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Untouchable Empty Untouchable

Post by Persephone January 14th 2013, 9:44 am

A lone siren blared into the frozen canyons and valleys, the shrill mechanic cry repeatedly shattering the tense atmosphere. Heavy winds picked up at velocities powerful enough to move mountains, avalanches sprinting across rock faces like an unstoppable pale juggernaut. The rain and snow relentlessly pelted the earth below until all that was left were the tips of the tree tops shrouded in an unforgiving white shawl of ice. Mother Nature's blizzard forced feeble creatures into submission, there was no denying the might and ferocity of the rumbling grey clouds and the screeching winds that chilled everything to the bone. Such pure ferocity, an environment where only the hardiest creatures can survive, natures way of picking the cream of the crop. The most powerful of them all where granted the rights to live, everything else would perish in the ice and snow. Deep within the mountain a travesty of life stirred, a creature bound to the impossible, a fragment of the power untouched by tainted human hands. The wrath of the elements desperately clawed away from this monstrosity, the howling winds telling the world that the spawn of something very sinister had awoken. Humanity's first attempt at creating the perfect being was finally taking its first baby steps into the unforgiving wilderness.

"Awaken my daughter. It is time to join the world."

An ungodly screech pierced the veil of subtlety as the storm grew stronger. The world did not want this monstrosity. The mountains roared and the winds shook but it was nothing to this embodiment of power. Ignorance was its friend. How could one experience fear if they had yet to face something remotely terrifying? There was nothing to fear. For fear had finally taken the form of a young woman. Her pale body shuffled through a mass of armed guards, a perimeter of 10 meters erected around the lone female. A stream of silent gibberish spewed from the red lips, yet no one dared silence her. The dead eyes glazed over the stark sterile environment, there was nothing amusing about her surroundings, no colour...nothing to stare at and smile. Colour made her happy. But what was happiness to a creature who knew nothing? There was nothing in her mind that could comprehend the vast array of hues and shadesthat existed in the human colour spectrum. She did not see colour, she experienced it. Colour was a taste, a sound and a smell.

All she could smell was fear. The air tasted of terror and she heard nothing but the frantic heartbeats of the men surrounding her.

All except one. One man who showed no fear. She knew this man. He was her friend, he gave her flowers and she experienced 'joy' whenever he came to visit her. He was her 'Dada' and the only person brave enough to stand beside her, his gentle words caressing the sensitive ears.

"Jennifer, my sweet child. My beautiful daughter. Today you will make me proud, you will make your mother proud,", he whispered under hushed breath as they all slowly turned a corner. There could be no sudden movements. Jennifer did not like sudden movements. Sudden movements ended with death. "Dada will stay with you for the whole day," he said slowly, as if speaking to an illiterate toddler who barely understood simple conversation. A soft coo was all that escaped Jennifer's lips, she was not looking at him but she knew her Dada was going to stay by her side. Her eyes were trained on the bright light ahead of her, a funny noise like the metallic heartbeat of a strange machine pulsating through the surrounding area as her steps took her into a wonderful white wasteland. A gurgle bubbled from her throat as her gaze scanned the blizzard, watched as Mother Nature reeled in disgust at the monstrosity that was walking barefoot in the ice and snow, the slender female who stood unafraid of what the elements could do to her. For they could do nothing. Nothing but watch as she obediently followed her Dada into the waiting helicopter, ready to penetrate the comfortable life of one particular metahuman.

Someone who was destined to face Jennifer alone. Go up against death herself.


"Sir I don't mean to show any disrespect but are you sure Jen- I mean Persephone is ready?", a lieutenant questioned, his voice thin and wavering as he gave the mumbling young woman a wary glance. It made sense that he was occupying the farthest seat away from her during the helicopter ride. Stuck inside a metal contraption with HER!? One would have to either be insane or paid hefty amounts of money to act as security to Persephone. Ironically enough it were these exact men ordered to guard her that needed more protection.

"Oh Sanders you should really have a little more faith in me", an amused voice tutted, the owner of said voice comfortably seated with fingers interlaced together as he watched the pale brunette stare out of the window at the urban environment below her. "There has never been a time where she has been more ready for this...and what better way to warm her up than deal with this buffoon"

"Sir...Jack Maroon easily defeated Agent Reaper. Now I am in no way denying Persephone's gifts but this man not only beat Reaper up but he fed her bacon right after!?", he stated with lips curled into a strange grimace.

"Sanders, stop worrying. You're beginning to sound like your wife", the grey haired male said flatly, "Reaper was merely testing the waters. We all knew she would fail, we simply wanted to know this young man's stance on his current allegiance...I'm sure Persephone could assist him."

"But sir -"

"Oh for god's sake Sanders! Stop ruining the moment!", the older man snapped, making sure his sudden change in pitch and tone did not set off the pale female mumbling to herself next to him.

"How many much longer until we get there? Once we land Sanders go fetch yourself a happy meal or something",the man chortled, thinking his attempt at humour was the most fantastic thing to happen during the chopper ride.

