pure volume. ”The only one who will be dying here is you.” Within an instant the gem cracked, and from it a strange colored liquid poured forth, covering Arianna’s body much like an armor, veins of energy pulsing through. From her back what looked like two small ports formed, energy spilling from them much like a jet and she was lifted into a hover.

Her eyes took on an otherworldly glow, one that denoted a strange power coursing through her. Energy then began to coalesce around her in the form of a sphere, the very air growing agitated and within an instant a shockwave of the energy was unleased, destroying all it touched.
Marie was ready, the celestial fire roaring towards Ouroboros, and her own body prepared to deal with whatever counter measures she doled out. Michael reached for his katana, energy coursing through it as he waited for Marie to give him the opening that he needed. However, within an instant the male appeared behind the red haired sorceress, blades already appearing within his hands before he could even react, before the celestial warrior could even hope to react. However, it seemed that something stopped him from striking the killing blow, and he was able to get into movement before he rectified himself. A fist was thrown towards the ethereal king, blade meeting it as some blood was drawn from his knuckles, and the diminutive male stepped back quickly. It seemed that he was dealing with a superior combatant, which meant some steps would need to be taken. That was when Niall, the one with the rather distressing arm spoke up, something about him being blind and soon being proven correct.

”Blind eh?” Marie mused with a small smirk. As much as she did not enjoy having to kill someone that he son seemed to care for, there would seem to be no other way. However she did not hold any false hopes about him being blind helping, considering that she radiated enough energy so that he could follow her movements. When Niall dropped to the ground, which was when she sensed a strange energy from him, something that caused the celestial energy within her body to force her to take a step back, eyes narrowing. Something was up, and the crimson witch could not tell what exactly. She turned towards the other versions of Sean fighting against the vampiric ethereal and then returned her attention towards those that she was dealing with, the Celestial Queen combating the Ethereal King.

Zakaken drew upon the ethereal blood within Niall, one that was energy itself and threw a shockwave at him. Silver orbs darted about, taking everything that was happening around him in quickly, each movement seeming extremely slow. Aaron was the one that was having the most trouble, and he would not allow the Hale to die so easily, even if he would have to deal with both Zakaken and the dragon at the same time. If Sean could kill a dragon, he would not be outdone by what was his other half could do. If Cyril was anything like the dragon king, then he would be not too hard for the male to kill. With a seamless motion, the male punctured through the shockwave by hurling a small amount of his own ethereal energy at it. Then using that moment to jump through the shockwave and safely land on the other side whilst the attack continued on. Forming a canopy of energy over Aaron, he managed to mostly stop the attacks, and what few broke through Aaron was easily able to stop with his telekinesis, OD taking that chance to help him out.

Arsenal turned around when confronted with the beast Anomositus, while Michael dealt with his more annoying twin, each attack proving as ineffectual as the last one. He would strike at it with ethereal energy, and the being would reform as if he had done nothing to it. ”Damn this thing, why the hell won’t anything work?” He cursed under his breath, continuing that barrage that barely kept the thing at bay, though at the same time was draining him quickly. If Michael did not think of something quick, he would find himself dead before this battle was even over with. That was when he heard his father’s voice within his head, transmitting thoughts to him, perhaps giving the male hints at how he could hope to kill this thing.

He brought up memories, ones when things were a lot less…hectic.When he taught him how to survive, occasionally both of his parents even choosing to join him in that. What came next however gave him something, a sudden insight that was lost upon him before. If he were manipulating something that meant that either this body was simply a shell with a squishy core, or that this was not even his true body. If the latter were the case, then that meant Michael needed to only find where his true body was, and then he could deal with the bastard once and for all. Drawing upon more of his power, Michael unleashed a powerful blast upon his energy, reducing the body to a point where it would take a little time to reform, and that was when he would make his move, to look for where that body was. Michael sr made a few experimental slashes against Animositus, making sure to avoid any counters, as he prodded for a weakness within the monster.
The collision with the ground scrambled Brandon’s concentration slightly, but not enough to throw him off as he took a deep breath and prepared to continually wail upon the creature. Within an instant however Brandon felt the snow pick up around him, and the cold whipping against his skin, not too good when he was only wearing a wife beater and blue jeans. His skin felt cold, painfully so and that meant that he would have another distraction within this fight, but he would not let it stop him now. Black wings beat against the wind, overpowering them immensely and proving that such winds would not be able to stop him from taking flight if he so wanted to. However, the thing was strong enough to throw him off, and then aim for the kill, large teeth aimed to rip him asunder. The Hale had little time to react, as the large beast fell upon him with all of its weight. As quickly as he could, Brandon move to his feet and thrust a fist forward, connecting with the beast’s throat and a resounding boom spread out through the air above the howl of the wind. A pain moved through his fist, and he felt slick blood run down them, but nothing was broken, and he would not be taken down so easily. Pulling a foot back, he kicked upwards, once again creating a loud noise and launching it in the air somewhat. With a flap of his wings he moved too, slamming fist after fist into the things stomach, juggling it within the air, as each hit opened the wounds on his knuckles more, and the snow began to blind.
With a show, OD managed to ground Cyril, and that meant the Hale would be able to deal with the dragon without his flying about the air. Fingers curled around an amulet on his neck, and with a thought the torrent of flames poured out towards the dragon.

”Everything already seems to have fallen.” Sean noted simply, resting against the window that he was peering through. He attempted to draw upon the nether, expecting a response but getting nothing, not even the tiniest of sensation. ”There’s nothing any of us can do.” he sighed, resting his chin on the only limb that would support it, dull grey eyes looking over the battlefield.
The Bolt
The Bolt
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Fall from Grace (Closed to Pat) Empty Re: Fall from Grace (Closed to Pat)

Post by Zell December 19th 2013, 9:46 pm

"Well well well, what have you cooked up this time?" Lych mused as he watched Arianna begin with her self-righteous attack at him. He was taken off guard however, to find that she struck him not with the Aether he had been expecting. She struck him with Ethereal energy. Granted it wasn't Ultima such as his own, but Ethereal energy was Ethereal energy. Arianna seemed to have done the impossible, she found a way to harness the Ethereal. Lych prepared a wall of energy before him, one that melded back and formed around him as a convexing shape to envelop him. He was protected from the blast, but his shield was consumed in the process. His energy was immeasurable in comparison to that of any other Ethereal, yet Arianna and her item had shattered his shield. Lych was shocked, utterly stunned. All his time as a skeleton made him forget how it felt to feel ones eyes widen. Once again, Arianna has found a way to level the playing ground.

      "Niall...reap the Hale." Lych said, his voice as a whisper, his eyes glowing as his command was whispered in the ear of his thrall. Lych's jaw clenched as he looked back to Arianna, a sadistic smile peeled through his pale lips as his eyes fixated If nothing else this would be most interesting.
* * * * * * *

   Ouroboros felt a large wave of Ethereal energy fly through the area, like a breeze. It was an energy like that he hadn't felt in a long time. It was Ethereal, but it was unspecialized. It lacked devotion or alignment, it belonged to neither dark nor pure, nor even Ultima. It was that of an infants energy...a very powerful wave of it. This energy did not belong to the Lych, and it did not belong to anyone nearby. The only possible source was Arianna, but that was impossible because he never sensed the energy from her. It came as a flashback to him, Arianna pulling out that damned weapon and ruining the Atterrius body... That would serve more reason. She has enchanted something to mimic the Ethereal. But this was not a simple mimicry trick, no it was far too vivid to be a dolled up fake. She must have had an equally powerful Nether source. But that alone does not make Ethereal energy. Sean having been Death Incarnate and a race of Nether beings only makes suspicion arise upon Elena Marie. Ouroboros's eyes narrowed as he grunted, looking to the Celestial Queen. But even of them needed to have access to souls in able to make it Ethereal.

