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The Womb

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The Womb Empty The Womb

Post by The Womb November 12th 2012, 11:36 pm

Real Name: Unknown, possibly forgotten.
Super Hero/Villain/Renegade/etc Name: The Womb
Title: WOMB, The Womb. (May refer to himself in various ways/titles however most people would refer to him as either Womb or The Womb)
Alignment: Good. (I'd say manic good though, will be explained)
Age: Unknown, possibly forgotten.
Gender: The form of a male though this too is debatable.
Race: Unknown, possibly human once.
Hair: (varies)
Eyes: none
Height: 5'10
Weight: 180lbs

Costume/Character Description/Image:
The Womb takes the form of a skeleton. However has the ability to shape shift at a very basic level. He has the ability to form facial/hair and materialize different kinds of attire. This is the limit of his shape shifting/manipulating ability. Though his head has no flesh the rest of his body does. His body is like that of a slim, athletic man in his prime. His attire consists mainly of looking like a biker. Though he sometimes takes the traditional appearance of Death or sometimes changing his attire to something more elaborate (like a clown costume) during one of his more affluent days. He is also known to appear naked at times.

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(More images coming soon as I get a url for them.)

Personality: The Womb is a highly intelligent being. However he has an insatiable appetite for knowledge. He has a curious nature and often questions himself and life forms around him, his existence, his actions, others actions. He is often reflective and pensive. This often leads him into fowl bouts of depression. Which also leads to highly aggressive mood swings. His natural instinct is for good, he admires nature and people of good spirits but stupidity or wanton acts of destruction anger him. When considering humanity as a whole and seeing the torture they have inflicted upon others he can burst out into an unspeakable rage which leads him to lose his "head" as it were and take on a vendetta like rampage against those he finds or deems fitting to face the brunt of his wrath.

In all Womb tries his hardest to be gentle, and thoughtful. Often going out of his way to help others. He can be jovial at times but is more often than not in a deeper mind frame. He is caring and trusting, often misplacing his trust but never losing the trait of placing his trust easily on others. He can often be child like,in that he can be imaginative, romantic and lovable. However..

History: (following on from personality as they're kind of intertwined)

He is insane. The Womb was once human like, possibly a humanoid from another planet. Not a lot can be said for his history. He simply drifts. After wandering the plains of The Universe for sometime his mind decayed. He believes he is a creature called "The Womb" He found his way to Earth during it's beginnings and watched as Life grew. As he watched he saw what Life brought. Death and destruction. Joys and sorrows. Over time he began to develop a mind frame in which he convinced himself that from "The Womb" came Life and Death. He would come to claim they were his children, giving both Life and Death personalities and speaking about them frequently.

Soon enough Humanity evolved from the ether. During that time as he watch man develop he saw in Humanity a likeness unto himself. Sympathizing with man, he then deduced that if indeed he did give birth to Life he gave birth to Humanity, claiming it as his third and last child.

During much of this period spanning millions of years and countless rises and falls of Life. He dealt with hostile emotion. He would often use his above Human capabilities and lash out when feeling oppressed or frustrated with certain acts of Humanity or even at times, his own acts. During times of turbulent emotion The Womb could be hard to control, causing a lot of damage or casualties. Some even innocent. Again acts of violence such as these drives him into despair and the cycle become deeper.

After much deliberation The Womb concluded that as a being he was not human, however, he was a being of pure emotion. Driven by dizzying highs and spiraling lows. Crimson red angers and ocean blue calms. He decided to stay as far away from his negative side as possible, immersing himself in isolation and nature. Yet, he still longed for connection and would try his hand every few years or so at connecting with his "children." Some of his encounters going well for him, others ending in tragedy or heartbreak.

Manipulation/shape shifting: 1

Shape Shifting: Womb has the ability to shape shift at a very basic level. He can materialize clothing for various effects (although he rarely strays from the biker look) He can grow a beard or hair as he chooses and does so occasionally. This however is the extent of his power. He can not change his appearance to mimic another (unless it were their clothes I guess) or grow bigger/smaller. Turn into a liquid etc. He remains always as The Womb, only altered in superficial ways at times when he feels the need for it.

Regeneration (to the point of immortality): 5

Regeneration: The Womb's Regeneration power renews his cells constantly. However if struck by a force that say renders him unconscious he would remain unconscious like any other being. His healing rate depends on how grievous the damage is. A deep slash would would take him a few minuets, but replacing a limb would take a few hours. He still feels pain like any other creature. A bump on the head could render him unconscious as could severe pain. The point of death for The Womb is entire destruction of every one of his living cells. If one cell remains (although the rejuvenation process could take years to be fully complete.) he still has the potential to return back to his original form. He does not require food or air to remain alive or conscious.

Power Grid:
EP: 6
FS: 3

Power Grid colours:
dark, blacks greys.

Roleplay Sample:

The Womb trod as softly as possible. The gravity here was thin, almost non existent. He could feel its pull though it was only like the tugging of thread caught in a doorway. He gazed at the desolate scene. So many planets, eaten. Decayed. He lifted his foot, like a feather it felt as he moved, placing it upon the earth cracks formed around his feet like dry ripples.

Are there any others like me? Or am I alone in this Universe? The Earth does not need me. Humanity does not love me anymore. And Death, the only child I have every truly loved can not touch me! She can not even look me in the eye!

Raising his hands to his face, his shoulders began to shudder. And he sobbed. The Womb internally cursed the physics of space. He wished deeply to hear the comfort of his sobs, the groan of despair. The aching feeling he had now felt like the weight of a stone was in his chest and twice as cold. Without atmosphere to scream into, he had no place to rid himself of his internal landslide.
The Womb
The Womb
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Quote : "Heed me Humans. I am the Womb!"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 273
Location : UK
Age : 33
Job : Rapper/writer/cafe assistant
Humor : Abstract
Registration date : 2012-11-12

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The Womb Empty Re: The Womb

Post by Forceaus November 13th 2012, 12:01 am

Approved until stated otherwise

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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