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Thesis (NPC)

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Thesis (NPC) Empty Thesis (NPC)

Post by Stoic January 9th 2016, 9:12 pm

"I minored in the medical field and majored in journalism so if i ever get hurt by the people I'm writing about, i can not die.""

Basic Biography

Real Name: Quincy Parrish
Code Name: Thesis
Title: The Plague Doctor, The Black Detective.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Race: Human (Caucasian)
Hair: Black
Eyes: Blue
Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 140 Ib
Blood type: A+

The Looks


The Legacy

Personality: Eccentric, sarcastically deadpan, and able to literally laugh and mock in the face of death. Quincy is what one could call nuts, but there is sense to the madness behind his quirks and rather hurtful comedy. He is paranoid, but paranoid for good reason. Despite the fact you likely wouldn't believe half the stuff coming out of his mouth because the way he lays it out there, he is telling the right and telling the truth most of the time. Information is currency to him, and the truth is what you buy with it. He has no other purpose in these world other then to find out the inner dealings of the worlds elite and then expose them. He has little care for his own life, or the life of others for that matter, but he stands for the truth and nothing but it.

History: Quincy grew up on the streets. He doesn't remember what brought him there, but that's where he lived most of his life none the less. He did better then you would think though, always having money and not bringing himself to crime. He always believed if you were going to earn something, you should earn it honestly.

Eventually, he did enough odd jobs and used his eye for figuring things out enough he was able to get stable and go to college. He studied criminal minds and journalism, passing through it with flying colors and getting a job in no time. He was good, and people saw it. Some even said journalism was a bit under his pay grade. It seemed though that everything was working out for him, which was more then many could say.

He was known for getting into stories that no one else would, ones that could get you killed, but he pushed on. He had more run ins with the cops then you could shake a stick at due to all his 'self defense', but he pushed through and always got to the root of the problem. That is, until he hit the biggest story of his career. People were starting to think he was a nut, feeding into some conspiracy theory. He was in a sense, but that didn't make it less true. He was so close, perhaps too close.........and he disappeared.

He was captured, tortured, and nearly killed. However, the intervention of a few brave individuals gave him the chance he needed to break free, and he took it all too quickly. He realized that long week just how real his 'conspiracy theories' really were. He decided there were some things he just couldn't do in the light of day anymore, so he took up a mask and became Thesis.

The Powers and Weaknesses




Human: Quincy is a human.

Paranoia: Quincy is uber paranoid about like, everything. A skilled person could easily use this against him.

Wreckless: Quincy is totally unconcerned with his own life, running into dangerous situations despite his fragile human body.

RP Mechanics

Eyes and Ears: Quincy, or at least his alternate identity Thesis, has numerous people under his employ and a lot of connections. Basically a shit ton of people owe him one, or two.

The Black Detective: Quincy has an eye for investigation and gets information in creative ways, from technology to pure deduction. He is so good at it many people thought he should have went the private investigator or law enforcement route, but he remains a journalist.


Suit: Quincy's fancy longcoat is fire resistant and has military grade armor under it, covering him from head to toe.

Discs: Last ditch weapons that use tiny repulsers to assist in flight. They are insanely sharp and can be remotely controlled using a device on Quincy's wrist. The three inch discs are easily able to cleave through flesh and bone as their top speed can be as high as a thousand feet per second (Hidden in various places on Quincy).

Doctors Mask: Quincy's mask protects him from most poisons and toxins, as well as allowing him to see in pure darkness and thick smoke, it seems to be mystical in nature.

Doctors Pouch: Has numerous poisons, miscellaneous substances (easily acquired mundane stuff like sodium), and literal bottles of disease.

Long Gun: A long pistol of sorts capable of firing explosive shells that can damage metahumans.

Physical Priority
Reaction 1
Agility 2
Endurance 3
Strength 4

Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Quote : "See, I am a serious vigilante with serious themes dealing with serious issues. You may some day achieve this grand seriousness, but for now, fetch my coffee."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 290
Location : The Moral Highground
Job : Vigilante, of course.
Humor : You cannot ban that which is neither banned nor not banned.
Registration date : 2015-07-27

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Thesis (NPC) Empty Re: Thesis (NPC)

Post by Champion January 10th 2016, 8:30 pm

Approved until stated otherwise
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 184
Registration date : 2015-07-29

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