     So either Arianna has made some deals... or Marie is more skilled than I had anticipated... He thought to himself. Either way he was not happy to admit such a thing. He smirked at Marie, noticing that Animositus energy was now engaged with Sean's father. Animositus proved to take little damage from Michael, cuts and bruises...but unfortunately Animositus was having a hard time using his excessive strength against such a combat skilled opponent. It was literally watching a nimble little fighter kill with cuts while the brute made large grievous wounds but never landed a damn hit. 
* * * * * * * *

     Zakaken just kept smiling that sick sadistic smile as Naes leapt through the shockwave. His crimson orbs watching as OD punctured Cyril's wing. Zakaken held up his own gun at the black haired Sean, letting out a shot. Cyril crash landed in the middle of the battlefield, roaring as His frost breath enveloped the area before him, Silus threatening to be consumed alongside Naes an Aaron. Abyssal found himself discovered, but his true location was a well guarded secret, one that Michael would never find with conventional means. Meanwhile the black ichor was nearly surrounded upon the battlefield. Stray pieces of the slime began to converge, though no body was being formed. Instead the black liquid began to twist and slime it's ways upon the Axis power's members. If it were not on the palace stairs, and it weren't of the Ethereal forces, it would soon be trapped to the ground.
* * * * *

    Meanwhile, Ouroboros' prediction about his pet was accurate. His pet was indeed losing this battle, and sadly...perhaps it's life. Xeir let out a roar, it's lungs so powerful that the air around it was forced away, creating a vacuum right after repelling anything near him. The creature would die, but not before it fought for it's master's favor. Xeir dove head first into the ground, it's large body almost perfectly settling into the snow. The winds began to pick up, and suddenly spikes of ice shot up into the air, aiming to impale the Hale.
* * * * * *
   "Yeah..." OD said as he sighed, trying to keep tabs on everything going on below. He noticed a blast of energy headed his way. Stepping between Sean and the blast, OD growled as his arm bled before looking down at Zakaken, who still had that same goddamn grin. "I...never got the chance to ask you. Do you regret anything? don't need to answer that." OD said as he pulled out another cigarette and lit it up. With a sigh he exhaled smoke, before looking to Ouro and Marie.

    It was odd that Marie showed up here. In his realm she wasn't even able to find the Isle at the time, even with Michael's direction they couldn't get past the enchant- OD paused his face turning grimly serious for a moment. He was totally focused on the battle. Marie's sudden appearance forced a revelation upon him. He remembered luring Arianna and the others to the Isle by lowering the enchantment, but after Niall appeared with the Hales it was reactivated...which is why Marie never appeared to stop him. This means that the current realm's Ouroboros had LEFT it down...practically letting Marie waltz in. He wouldn't make a mistake like that, not against someone like Marie. Being Sean's mother was enough of a reason for Ouro to take her as one of the highest threats to him...

    OD still struggled to understand the reasoning behind leaving the barrier down... why would he just open himself to the Scourge of the magical families? What was going on here?

Fall from Grace (Closed to Pat) Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

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Registration date : 2013-05-07

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Fall from Grace (Closed to Pat) Empty Re: Fall from Grace (Closed to Pat)

Post by The Bolt December 19th 2013, 10:35 pm

Arianna could feel it rush through her body, enriching her very cells with the ethereal energy. It was within the moment of release that she felt more powerful than ever before, like a goddess given flesh. It seemed that whatever Marie had created worked, harnessing and controlling an energy that was once thought beyond her. It seemed that nothing was beyond her, nor the scourge of the families, nothing at all. Even if the Lych managed to block her attack, it was more than enough to prove that she was not something to be trifled with. ”You’re not the only one who’s been plotting Lych. I’ve managed to harness the ethereal, no, me and Marie have actually. Looks like me and she will be foiling you again, like always.” She said with a smirk, floating lazily a foot above the ground, energy pulsing like an aura around her. One foot pressed against the ground, eyes narrowing as she let one arm drift upwards as the very armor molded.

Within an instant what looked like a blade formed from the end of the gauntlet, made of a strange crystalline substance pulsing with ethereal energy. If anything, she was once again on equal footing with this being that took the form of Jehovah, and something told her that Marie would have wanted to chance to kill this bastard. ”No Hale’s will be reaped either, you’ll find that we’re more prepared than you could imagine.” In an instant she disappeared in a small cloud of ethereal energy, appearing above Lych with an orb of energy within her palm and plunged it down upon him.
Marie felt it from here, a wave of energy that could only be identified as ethereal energy and all she could do was laugh loudly. She had done it, and all it took was one of her precious little artifacts. Pouring over both celestial texts, as well as what Arianna offered her, Marie managed to actually give a human complete control over ethereal energy. It may have been a last minute thing, but she was sure the female would have plenty of time to actually defeat their boney foe with that all powerful weapon. Both her limitless knowledge, and Arianna’s enchanting expertise went into that weapon, and they would not be wasted. ”Looks like my plan worked afterall, too bad I couldn’t make me one.” Marie muttered looking the ethereal king over, searching for a weakness within his stance that she could exploit. Michael was having trouble with the monster set upon him, but it was unable to strike him, simply flailing and missing.

”Things are starting to get heavy.” She muttered dismissing the crystalline weapons and drawing upon her eyes, a dark energy filling her being, and turning the bright celestial energy dark as the abyss. A small trickle of blood fell down the side of her face, as pain lanced through the eye, iris contorting until it took on the form of a black ouroboros. Shadows began to twist and contort, moving to her whim as they became something else, a substance that was said to devour the very soul even. ”Lets see you dodge this.” In an instant a wave of the dark energy erupted from her eye in a beam, consuming all that stood in its way. One could feel the dark energy spread, corrupting all that it touched, and if it touched Ouroboros, one could only assume the damage that would be caused by it.
With each strike Brandon could feel his foe slowly dying, each one slowing ticking away the proverbial health bar. Dark blood ran down his arms in rivulets. Warm in the extreme coldness, but still not too noticeable overall, his vision becoming like a tunnel that grew only darker as he struck. Each blow held the full force of his muscles, each one sending powerful shockwaves through its body, and some gouts of blood form its mouth. He could not stop however, not until he managed to kill it, not until he could return to the fight and perhaps do whatever was expected of him. This was war, and within this moment he was a living weapon, capable of things that he normally would not even consider. The loud roar pushed air around its mouth, forcing his hair to whip about, and nearly pushing Brandon back from his striking, yet he could not be dissuaded. Something cold an painful slammed into his right arm, scrapping along his skin, and stabbing into his left thigh. Brandon let out a loud roar, aiming a powerful blow into the things throat, this time aiming for the kill. Pain was nothing, even if a shard of ice was jutting from his leg, and from his arm. He did not even notice the one protruding from his gut, something blocking out the pain itself. The next strike destroyed its windpipe, showing that this fight was soon at an end.
Sean took notice of the blast aimed for him, OD standing between him and it. So it seemed that he was more than willing to protect him, but the question was why. Why would he risk injury to himself for him? Granted that was Ouroboros from another dimension, perhaps experience would have changed him compared to the one that he knew. He mused over this, until he was asked the question, one that actually made him think more than anything. Did he regret anything? Sure he could say that he regretted giving up everything that he had, had with Aaron and the rest of the Hale’s, but then again he did not. He had nothing to regret, nothing except that he could not help his family in this fight. That his other half could fight, but he was left as a powerless spectator. He looked down to Marie, the woman that he was unaware of being his mother, yet at the same time he felt like he knew her. That was until he took note of the person thatw as fighting one of those two things….it looked like his…father? Sean found himself wide eyed and confused; how could it be?
Michael searched for where this true body was, where the thing would be hiding its physical form. It had to be somewhere that no one would think of looking, and asking one’s self where that was defeated the purpose of that. Silver orbs darted about, looking everywhere, and thinking up nothing at all. He had nothing coming to mind, and at the same time so many ideas that would obviously come to nothing. Naes formed a barrier of his strange energy, and with a thought commanded it to form a spear construct that would tear through the breath that was aimed to kill them both. If he got what he wanted, his attack would be rammed down its throat and end up destroying its insides wonderfully.
The Bolt
The Bolt
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Mega Poster!

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Fall from Grace (Closed to Pat) Empty Re: Fall from Grace (Closed to Pat)

Post by Zell December 21st 2013, 1:16 am

”Nothing you can do can stop me…you can only delay the inevitable my dear.” Lych said with a smug grin as his hand met his newly formed hair. Arianna disappeared, but Lych already knew what she had planned to do…to strike him form an unseen angle. How predictable. Lych didn’t seem to change, but the second that the energy fell upon him, the Lych had proven to not truly be in that location, rather what had been there would have either been an apparition or an illusion. Lych chuckled as he watched Arianna struggle against fate itself.

    ”I remember when I first touched the Ethereal… Look what happened to me. Make a deal with the Fae, steal a dragon’s soul and look the part of Death itself and you’ll avoid the decay that your body will soon be going through.” Lych chuckled. Arianna knew nothing of what she’d done. She had touched the Ethereal, something she was not meant to do. ”Being a skeleton isn’t all that bad I assure you.” Lych chuckled as he solidified into a physical entity. He held out a hand, and a large Ethereal blast consumed the area before him, and if she failed to move, it would consume Arianna as well.
* * * * * * * *

   She says that like she made it… so SHE is the one with a tethering to an afterlife…or an excess of souls. Ouroboros reasoned. With a smirk he looked to Elena Marie, who continued to state that she wanted him to try and dodge this. While it took a slight exercise of his discipline to not speak, he just smiled. He didn’t know what was going to happen next, but he knew it was going to be powerful. How…perfect.

