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Gaining Fame and Revolutionary Status (Raziel)

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Gaining Fame and Revolutionary Status  (Raziel) Empty Gaining Fame and Revolutionary Status (Raziel)

Post by Vampiro October 20th 2014, 7:10 pm

Vampiro, Alexander Thatch, and Alexander Kessler were all men who were not very well known to many but to those who knew them knew they were scary and not to be trifled with. the three felt like brothers in combat until recently when they had a falling out between Vampiro who famously for his first kill would kill a vampire and Thatch who was in fact half vampire this fight would result in where they are today... the three met in the city square of Leningrad Vampiro and Kessler had felt quite at home there were things about Kessler that vampiro had not known or remembered but that was not a matter to be dealt with now the three had met actually because they all were searching for man who had contacted them all desperately and told each of them to be here for the thing they all desired most fame and revolutionary status. when they saw each other there they did not question it nor react about it violently but just looked at one another in an evil fashion as they would anyone else who wasnt of the exact same thought process as them and no one ever was Vampiro would keep his hands close to his pistols at all times Thatch in a half transformed state and Kessler ready to use his Telekinetic powers at any moment


Gaining Fame and Revolutionary Status  (Raziel) 10527882_361576477351424_176333921647516399_n

Status :

Quote : I'll Bring You The Gift of Pain... Do You Prefer Steel or Lead?

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 21
Location : In The Darkness of Your Dreams
Age : 79
Job : Privateer
Humor : Vampiro: A German, A Hungarian, and A Russian Walk into a Bar and walk out without hearts ... sounds like the start of a bad joke
Registration date : 2014-07-13

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Gaining Fame and Revolutionary Status  (Raziel) Empty Re: Gaining Fame and Revolutionary Status (Raziel)

Post by Samael Christensen October 20th 2014, 7:36 pm

”Like taking candy from a crippled baby.” Raziel noted with a chuckle, looking down upon the meeting spot, examining a pocketwatch before then returning attention to the scene. Three beings that wanted what all seemed to want these days, power, fame and all of the pleasures of this world. The idea alone was amusing when one thought about it, how much stock humans and things that modeled themselves after them took within such pointless luxuries. The three associates now however seemed at each others throats, much like the angel had expected, and so he would come to them like the shining herald he was. So with a steady hand adjusting his well designed suit, raziel let a low sigh slip through his lips and so he would descend almost silently.

”Now now, no need to be at each others throats. There's plenty of me to go around.” Raziel chuckled loud enough to catch their attention, landing on the ground without a sound. Likely they would all look to him, with suspicion, and not without good reason. The confident, but young looking man just appeareing before them likely had some manner of strange implications that they were feeling. Not that he was worried about them trying to kill him, he was far from defenseless. ”I called all of you here, and I come to make all of you a deal.” Raziel noted examining each of them for some manner of reaction, regardless of what they might be.

”All of you wish for fame, and status. What if I could offer you just that?”
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 903
Registration date : 2012-08-21

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