"Uhh yes sir and three minutes. Alpha squad have already set the charges around the target's property. We have several men stationed around the premises, 20 to the north and a squad to the east. Everything is good to go.", Sanders stated with brow furrowed and mouth watering from the very thought of having a greasy burger whilst his 'co-workers' stormed Mansion Maroon.

"Perfect. Land us over there, near those trees. I think it's about time Persephone made a friend.."

The bane of the metahuman race was ready. Her first excursion into the lives of the people she was destined to destroy. A harbinger of doom knocking on the doorstep of the world's fastest man's mansion. The perfect entree to the grand feast that awaited her.


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Untouchable Empty Re: Untouchable

Post by Jack Maroon January 23rd 2013, 3:51 pm

Strength. Speed. Style. Charm. Jack Maroon did not find himself wanting in any of these categories. As far as supers went, he was a class-S physical metahuman, lacking in any energy-emissions or complicated abilities, but still an overwhelming force on the battlefield. Scientists all around the globe had formed hypotheses around the nature of his powers, yet none of these proved conclusive, or even verifiable at all.
One such hypothesis, one that Jack himself liked in particular, was that Jack was an extradimensional alien lifeform that moved through and experienced time differently than humans did, explaining his monstrous speed and reaction time.
That was a load of bollocks of course, Jack knew. The sad truth was that even he didn't understand it. Dr. 0 had said there was no meta-gene present in his genetic coding, nor any field of traditional magical energies surrounding his body. When questioned about the origin of his powers, Jack always answered he hadn't the slightest clue. That was a blatant lie, but one that was likely preferable to the truth. All of this, the madness, the power, all of it started when he made a wish upon a falling star. Sounds silly? You bet. Yet it was the only explanation he had, a constant reminder of the absurdity of existence and the abject lack of meaning behind all of it.

Maroon Mansion, Jack's parental home turned palace of solitude, had been rigged with explosives in every wing but the main hall. Since the estate had become Jack's property, it had been the subject of many, many renovations, some as secretive as money could permit, hushing the voices of all those involved in the process. What little information government officials and intelligence agencies had been able to unearth pointed towards a mechanism that opened up the roof and suspended part of the mansion floor into the air with supports made of the strongest materials known to man. That, and a shitload of fireworks and audio-installations. It all pointed towards simple waste of money by a complete buffoon.
And while that may have been a pretty apt description of the man in question, the true purpose of this outlandish house-pimping was far darker.

The whirring of helicopter blades heralded the arrival of Dominus. Jack had been expecting them. He had followed the news around the organization, and had recalled his earlier encounter with Agent Bacon Pancake. He had forgotten her actual title, but it was probably just as stupid as this one he thought, so why bother? At least his version had bacon in it, and bacon makes everything better. She had said that her attempt on his life would be followed by an even greater force, one that would destroy him utterly. He had welcomed it, and still did.
With little to nothing left to live for, suffering from an existential depression, and generally bored with his life, he did not find the prospect of dying in glorious battle against a superior foe entirely unappealing. That was of course, to say, if such a foe even existed. And now the answer was close; right at his doorsteps really.

Jack sat slumped across his throne in the grand hall, or the disco room, as he liked to call it, watching the monitor that was erected from the ground in front of him. For once, he was finally decent; wearing his finest white shirt, and black striped dress pants and waistcoat. The combat boots and leather fingerless gloves clashed with the look, not to mention the ridiculous anime shades on his face, but these were his essentials, and he would not part with them easily.
On the monitors, he saw he troopers surround the mansion, arming explosives around it; a wasteful effort, since he was planning on blowing most of the house and the surrounding environment up anyway. Yeah. Go out with a bang.
What caught his eye however was the pretty babe approaching the entrance accompanied by several older men, one of of them being that Adam Paxton guy. Hey, wait a fucking second. Wasn't that guy the leader of Dominus? Yes, Jack, yes he is. This is probably going to get intense. Jack grinned. He pressed the button.

A large screen rose from the ground in front of the entrance, blocking the door, displaying Jack sitting on his throne. The hundreds of audio-speakers scattered all over the grounds, forest and mansion walls were emitting his voice, accompanying the live video footage of the man in his throneroom. He sat comfortably on the oversized chair, his one leg slung over the other and his hands suspended above his lap in a staple. He bore a large, boyish grin on his face, one that betrayed his excitement for the upcoming event, yet belied his wish for death.

"Well, well, well. Look who's come to visit lil' ol me. I. Am. Flattered as Fuck. If you're here to challenge me, I really hope you've brought something better than a bunch of soldiers and your ownsome, because that's really not gonna cut it. I expect you're not going to disappoint me again, like with err...whatsherface, the albino chick. You can talk by the way. There's a mic worked into this here screen, so we can converse all adult-like, you dig?"

One might say he was a bit too much of a fan of his own voice, and rambled on and one. But who isn't, when it might be the last conversation they'll ever have. Monologuing could be his last little pleasure, and he wasn't about to give up the chance of goofing off in front of one of the world's most dangerous and influential men. Like I said earlier, go out with a bang.