* * * * * * * * *

   ”Yeah…She came to kill me.” OD chuckled nervously as he scratched the back of his head, noticing that Sean seemed to have put the pieces together. He returned his gaze back to the situation. He was still trying to discern the reason for her being here though. Why would Ouroboros had let her come through his defenses? There wasn’t much reason from where he could see it….there was no reason that Marie needed to be here. It only made his odds worse. He still had the Limiter-The Limiter… OD thought for a moment. Something about that thought lingered ominously as he watched the movements on the ground below. The Limiter… He mauled it over again, before he remembered everything.
   “MARIE, DON’T IT’S A TRAP!“ OD screamed, trying to stop the Crimson witch from falling into the ploy. Unfortunately… it was too late. OD threw his fist into his own hand, a sickening crack coming as the bones in his wrist shattered and splintered. He winced as a purple color began to form. ”H-he was…he was one step ahead of us….the entire time.” OD said, looking down to see a rather satisfied smile, the dark energy approaching him.
* * * * * * * * *

      The first two “gates” of his limiter were removed when he was injected with the strange serum… Dark Ethereal was tamed under the Gate of Death, which was sealed off by the Hales. Ultima was sealed under the Gate of Life, which was countered by the Thiels. He remembered the day e fought Arianna…when he turned intangible after taking the hammer. Taking that blast was painful…but the power he gained was unsurpassed. Arianna’s magic was powerful enough to overcharge the Limiter gate that her ancestors cursed him with, granting him access to the Dark Ethereal energy…awakening the God Eater from within him. Ouroboros flashed the smile to Marie as he watched the blast coming towards him. For his highly advanced brain and his heightened reflexes, it seemed like he had a good five minutes before the blast hit him, he looked at Marie, still smiling the entire time, giving her the very look he had been dying to give the one that threatened his family.  For a moment, time seemed to suspend, for a moment the world around them was frozen. No one could move, for a moment…it was the same as the first time Ouroboros had touched Sean. Everything was frozen. A bright light consumed the area, leaving only Ouroboros to look upon Marie. His knowing smile turned into a genuine one.

     ”Silus…Michael…even Sean are counting on me to keep them safe, you know that right?” Ouroboros said uncharacteristically happy, almost like his personality had taken a one-eighty. ”I’m not sure I ever told him this…but I love your son too much to leave him with my enemies lurking over him. I don’t expect you to believe me when I say that everything I’ve done is to protect them. Honestly…I don’t give a damn what you think. But I do have to thank you…” Ouroboros said with a light hearted laugh. He was oddly, child-like… almost as if he had finally found the perfect center between Atterrius and Ouroboros. ”…after all, without you… I wouldn’t have Sean…and my life would be utterly pointless.  Without you, I wouldn’t have won today. The Ethereal owe you… I owe you more importantly. Marie…out of respect I’m going to give you some advice. I would leave now if I were you… I have business with a rather treacherous skeleton.” Ouroboros said with a little chuckle. He opened his eyes, and unlike how they were before, they had entirely changed. Instead of one dragon, there were two. One of total darkness, one of total light. The light devoured the tail of the dark, and the dark one devouring the tail of light. Their clawed hands extended to the pupils, the pupils of the grayish Ethereal energy, each hand seeming to produce the energy that was the pupil. The eyes represented the Death of division between both Ouroboros and the Atterrius, and the birth of something new…something powerful…yet incorruptible. The light flashed, and reality ensued… The blast coming straight to him. The blast hit his Hydraskin, making light work of it, and instinctively Ourobors had triggered his Intangibility, and the blast passed through him, leaving him mostly unharmed, save for the occult beams energy racking his body in pain.

   ”D-Dad!” Silus yelped as he took off running. He couldn’t believe it. His grandmother just killed his daddy, or so it appeared to him. He ran through the battle that ensued, before he reached the stairs. He dropped at the shattered fragments of Hydraskin suit he shook violently, trembling. Niall, still under the Lych’s control shot out afeter empowering himself, throwing a fist, the Arm of Ragnarox shattering a portion of Naes’ shield, allowing him to break through, his eyes fixated on Aaron. He swiftly tried to bring the arm of Ragnarox up and grab Aaron by the face. Meanwhile Naes’ concentration on Cyril paid off, as Cyril dropped, after his frosted over insides nearly obliterated by the Ethereal energy. Cyril dropped to the ground, panting, icy blue blood trailing from his mouth. Silus looked over his shoulder to see Cyril…the one who saved him…. Fallen and close to death. He turned to see Niall who had suddenly gone rogue and joined the Ethereal Forces.

    Zakaken seemed as dark and morbid as ever, still enjoying the rush as his gun was trained on Naes and he began firing out bullets like they were a commodity. The Ethereal blood at his disposal was useful in generating a wall between Naes and Niall, Zakaken chuckled as he divided the two. Silus heard a roar from the Final Frost…Xeir had been defeated as well. Silus still had tears in his eyes as his staff dropped from his hands and he sobbed. He didn’t know the plan was to kill his father….or he would have stopped them. He had to stop them…but he didn’t. He looked at Marie…he normally felt comfort…but why…why did it feel like all his emotion was…stolen away? He cried…but deep inside all he felt was…cold…broken…empty. He reached down and picked up his staff, eyes narrowed and fixated…almost as if he was ready to pick up and fight where his father left off.

   ”H-he only fought…for us…” Silus said as he shifted through the fragments of Hydraskin, his grip on the staff unnaturally strong. He found a ring in the rubble…it was the ring Ouro started wearing recently…it radiated with ultima energy. He held the rin in his other hand as he weakly stood up and looked to the tower of Raganrox. The old and ancient Ethereal weapon was created to destroy nations…to topple empires and put those pathetic lesser beings in their place. As a descendant of Ragnarox…it was Silus’ duty to stop this madness. He was exiled…and because he was exiled…he wasn’t able to rule as a king until an ethereal king removed the mark of the exile. He was only exiled so his father could try and get him far away from danger…the same with Michael. His tears weren’t because his father fell … his tears were because he doubted his father…his tears were because in the end he was truly a traitor… a traitor to the first thing to ever love him…powerless or not. He stepped up and bashed the bottom of the staff off the ground, letting it bounce up for him to have a better grip. The legends he heard about his grandmother were indeed scary to him… but…. He had to stop being a child… Ouro wasn’t around anymore…and Marie was to blame. He loved his grandmother…but if she truly loved could she leave him like this. Silus began amassing Ethereal energy, revealing without doubt once and for all that Silus was indeed a powerful Ethereal…and what’s more…the supposed “gene hazard” was almost as powerful as his older brothers… and that in itself gauged him to the king who ruled before them. Regardless of who she was…she could be the god of the universe….once the Seventh Seal hit… the game was over….Silus was about to unleash hell upon earth…the nations across the world would feel the energy amass….right before he blew the entire isle…and everything with it would be sent back to whatever afterlife it was assigned to. Before he could do anything like this however, he felt a hand on his shoulder.

   A white armored Ouroboros with bright blonde hair and emerald glowing eyes…ones that radiated a kindness Silus had missed…one he had not seen in so long. Silus sivered, thinking it a trick. The ultima energy radiating from the creature was undeniable however. Ouroboros survived. If anyone had seen or believed it to be Silus…they could easily have written it off as Ouroboros…and whatever form he seemed to take now. He was so vivid, so real and vibrant. The very colors and features of his body were so surreal…lighted with the very energy that created the Isle.

    ”Silus… don’t do that. Your Grandmother was only trying to protect you.” Ouroboros said.  He turned around and saw Niall with Aaron in his hand. HE looked back to Marie and held up a finger, asking her for a moment, before teleporting to Zakaken, about four meters away, and reaching his hand into the creature, forcibly ripping the Godsbane from his insides. Godsbane became a sword, and Ouroboros teleported to Animositus, slashing the creatures stomach. Animositus roared, but there was another roar, as black liquid poured from within it, manifesting as the true body of Abyssal. Ouroboros teleported one last time, pulling his arm back, before it became Pure Ethereal energy, like Niall’s. Ouroboros gripped Niall’s arm, forcing the Ethereal to release it’s grip upon Aaron. Ouroboros felt a different energy…he SAW a different energy within Niall. Entertaining the idea, he placed his hand on Niall, and tried to pull the energy from him. It was successful… but it drained Niall nearly completely. The Lych had been rooted in deep…manifesting for so long… the fact Niall was even going to survive was extraordinary.

   Ouroboros looked to Naes and smiled, still the kind smile one would have expected of him…so long ago. He then looked to Aaron, ready to try and fix the damages done there. Thought his eyes snapped back to Marie…he wasn’t going to be able to save him if Marie was going to hound his ass to kingdom come…and he wouldn’t ask Silus or Michael to fight here…that was too much on them. This was HIS curse…and he would deal with it. Though, Cyril shifted, moved…despite being so near Death…he positioned himself between Ouroboros and Marie, Ethereals all came form the city to the Black Castle to see the reawakening of a true Ethereal king. All of them began to step and move between The Ethereal King and the Celestial Queen, all of them showing their loyalty to the king of their utopia. Silus stepped back a little looking to his dad, then to Michael and Jordan. Jordan stood with the Ethereal people, while Abyssal stood down, as did Animositus. The second Marie made a move, the war would resume, and at this moment there was no telling how things would turn out. Ouroboros sighed, but smiled. He was finally the king his people deserved. He was finally the father his children deserved. It was all thanks to Elena Marie, the inadvertent hero of the day….

   He still had the Lych to deal with however. His arm of Ragnarox, like Niall’s, was also on borrowed time…if he was going to Save Aaron and help silence the Lych, he would need to move quickly. In his mind, he commanded the Ethereal Arc to prep to transport him to The Veil. He looked up to Sean and smiled with a little bit of a satisfied chuckle and waved. OD looked to Sean to see the response, almost as if he were unsure of how the fallen Titan would react.

Fall from Grace (Closed to Pat) Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

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Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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Fall from Grace (Closed to Pat) Empty Re: Fall from Grace (Closed to Pat)

Post by The Bolt December 21st 2013, 2:22 am

Arianna could not help but snicker to herself, even realizing that her attack had hit nothing. Dust was thrown up into the air, and Arianna could feel them, souls railing through her body, fresh from The Soul Stream itself. It was a wonderful experience really, one that she never would have expected to feel within her lifetime. She had not become an immortal riding river of souls, but Arianna was powerful, and she would protect her family with this power. Within this moment she had the power that would slay god, and there was no way that she would waste this. Lych unleashed an attack upon her, and the armor was already in motion, moving to protect her when she could not move out of the way. It glowed a bright green, veins more prominent on her frame as the female glared at the ethereal.

”You grossly underestimate me.” She muttered holding one hand out as what appeared to be a vacuum of light appeared, energy being absorbed into such a formation. The armor around her hand cracked, this cracking spreading across the arm section, and only moving further. One could see what looked like a sphere of crystalline material protruding from her palm, in a fashion that would look painful as it glowed with a large amount of energy. It glowed with the energy absorbed by the armor as well as the energy coursing through her, with her own ethereal energy. The two energies mixed, increasing the power of one another, and perhaps becoming enough to prove dangerous to the first ethereal wielder. It coalesced into a powerful wave of energy, and was unleashed.
Brandon had done it, he killed the thing, its body slumping against the ground limply as he stepped beyond the reach of the cold corpse. Blood was pouring from his injuries, but he felt that he could not rest yet, not when so much was happening around him. Vision was slowly giving out on him, heartbeat slowing as Brandon felt his own body begin to forsake him. He was beginning to pass out, but that could not be happening, not to someone like him. ”Shit..” Brandon mumbled feeling the shard of ice that was jutting out of his abdomen, blood seeping from where it penetrated. He couldn’t remove it, lest he invite more blood to pour out, and perhaps seal his death for sure. However, no matter what he tried, Brandon Hale could do nothing as he fell face first into the snow. The blackness of unconsciousness fell upon him warmly.
Sean listened to this other dimensional Ouroboros, muttering about something rather interesting, but then again he had no idea what this limiter was. Perhaps it was something about the ethereal being that he didn’t know about, placed upon the long list of things that he probably did not know about him. All he knew was that the woman that was supposed to be his mother was aimed to kill Ouroboros, and here he was watching it. Was there some kind of limiter on his powers or something that stopped him from doing whatever? If that were the case, how would an attack that would kill him change that? Something about everything seemed off really.
It wasn’t until Marie took notice of the male’s wicked smirk that she actually thought that something was up, though the female was already too far into the attack to even stop it. He began to speak in the moments before the attack hit, speaking as if he had already won, even facing what would be certain death. Darkness would wash over him, Marie feeling something stirring within herself, a rumbling voice that demanded that she tear him apart. Tear apart the insolent ethereal, for speaking so plainly to someone as her, so rend his very soul until it was nothing that could even resemble what it once was. A pang ran through her right eye, as Marie closed it, and placed a hand over the ocular organ, feeling warm blood run once again down her cheek. She could feel an ancient indignation that demanded blood, and she was unsure that she could deny it. In the end however it seemed that she had done it, killed Ouroboros, and perhaps ended the battle for now, even while he husband was fighting off the powerful monster.

Aaron had felt It however his brother’s life force weakening, dipping into a darkness that he was unsure that his magic could bring the male from. He would have moved to stop such a decline, but of course…Niall was the one to get in his way, pressing his hand against his head with overwhelming strength. However he could see it, the shape of something flying over him to the frigid Final Frost, perhaps someone that was working with Marie, and that meant that he would not have too much to worry about. It was within the last moments of consciousness that he felt something, an ancient power awakening, one of primal rage. Naes simply let his own energy rage, multiple hued bursts tearing apart the very ground itself as he glared at Zakaken, the one standing between him and Niall. There would be no playing now, he was done..with all of this. Tendrils of this energy batted away the bullets launched at him, some of them colliding with the energy barrier, and others with the ground as he stepped towards the vampiric ethereal. ”Let’s see you laugh at this.” He would have rushed the being, ripping him asunder, but something stopped.

Elena Marie could feel the energy of the doppleganger, as well as her grandson. Both were raging, but only one was at her, and she had a feeling that she would have to defend herself. Would she have to kill her own grandson her and now? She wanted not to, but that voice demanded that she do it, rip the mewling babe to shreds. That was when the bastard prove that he was not dead, instead he pulled the white knight act. Within a few moments he seemed to undo everything, all of the damage that was done, and she was surrounded by the ethereal’s, enough to even overwhelm her. ”Hrm…” She hummed, considering simply annihilating the lot of them, something within her demanding it. Marie felt the choker around her neck burning painfully, as if demanding that it be released.

Naes snarled at Ouroboros, a hatred deeper than one could imagine festering within him. The energy around him simmered down, becoming calm as he huffed and turned away, attending to Aaron. Both Michael’s were finally able to cease their fighting, the elder taking a breather while the younger took in the new development. Michael stood next to his elder helf brother, looking to Silus and then to the new Ouroboros; a little confused but otherwise simply dazed. Sean simply looked down at what was happening, but he could feel it, an unbridled rage simmering from within his other half, and it migrated over to him; forming a grimace across his features. If so many people were not around, he had a feeling he would killed the man then and there. Ouroboros turned to him, with a smile and a wave, one that Sean returned, though he forced the smile more than he felt that he should have had to.

Sean looked to the other Ouroboros, narrowing his eyes before turning around and walking away. Even though his other half was loathing the ethereal kings very existence, he felt like he should join the…party.[/color]
The Bolt
The Bolt
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

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Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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Fall from Grace (Closed to Pat) Empty Re: Fall from Grace (Closed to Pat)

Post by Zell December 24th 2013, 3:11 am

”So…it begins.” Lych said with a wolfish smile, eyes narrowed with both interest and sadism in tandem. This would prove to be rather interesting. Lych extended one arm, and tendrils of Ethereal energy flew out, with the appearance of a solid pale grew sinew texture dripping with Ethereal energy. The Sinew shot forth like ravenous snakes, twisting and intertwining around each other to braid a lethal weapon. After the weaving in and out of each other, the strange sinew formed one large sinew-looking cannon of energy. The cannon’s barrel began to form a strong bone, seeping from the tissue, forming from virtually nothingness. The bone formed a large dragon skull The Skull opened and from it, a large blast of Dark Ethereal energy consumed all in it’s path, meeting the pure ethereal of Arianna.

    The two clashed, and the second it did, it was like a warm front meeting the cold, two opposing wind forces…and it was no different than any other opposing winds meeting.  The energy flashed a bright light, Pure Ethereal energy bled into darkness, bringing light to the Dark Ethereal power, spiraling out of control with a grey lightning that light across the sky. The initial explosion sent Lych reeling back. Before he made contact with the ground, he ethereal warped onto it gently, ragged hair downcast on the ground. With a sadistic series of laughing, Lych looked up to reveal that the entire left half of his face, and his torso had been completely eradicated by the percussion of the blast. Even his powerful bones were not enough to entirely save him. Now, between Arianna and the Lych was a spiraling orb, burning violently with a series of vivid colors. Had there ever been a true picture of the oneness that is good and evil, this was truly it. The flames burnt up into the air suddenly, and the grey shimmer of a light was all that remained. Lych’s eye narrowed, while the other one was unable to blink as his flesh had been burned off and now only tissues and loose muscle remained.