Jack Maroon
Jack Maroon
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 193
Location : Glorious Nation of Dutchlandia
Job : Not anymore.
Registration date : 2012-02-03

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Untouchable Empty Re: Untouchable

Post by Persephone January 24th 2013, 10:32 pm

Gently clasping his daughter's hand Adam carefully led her outside the chopper and onto the rustling emerald grass that lay at their feet. The gurgling brunette, with a complacent gaze and twitching fingers, let out a peculiar coo. The grass felt strange against the soles of her feet, it tickled and for a moment she wistfully plucked a few strands of green with her toes, a light giggle escaping the her lips. If it were not for Adam who still held her hand, the young woman would have stayed there for quite some time...marvelling at the lawn that caressed her soles. However, Adam had come to do much more than appreciate a fine piece of grass, he had arrived with an intention to either make or break the infamous Jack Maroon otherwise known as the fastest man on the planet. Jennifer just happened to be the only one capable of matching such speed.

Their momentary walk in silence, with the bumbling agent Sanders keeping his distance away from the pale young woman was briefly interrupted by several troopers who had finished their initial setup. The three stout and rather unremarkable men kept their distance from Jennifer and only kept eye contact with Adam, one simply stared at the floor.

"Sir..The charges have been set. Everything is placed just where you want them ", one of the troopers stated, his eyes flickering towards the black veined young woman still gurgling at the grass underneath her.

"Good Job men! I suggest you clear the area for now, don't want any of you getting hurt now do we?", Adam grinned, patting his daughters hand and nodding the men off with a smile. 17 charges places alongside the foundations of the house, several aerial drones hovering in the afternoon heat several thousand meters in the air...waiting to strike if necessary.

Soon after the squads of troops had fled the area the trio made their way on the impeccably well paved trails which led to the mansion's towering oak doors. Although he was a man rarely impressed by such things Mr Paxton did take a moment to appreciate the fine and slightly over-excessive architecture of the grand mansion, a shame it was owned by a troublesome metahuman. Sander's gaze never left the gratuitous water features and sculptures lining the entryway for they ere a much more welcoming sight than the passive young woman swaying her head in front of him. She had no idea why she was here, daddy simply told her to fetch this young man and be a good girl. Sanders felt nothing more than pity and an intense fear for the girl, she possessed power he would never comprehend and yet she gurgled like a baby whenever she saw a butterfly. Truly strange.

It was only until the very man of the mansion made his grand appearance and oh how ridiculously excessive and just another show of how socially challenged this young man was. The blaring speakers delivered its obnoxious welcoming to the trio who stared up at the young man seated on a throne. Typical arrogance displayed by a foolish privileged 'superhero'. Jennifer winced at the sudden noise, her eyes growing wide as she complacently listened to the mocking voice of her would be prey. Thankfully Adam was there to calm her and his brisk steps towards the microphone were more than enough to indicate he wanted his daughter as docile as possible before anything were to happen.

"To be quite frank, I would have much preferred if you didn't send agent Reaper back with a direct challenge towards us. Embarrassing my employees and threatening this organisation isn't going to to do you any good. i assure you that." Adam spoke with a dry sense of command, staring right into the monitor, completely unfazed with Jack's rather egotistical display. "But you asked for a challenge so I shall grant you your wish...although I cannot assure you that you'll survive...At least you'll provide my daughter with some fun", the wrinkled leader smirked, motioning towards his daughter who took a slow step forward, fingers twitching as she stared with curiosity at the man on the screen.

The black veins that traversed her pale skin began to ripple, like the dark ichor was possessed with a frantic aim to escape her supple white skin. Her pupils instantly dilated, the blue and red eyes glowing with an unrecognisable source of crackling energy as her unwavering gaze burned right into the view of Jack's face. "Dada...say..", she mumbled, her words trailing off into a stream of silent gibberish as her bare legs shifted underneath her seemingly frail body. A whispery croak was all that escaped her lisp before a powerful burst of energy exploded from her body, as if the adrenalin took a physical form.

There was no warning. Just a resounding BOOM as her body soared straight into the large monitor, completely obliterating it with the sudden burst of momentum. Her face was calm but energy flowing through her veins was not. She could smell his sweat, taste the shampoo that he scrubbed into his hair that morning and hear his very heartbeat as she relentlessly tore her way through the foundations of the face of the mansion. She was a being who cared not for subtlety or manners, such things were foreign concepts used by the strange pink humans who constantly gave her roses and kept her clean. She liked humans, they were fun! Except for the one's Dada said were bad, they needed to learn a lesson like that diamond girl.

Like a rippling blur of unrestrained energy the young woman was an unstoppable juggernaut, destroying everything in her way until she reached the 'throne room'. Her gaze was set on her prey and she would not falter nor show mercy. Her gurgling lips and passive features combined with the monstrous physicality were demonic in itself. A killer without a conscious...or simply one who did not need a conscious.

" good..girl", she mumbled to herself, fingers outstretched to yank the young man's heart out.


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Number of posts : 4
Registration date : 2012-11-25

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Untouchable Empty Re: Untouchable

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