     The orb exploded once more, but this time, it spiraled up to the heavens, reaching heights to that of even the Tower of Ragnarox. The dark Ethereal and Pure Ethereal energies charging, winds gusting and sucking in all that was creation around it, corpses uplifted form the Ethereal crypts, bodies from the soil were torn from their resting places as the dirt clung to them like a dear friends. The winds would pull all in other than Arianna and Lych it would seem. The Lych used his manipulation of the energies to keep himself pulled to the ground, as a form of pseudo gravitational power. He smirked as he looked to Arianna, still so smug and secure, even as an ominous cataclysmic cyclone threatened the both of them. The Lych brought his hand up, pulling at the muscles on his face, peeling them away like discarded scraps of bubblegum, still analyzing Arianna and the tricks she had up her sleeves.
* * * * * * * *

    Xeir was defeated, felled…but not dead. From the large mound of snow, a black nose poked through, and the big blue-eyes seal poked it’s fuzzly little head from the mound of snow that was once it’s body. Where the large gigantic monster once stood, there was now a small, innocent little snow-seal. It took notice of Brandon in the cold, and began to whine. It slowly made it’s way over to the unconscious Brandon, where it stretched itself out over him as best as the little guy could, to prevent him dying from the cold. The Monster Xeir was felled, and he rose again like a Phoenix….a Phoenix that began to growl at everything that came near.
* * * * * * * * * * *

  Ouroboros had the energy coursing through him. It was exhilarating, it was so…RIGHT. This power was his, his alone. None before him could take it from him, not now, not ever again. He looked to Aaron and Niall both on the ground, one was flickering out of existence, and the other was dying. How typical, that he would be forced to make a choice….or would he? Theoretically speaking, if Ouroboros had this energy in him building since the time of Zell Atterrius, then his debuting moment here would be his most powerful. He clenched his fist, bones cracking in his knuckles as his eyes changed while he looked upon them, careful to keep his vision away from the eyes of Marie. Ascension was the only thing that could save these two…and so Ascension was what he would do. (+2 ABL Power shift. Ethereal Manipulation to Ethereal Heal.  +2 Durability) His Ultima energy shot out, one on each hand, wrapping around Aaron like a mummification, the energy “bandages” sinking into his pores, filling in the gaps of his soul that had been taken. Closing his eyes, Ouroboros was forced to bridge the gap between the Etherium and this world, a risky by necessary function.

    His eyes opened, and he stood in the Etherium. Minutes could pas here and only nanoseconds in reality. It was a beautiful place. Ouroboros found himself before Godsbane, who seemed to have been waiting for him.  Aaron was there the black ilk climbing the sides to surround him, menacing if she should stray too far from the mysterious man of this “afterlife”.  Godsbane approached, Ouroboros and folded it’s spectral arms.

     “I knew you would come for this one.” Godsbane proclaimed, almost as if he were expecting the Ethereal King. Ouroboros smirked, seeing Godsbane like this was…different. Almost as if it were not the same creature he had known so long ago. ”The boy‘s mother is beginning to decay away…soon her mind will be lost, and the Lych will be replaced. I would be rejoicing, this is a victory, but now…here you are to reclaim the This One‘s soul…You are not Ouroboros…are you? No…you are Atterrius. You are…Atterrius.” Godsbane said, the revelation had hit him. Ouroboros was no longer the same creature. Godsbane spoke again, this time, to Zell.

     ”Why would you do this for him? Do you think he would do the same for you? He is nothing more than a mortal, one who would kill you given the chance. Why now, would you risk your life to save him and his mother? I‘ll ask you again…would they do the same for you?” Godsbane asked. Atterrius’s jaw clenched.

    ”I AM NOT THEM!…. I.Am.Not.Them.” Ouroboros chided the creature, Godsbane shrunk back as he walked forth to Aaron. He smiled at Aaron, not the normal egotistical cocky smiled that exuded superiority, but rather a warm smile…more similar to OD than his old self. ”Aaron…come home.” His voice was slightly different, a little more fmailiar maybe even. Ouroboros held out his hand, offering it up to the lost soul.

     ”You cannot save them both…” Godsbane said. Atterrius looked over his shoulder, glaring at Godsbane.

    ”I’ll save them all.” He stated calmly, the voice was…not the usual. It was not arrogant…it was…confident.

    ”Saving Arianna will cost you-”  

     “I’ve counted up the costs to do it, and I know the sacrifice it will entail.“ Atterrius smiled and sighed. “I’m going to save them all.” He said…this time it was as Ouroboros’ voice...but the tone, the attitude…the undertone and the resonance were all different.  did the impossible…he pulled forth one specific soul, and channeled it. Godsbane transformed, and where he room was once the bright light above, they were in the darkest corners, the darkest recesses of the hellish waters below. There were bars that Isolated Aaron from “godsbane” the Dark Ethereal, The God-Eater. Ouroboros smiled at him God-Eater that now stood eight feet tall, a large harbinger of death and destruction.

   ”You should have let me devour his soul…” The creature said, deep reverbing voice like the choir of Hell had been commissioned. Ouroboros raised his hand, the Ultima energy causing the creature to screech like a raptor before backing away. ”Save the boy, save his damned mother, but just know that when the day comes and they prove as treacherous to you as you have to me…I will devour them all.” It hissed, fading into the blackness of the dark, sand-stone hallway.

     ”Are you coming? Don‘t freak out…but you MIGHT have to trust me.” Ouro asked, a little bit of a jesting smirk, almost knowing that regardless of his new soul that the Hale would still despise him. Ouroboros was okay with this though.
* * * * * *

   Only seconds passed in the real world, Niall was stable, and Aaron’s fate was decided. Ouroboros looked back to Naes, his eyes stern, but he moved a step, and teleported to his place before hand. ”So…Sean’s mother. I must admit, I am terrible with fist impressions. Though, I understand your position. I’m not afraid to admit I’ve bitten off a little more than I can chew, but the bottom line that I think we can both agree on is that Silus, Michael, and Sean need to get out of here.”

    ”N-no! I-I can fight!” Silus protested quietly. Ouroboros knelt down and smiled as he wrapped his arms around his youngest son. Silus froze up, feeling the warm again…but also sad. He knew it already….he knew that this was going to be the last time he saw Ouroboros. The latter smiled as he took off the ring around his finger, wrapping his hand around it and seeming to think about his decision before he handed the ring to Silus. ”d-daddy…w-w-we-we need you.” Silus began to babble and stammer. Ouroboros’ heart stopped as he felt Silus latch onto him. ”A-a-and they need you.” he sputtered out, almost unable to be understood at all through the whining voice that kept sucking in air like a 400 pound gymnast.

   ”They’ll always have Loki.” Ouro said, a rather proud smile on his face as he ran his hand through his son’s hair and kissed his forehead. Silus was then gone as soon as he had arrived. Ouroboros looked over to Michael and he smirked. Love ya kid. Give ‘em Hell. Ouro thought, his voice projecting to Michael before he turned to look at Cyril and the rest of them…looking finally up to Sean. He felt something forming in his eye, but he forgot about it as it trailed down his cheek. He looked down to Marie and backed away, arms out as he turned around, and vanished in the light of the Ethereal Arc. Judging by the eneries being tossed about the isle, it wasn’t safe for anyone.[/color]

Fall from Grace (Closed to Pat) Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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Fall from Grace (Closed to Pat) Empty Re: Fall from Grace (Closed to Pat)

Post by The Bolt December 24th 2013, 5:40 pm

The warmth of pure ethereal met with the wrath of the dark ethereal, within that moment the two energies collided and energy exploded outwards. Arianna called her energy towards, forming a shield that took the brunt of the damage, but not all of it, a shockwave slamming into Arianna as she was thrown back a few feet. A pain permeated through her entire being, and Arianna could feel blood splash warm across her face, something that didn’t set right. In front of her spiraled an orb, Arianna looking to what seemed like…where he arm once was, fragments of the organic green armor hanging, strings of flesh doing so as well. She willed the energy to move, and so it did, muscle and bones forming from a green energy, bone starting first and then the muscle forming over that. Next came the skin forming over the muscle, and then the armor reforming, as if she were not damaged at all, either than Arianna began to pale greatly.

The maelstrom drew all in other than the two ethereals that were combating, as if it could not draw them in its suction. Another explosion of energy was unleashed, and Arianna was forced to protect herself again, however this time she was more prepared, minimal damage done. Still, Arianna could tell that this was going nowhere and yet somehow even with all this damage done, Lych was still not dead. Something had to  be done before things got too far along, before she ended up dead. Something decisive needed to happen, and Arianna had a feeling rthat she knew what that would be. Energy built up around the female mage, forming an aura of sorts, pulsing and reverberating as it only grew in brilliance. Arianna also had to keep herself tethered to the ground, as it seemed the wind was finally beginning to try and drag her into the deathly embrace of the cyclone.

She had something up her sleeve, but if it would help her within this stalemate she could not know, eyes narrowing into slits as her mind raced over the many possibilities. She drew more upon her power, upon the power of the soul stream, and let it flow into the ethereal energy that was swirling around her. It seemed that she was pouring out more energy that should be physically possible, and that was more than enough to signal that she was exceeding her bodies limitations. Armor around her sternum parted and one could see a strange crystal, the exact one that had absorbed the attack before emerging, though it was colored prismatically, strangely.

She let the energy coalese, forming a powerful blast that damage the very flesh around where it formed, blood mixing with the energy and dying it a deathly crimson, liquid dissipating with small puffs of acrid smoke. She could feel her wounds being healed, and at the same time reopening, creating a hellish cycle that she wanted ended soon, unleashing the powerful blast. It tunneled through the maelstrom with ease, like a spear of energy raging towards The Lych turned Jehovah, and still bore more than enough power, if she was correct. It was then that Arianna felt it, a strange pulling sensation within her stomach, and then she…rejected the artifact, as it leapt from her chest and rolled along the ground, flesh closing in behind it.
Brandon was aware of the cold snow pressed against his face, his eyes only half closed as all he saw was a winter wonderland. A world of white, with nothing beyond it, nothing at all. His bleeding was slowing down, curtesy of the coldness that the snow afforded him, perhaps keeping him from bleeding out at the moment, until hse got proper medical attention. Brandon Hale had won, but at what cost had he done so? Something warm pressed itself against him, pushing him further against the snow covered ground, yet at the same time kept him warmer than he was before, something was trying to keep him alive; but what? His wings shifted slightly, but nowhere nearly with enough strength o actually push the little seal from atop his body, only perhaps shift its weight slightly. Whatever it was, his weak mind could tell that it had no intention of killing him, and so for now he could relax, not that he had any other choice. It was then that he fell back into unconsciousness, not aware of the one that was approaching his fallen body.

”So…this is the one she wanted me to fix up.” The brown haired female mused, looking upon the seal that was growling at her, defensively almost. It was small, probably weak, and she considered f she could even move it from atop Brandon, though she could have just left it there anyway. Her power would only heal those that needed it, and if it were not damaged, then she need not worry about it getting in her way. Leathery wings stretched out from her back, showing the strange nature of this homunculi’s, eyes turning into red slits as her hands became alight with fire that burned warmly, unlike one would expect of a flame. Not an intense heat, but a soothing warmth that would perhaps make someone feel art peace, and she could see by the things growls growing less intense.
”I’m not here to harm this man, only repair him as my mistress commanded of me.” Shje said simply as she let the healing fire pour from her hands over Brandon, melting the ice shards that protruded from his wounds, flesh knitting back together, and repairing his nearly impenetrable skin. He could feel it, the inviting warmth that enveloped him, as well as the low growl of whatever it was that lay atop him. Within a few moments, Brandon was healed and she simply let the fore die, warmth dying away as she once again took the form of a young girl, without any deformities that would make her seem different, anything that would denote her as inhuman. Brandon Hale’s life had been spared, and so the woman was done, looking upon the seal with a small smirk before disappearing in a flash of blue light. Brandon this time fell deeper into sleep, not even dreaming.
Elena Marie looked to Aaron, the young Hale lying on the ground motionless, as if he were….dead? No, she could feel him teetering on the brink of death, but something was missing about him, his soul was torn asunder, weakened and not floating around as one would expect. His magical aura was weak, so weak that she could not sense, it, and that meant that something horrible had happened to his soul, that when Niall had touched him, he did something. If she were not surrounded by the army, Marie would have perhaps slain the downed ethereal, destroyed him and that damned arm of his, and then slaughtered all of the isles. She felt a hand rest upon her shoulder, Arsenal looking deep into her eyes and shaking his head. It seemed that he knew what she was contemplating and would stop her from making a terrible mistake, something that Marie in hindsight thought over and relented to. Much like her son, she was a hotheaded sort. That was when she realized that Sean was here, and that she had nor even tried to keep her existence from him, which meant the inevitable would have happen.

Before she knew it the short male that she knew as her son was standing before her, and his missing arm caught her eye first. She looked distressed for a second before letting that disappear, hugging him tightly, before he could even say anything. Sean stopped for a second, eyes widening before narrowing, and he wrapped one arm around the red haired female embracing him, silence more than enough for this moment. If what he guessed was true, then Sean was hugging his mother, one that he thought was dead for so long, and something within him rejoiced at this prospect, something within him seemed to leap back to life. He could feel it, even without his own magical power, Sean could feel that small glimmer that was his mother’s own magical power, one that was warm and inviting as it was so long ago. Despite all that happened, everything seemed fine now, despite everything he felt as if something had corrected within his life, and that was wonderful. Naes looked upon the reunion, smiling despite himself, perhaps within this moment they agreed, this was nice. He then returned his attention to what Ouroboros was doing, perhaps trying to fix what was done to Aaron, undo what had been done, but why?

The Hales had been trying to kill him ever since he did something bad to them, and now here he was trying to bring back the very head of the family. It made no sense to him that someone that had done so much to both the Hale’s and even to him, that someone would try an act of goodness now. Was it this strange energy that was radiating from him? Something was happening, and the budding ethereal would find out what exactly it was.
Aaron floated within a world of blackness, despair falling upon him heavily like an overwhelming flood. Hos very soul could feel itself being extinguished by this blackness, something that threatened to devour it without remorse, to destroy it utterly. It was this feeling that brought utter despair upon him, shutting down everything that he felt, all except an oppressive one that he could not quite place. Even his connection with his twin seemed constrained, broken except for a inkling, and then the voice that brought him forth from his darkness, one that was familiar and drew a revulsion from within him. It was Ouroboros, and then he was pulled up from under the darkness, as if breath had been forced into his corporeal lungs, and drawn from the eternal darkness that would consume him. Eyes snapped open, and he saw what looked like the ethereal king, but something was different about him. ”It seems like I don’t have much choice, do I?” Aaron said, the first words leaping from his mouth hearing what the ethereal said to him. He sighed, perhaps for the first time simply following his lead.
With their reunion done, Marie stood to her feet, opening her right eye that had not been closed, red iris where the strange symbol had once been, and wiped away the small trickle of blood that issued from her eye before. ”Yes they do.” Marie agreed, looking to Sean who gave him the strangest of looks, as if he were expecting something different perhaps if only to spite Ouroboros. ”I can easily take them away from here, while you deal with your own business.” Michael would have disagreed wholeheartedly, but he felt like that was something that he could not win, his father was more than adamant when it came to this. Silus however would not have it; it seemed, blubbering a little as Michael simply crossed his arms. Sometimes he forgot how innocent his brother was, and it was this moment that reminded him of that. Within a matter of moments goodbyes were being said.  He acknowledged what was being said with a smirk, as if saying right back at you.  It wasn’t goodbye for him, Michael had a feeling that the ethereal king could not so easily be extinguished.

Sean took a step from his mother’s side towards Ouro, taking note of something…a single tear trailing down his cheek, perhaps unnoticed within that moment. Before Ouro turned, he gave him a smile, not truly aware of what was to come. Marie placed a hand on his shoulder and within an instant after Ouroboros disappeared within the light of the ethereal arc, Marie activated the recall feature of the Palace, but on a much large scale. Calling back anyone that she considered an ally, other than Ouroboros and Arianna. Brandon Hale, and the seal coming with, though the latter being more of an accident. Within a matter of seconds they would find themselves within the food hall of the palace, a feast ready as if she were expecting them to end up here, but it was always this way within the palace, a meal was always ready.

”Now that’s we’re safe, everyone is more than welcome to eat, rest, relax or whatever you wish.” Marie stated simply as she sat at the head of the table and took a bite out of an apple.
The Bolt
The Bolt
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1262
Age : 27
Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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Fall from Grace (Closed to Pat) Empty Re: Fall from Grace (Closed to Pat)

Post by Zell December 24th 2013, 11:42 pm

. Ouroboros watched as everyone who was not under the banner of the Ethereal forces was teleported out, Silus and Sean and Michael were all safe. Ouroboros brushed his cheek with the back of his clawed-gauntlets. His calm smile turned upwards into a fanged grin. He suddenly flashed into existence within the Veil. His eyes fixated upon Arianna, who was about to unleash some powerful attack it would seem. The attack even consumed her arm, something Ouroboros was not exactly expecting to see, though what came next was rather predictable. Ouroboros had only met Arianna a few times, but he was certain of this one truth. The woman just refused to die.

Lych countered with the same cannon as before, except this time the entire arm seemed to launch the cannon forwards, forming wings of Dark Ethereal energy and it’s maw flying out to devour the blast. The creature was destroyed, but the bloody energy was nullified. Ouroboros growled a little, disappointed in Arianna and Lych both. Lych turned his arm into a cannon, then Arianna turned her’s into a weapon…while Ouroboros didn’t know which did what first, he didn’t really give a damn. If you want to defeat an opponent one needs to think outside the box and not just mirror what each other are doing. He expected Lych to know better, but he also had high expectations of Arianna.

The Maelstrom of ultima energy in the background began tearing into the Veil, and it reminded Ouroboros that the Ethereal well had been deactivated. In truth he very well could have just reactivated it and pissed on their parade, but where was the fun in that? If he was going out, he was going out…it was on his terms. Seeing the essence that Arianna had formed around herself as a pure Ethereal armor, Ouroboros smiled and chuckled as he noticed her surprising control over it. However it’s not nearly as difficult as it is for just anyone…considering she IS a powerful magi AND simply using an item that emulates a power is far easier than actually using the ability ones-self.

”Well if it isn’t the little Atterrius. I can see that you’ve managed to stay one step ahead of even against the most formidable of minds.” Lych said. Ouroboros smirked as his Ultima energy saturated the air around, almost forcing Arianna’s and Lych’s energies to meld together in his presence. Ouroboros now in his Paladin armor, the celestial looking white scales and pitch black fearsome claws on his gauntlets.

”You have no idea.” Ouroboros said as he laughed lightly at the situation. He looked to the Maelstrom in the background. Ultima energy…how perfect. He didn’t even need to bother generating his own. He folded his arms and the Maelstrom moved upon his whims, tearing a path as it separated into four separate cyclone’s and began circling around the three of them, tearing apart the ground. Lych glared as he noticed that the odds had just shifted against him substantially, he would no longer have the luxury of ‘playing’ around or making things appear in the way they would of epics that would be told for generations to come. He was wary of his circumstance when it was sheerly Arianna…but now, he knew he had to pick up his pace.

With a smile and a sigh, Lych chuckled smugly as he suddenly appeared behind Ouroboros, and again behind Arianna. In order to even the odds, Lych had somehow replicated himself, and now it was three against two. Ouroboros scoffed, keeping his arms folded, even closing his eyes and lowering his head when the clone attacked him. The threat was processed, and immediately the Ultima energy moved upon it’s own volition. With intense speed the ultima energy in the atmosphere flooded into the area, deflecting the dark ethereal blade, the “barrier” created destroyed and dissipating into the air, where Ouroboros could simply use it later. Without even lifting a finger, a blast of ultima energy was propelled at the Lych copy, and sent it flying back into the emptiness of the veil. Ouroboros’ eyes opened, His ever strange eyes, the two dragons devouring each-tothers tail to form one dragon… Arianna may have seen it, or she may not have, Ouro cared not if Arianna saw it, the secret must be kept form those who were actually a direct danger to him…Marie was a perfect example. With his power, he could see the energy of the “soul-stream” (though he had no idea what it was) and he could see the slow erosion away at Arianna’s form. She was stubborn, tough, and unwilling to die…but none of that would spare her the fate she was just beckoning upon herself.

”I don’t assume you’d like assistance…would you?” He asked, his voice slightly different, more akin to that of Zell but just barely altered by an angelic reverb due to the energy coursing through him. Part of him remembered when Arianna tried to chastise him after his battle with her daughter. She said that she simplayy wouldn’t allow the threat to her people to live. At the current rate she turned out to fare no better than he would have… it almost made him smile, and even bring the remakr of the past to light…and even mock her for her arrogance at the time. She knew nothing, but now that she knew, he wondered if she would be as he was…and be a hypocrite…or if she would accept his help.

”I Where are your beloved children, what makes you think that Marie won’t just hide them from you hm?” The Lych sniggered, trying to implant doubt and worry into Ouroboros’ heart. Ouroboros only smiled, eyes closed remaining calm, proving to irritate the Lych greatly. Ouroboros had already thought of that….
* * * * * * *

Silus just made his way as far away as possible, towards the nearest fire or dark corner where he could sit there and stare blankly. The boy had been broken, the ring still in his hand. Tears were welling up under his eyes, but he never truly cried. He was scared, shocked…even feeling betrayed that his daddy would leave him like this. He wanted to call on Shael so badly…but he promised Shael to never call him in front of family. Silus just sate there, emotionlessly staring at the ground, probably looking no more alive than the several homunculi wandering around…no light in their eyes…just blank and emotionless eyes…just like Silus’. The boy had not been broken…he had been completely shattered.

Fall from Grace (Closed to Pat) Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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Fall from Grace (Closed to Pat) Empty Re: Fall from Grace (Closed to Pat)

Post by Arcana December 25th 2013, 3:48 am

Sean felt strange as the light washed over him, a weightlessness as he had never felt before filling his being, and then he was gone along with everyone else. Next thing he knew, Sean was in the strangest looking place, a place for some kind of feast it would seem, and his mother sat at the head of the table. She munched on an apple, not really acting like something had happened, and though he had a feeling something was bothering her. Brandon hit the ground hard, thudding loudly as the seal still rest on top of him, blue eyes darting about as it continued to grow lowly. ’Well…that’s new.” Sean muttered, raising an eyebrow as the unconscious Hale and his new pet. He remembered killing it once, and that form emerging from the icy corpse, and it seemed to remember him as well, looking at Sean and briefly stopping the growling. Aaron walked over to his unconscious twin, kneeling over as he lightly poked him on the cheek, repeatedly doing so until Brandon groaned lightly, still feeling the pressure on his back.

’Stop.” he groaned tiredly, turning his head over as brown eyes fluttered open before closing. He was awake, but perhaps too tired to actually get up, and eat. Aaron however would not have his brother laying like this in the middle of a rather expensive looking palace, and one owned by Elena Marie. She may have allowed him to fall asleep on her floor before, but that was a different time, and a different place.

”Only when you get up Brandon.” he said in return, and he could feel that something was off within Aaron’s voice, as if he had witnessed something horrible, yet that undertone was powerfully subdued. The seal growled lightly at Aaron, though he paid it no mind, as if it was not even registered as a threat to the hale. Naes looked down upon the Hale for a second, sighing before he joined Marie at the large table decorated with food, and took a bite of a leg; what manner of leg it was he did not know, but it was good, so he didn’t care.

’Fine..i’m getting up.” Brandon grumbled, pushing himself to his feet as Xeir found himself pushed off, pausing for a moment before moving back to his side, black wings flexing before folding across his back. Drowsy brown eyes opened, looking about o see who exactly had come with them. Niall was unconscious somewhere he was sure, and Sean kind of slunk around without saying anything. However, he took note that he was missing an arm, and that brought up so many questions within his mind, none that he would really ask himself. ”Where are we anyway?” he questioned, looking to his brother.

’I think we’re in Elena’s fortress…somewhere.”

”Elena?” he looked to the red haired woman, eyes growing wide before they settled back into suspicious slits.

Sean found himself picking a few grapes from the table, plopping one after the other into his mouth, juice bursting from the skin as teeth broke it. Since becoming human, hunger was something that he was dealing with more often, something that was proving annoying indeed. That was however when he noticed it, they had wine, and some nice looking wine too, arranged in buckets of ice. While it would have been rude to drink it from the bottle, Sean didn’t feel like follow etiquette, and simply pulled one from the ice and undid the top before taking a deep drought of the tart liquid. What he notice next was Silus sitting along, something that would not have bothered him normally, considering his son was not exactly a social butterfly but then again he knew what that look was. Without even giving it a thought, Sean walked over to the young male, plopping down right beside him and took another sip of the wine. ”Hey.” He said letting the cold bottle rest against the floor for a second, tongue dancing over his lips. ’Want some?” he said offering the bottle with a light smile, joking slightly, as if that would somehow instantly lighten the mood.
Arianna had a feeling that she was going about this whole conflict the wrong way, simply throwing attacks directly at The Lych and hoping that they tore through his defenses, but that was getting her nowhere. The maelstrom was beginning to tear apart the veil itself, and if allowed to continue she had a feeling that it would end up killing her. She looked down to the small crystal that disgorged from her chest, reaching down and looking at it carefully. Something seemed to have forced the item from her body, but whatever that wad did not matter, not while the Lych still persisted, while his existence remained. She drew upon the power within the crystal, and let it permeate through her own being, feeling that power well up within her and then empower The Pure Ethereal energy within her. Arianna however could feel it, that her body was beginning to be unable to support the energy that was coursing through her, something that was not good. This item was supposed to be able to keep that from happening, but Elena Marie perhaps did not forsee her body rejecting the all-powerful energies of the Soul stream. It was then that she felt it, an energy that was new, the voice with it was not however.

Lych spoke of Atterrius, and Ouroboros was here for sure. The cyclone separated into four sections, and surrounded them, as if stating that none of them could run away now. The Lych would attempt to outnumber them with copies of himself, but Ouroboros prove too powerful now, something that part of her was grateful for, as long as he did not turn upon her. ”if you feel see inclined to help, I won’t stop you.” She said simply to Ouroboros, the blade that had formed from her armor beginning to glow with a bright green energy. The crystal sunk once again into her palm, temporarily fused with her body, just enough that she could alst a few more minutes without any decay, without becoming what Lych was. In an instant she was gone, teleporting behind Lych, and aiming to thrust the blade through his heart.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2474
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 30
Job : Nothing
Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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Fall from Grace (Closed to Pat) Empty Re: Fall from Grace (Closed to Pat)

Post by Silus December 27th 2013, 1:21 am

[color:ccc5=333366]”Aaawe, why. So. Sad? Ahahahaha.” The voice echoed throughout the palace. Silus sat there and fiddled with the ring as the laughter seemed to envelope around him. Silus only blinked, only to find that the second he opened his eyes, he was face to face with the horrific creature form the dark realms, the one known only as “Lucifer““Lucifer“ Silus didn’t even flinch, he had grown used to this. He had not long ago done one of his many ventures into the various realms in the multiverse, he had happened upon one universe far different form his own. The Meta-gene was actually some form of infection. One of the creatures he had met there was a tyrannical overlord with a God-complex. A once good man who watched his loved ones die, and so he began to harbor all the evil spirits of vengence and Darkness. The creature before Silus was the son of that creature, but he fought against his father and the power of darkness. The creature was hence called “Lucifer” for the names meaning. In result of his trechery, his father bound him to the dark construct known as “The Citadel” and from there he began to tempt mages and magical powerhouses from all walks of life, tempting them with forbidden knowledge and mass power. Once there, the darkness devoured them…forever.

Silus’ venture into that realm accidentally sparked a “reawakening” of the forces of darkness, and with Lucifer’s father running about trying to kill him, Silus had a moment of weakness. He took this creature with him, a decision he had come to regret. This creature could not be seen, heard, sensed or even detected in any form except to those it touched with it’s telepathy. Now “Lucifer” or “Luci” was following Silus around and tormenting him. Every time he passed a human he heard a whisper to kill them, or a whisper to torment them. Every time he passed a jewelry store, he heard whispers to steal, or take them. This thing was a living temptation…but honestly, the guy was decent company when he wasn’t busy being a bad influence. ”Stop it…” Silus murmured, trying to keep in mind that no one else could see this creature. It had even gotten to the point where he began to wonder if he were perhaps insane. He heard Sean plop down next to him, and Silus looked at him, trying to keep tears back. Sean offered him some, when he nodded with a forced and broken smile, before he dropped his head and leaned into Sean, resting his head on his father’s shoulder. He held up his hand, and an enchanted orb appeared, allowing him and anyone close enough by to see what was happening with the current predicament on the Isle. Silus gave a little bit of a calmed sigh as he seemed to nestle into Sean and latch onto him like a parasite.

Xeir waited for Brandon to get up, flopping himself to Brandon’s side, barking with excitement. It clapped it’s hands and tucked it’s head forward, placing it’s tail into it’s mouth as it began to roll around in a circle around Brandon, with rather impressive speed for the little thing. It rolled it’s way from Brandon to Silus where it lunged at him, knocking him on his back, before snuggling the little fur-ball, who returned to it’s rolling position and returning to Brandon. The little guy was apparently surrounded by people it liked. Silus sat up wiping his face, not bothering to smile or get excited as he usually did. The child seemed…devoid of all innocence, as if this event had completely changed him. He went back to leaning on his father as he looked into the sphere.

“Is he gonna die?” Silus asked quietly.
* * * * * * * *

The Lych just let it happen, he found himself impaled on Arianna’s sword. The Lych let out a loud scream in pain, his head flew back, his mouth open wide as the cries of pain roared through. The Lych’s screams turned into laughter though, seamlessly. His head turned at one hundred and eighty degreed, cracking and snapping bones as he turned to look Arianna in the eyes. His arm rotated swiftly as he snatched Arianna’s shoulder.

”Ha-Ha! What are you aiming for?” The Lych laughed as he threw his other arm back, the pseudo glowing Arm of Ragnarox grappling onto Arianna, proving to not be as powerful as Niall’s however still very potent against the energies of the soul-stream, which were now working to sustain him. This was a literal stalemate. "I thought you knew I was HEARTLESS!" The blade damaging Lych’s essence, but in the same return his arm draining the souls from within Arianna, and likely to be her own soul soon as well. Ouroboros’s eyes began shifting, watching the movements of the other “Lych’s” in the area. The Lych let out a roar, and suddenly, all three of them exploded. Ouroboros’s eyes blew open, and he instantly formed a shield of Ethereal energy around Arianna, meanwhile his armor triggered something within him, causing his energy to also shield him upon it’s own volition. The Lych had done it perfectly. He waited for Arianna to be close, too loce to get away, sap her energy to weaken her armor, and then let out an explosion. Meanwhile, Ouroboros was placed perfectly between the two clones, and his energy was not able to save him entirely. The energy shield was shattered by the first explosion, and his armor protected him from the worst of the second, but the blast was still stronger. The paladin armor chipped, broke and shattered. Smoke was thrown everywhere. His shield had protected Arianna form certain Death, however it was not likely enough to protect her entirely.

The Lych stood there, and looked at his work, marveling as the gaping while in his chest began to seep dark ethereal energy. He let out a roar of laughter as the dust and decay thrown into the air settled. He first noticed Arianna. Apparently he and her had both had their wear and tear this battle. Though he was far more durable than herself. Not only was he able to take more punishment, but he could continue to exhaust himself, he and Arianna were in the metaphorical “arms Race” where they sent Magic energies clashing and raging…and in the end, she would simply run out of energy…and it would be an easy kill, and another powerful Soul to assimilate into himself. He began to laugh as he put his hands up, as if he were opening his arms to the skies, awaiting a light to shine upon him. A large sphere of dark Ethereal energy formed between his hands, and the amassing energy made it quite clear what he intended to do. He planned on discharging the “Ethereal-atom bomb” on the Veil, eliminating Arianna and Ouroboros, should he have survived the dual explosion. He released the Bomb, and it engulfed the entire Veil with irrefutable power, The Veil itself actually tore, the boundaries between life and death had been overwhelmed. The ground blackened, and was nothing more than an ashen blast as the Lych himself remained untouched, his robes soaking the energy in.

”This is by far the most powerful congregation of creatures I’ve ever encountered…my only regret is Marie isn’t here to try and blast me with that wretched Mana-cannon. I was so hoping to reveal my counter-measure. Thank you Arianna, you have just delivered to me…my most powerful weapons.” Lych said, in a heart-beat there were suddenly Niall, Cyril, Zakaken, Abyssal and Animositus were gathered, suspended in the air by bright tethering. Their very essences were being drained, siphoned and funneled into the Lych’s power. He grunted, noticing that something now stood in the ashes of the ruined ground. It was none other than Ouroboros. His survival was ensured assured when he shift-stepped to Arianna, and placed a hand on her. He was able to use the power of his Ascention in order to allow both himself, and the Matriarch Hale moments of survival into their time of need. (+4 ABL Intangibility (to self +1) for one post.) Ouroboros looked to Arianna and smiled slightly.

“Close…” Was all he could whisper with his calm eyes fixated on Lych. He could have let her die…he could have let the Lych continue on and destroy the Hales. In fact, he partially felt justified in letting her die to the Lych…. But he had saved her, or so it seemed at least. He stood up and looked to the Lych.

”Little consequence.” Lych said smugly as he began to heal over, his power growing. A Maelstrom, a large funnel of souls rotated over the Veil, screaming and roaring out as they passed by. The beautiful pale essences danced like water in the moonlight, as energy began to pull pieces of the ground into the sky, disrupting the reality that was gravity. Ouroboros energy sparked as he closed his eyes. When he opened them again, he could feel the energy ripple, the world of the Veil had come undone, and this was the end. Ouroboros space-slipped himself between the tethering of Niall and Cyril. With a ferocity unrivaled, his Arm shattered away like glass, revealing the Arm of Ragnarox, and he swiftly cut out the Ethereal tethers to the Lych like umbilical cords. The Lych roared as Ouroboros allowed skin and armor to reform. His eyes kept moving, he watched everything, and without hesitation he began to channel his Ethereal energy in the air, disguising the growing mass overhead as he kept on the defensive. This would be over very soon… and though he hated to admit it…it was up to Arianna to do it.
* * * * * *

Silus watched, unsure of what to do. He closed his eyes and the orb faded. He didn't want to see what was happening. He already saw the Veil tear...he knew where this was all headed. He just nestled into Sean and looked to the wine bottle. Realistically he could age and take it, totally legal. On the other hand he could just remain the innocent one. He knew what it was like to have Ouro and not Sean...but now he had to face the fact that he was losing Ouro...and had Sean. HE was sort of excited...he made countless prayers to whatever was out there that he could be a real son to Sean one day...he just never guessed it would be at the expense of his daddy's life. His grip on Sean tightened a little.

I'm sorry" He mumbled, tears threatening to fall...but he kept strong, refusing to let a single one escape

Fall from Grace (Closed to Pat) Lucife10
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