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Thrones; Welcoming the New Part 2: Scavenger Hunt (Robert and Kassandra)

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Thrones; Welcoming the New Part 2: Scavenger Hunt (Robert and Kassandra)  Empty Thrones; Welcoming the New Part 2: Scavenger Hunt (Robert and Kassandra)

Post by Chellizard October 1st 2012, 3:42 am

The sun was high in the sky, save for the clouds that shrouded it's lovely light. A few warm zephyrs rolled through the courtyard, and brushed against the sleek vehicular transportation waiting for the newest recruits of Thrones. The engines all purred, politely patient with pleasure while standing complacently in their perfect parallel pattern. Two by two, the wide oval paved driveway slightly uphill and then back down as it curves around the main grounds of the manor. As each car was filled, the drivers would make sure the occupants were comfortable, and they were off toward their destinations.


The mission is simple.

Retrieve a package.

How hard can that be?

Not that hard; one would think, anyway.

Each package is located on different ends of New York City. And each package holds something precious, and are of different size, shape, and weight. Some have fragile stamped on the side, and others have nothing written on the side whatsoever.

However, the package for this assignment is located in a Museum in Manhatten.

Details of the package included are:

It's roughly five pounds, including the box it's contained in. It's marked 'Handle with Care', and it's just a bit taller than it is wide. It's hidden underneath of a display of an 80 Billion dollar necklace; even though it's priceless by some standards. The museum is heavily guarded. Most of the guards are from a heavy military or special ops background. The display room is marked with invisible laser wires, cameras that sweep the room from all angles, as well as a camera within the display stand. There's a control room in the basement of the museum, and the only natural way in would either be from the roof, or right through the front door. The air conditioning system is blocked off with secured bars that would be impossible for even meta humans with amazing strength to break through.

Retrieve the package; do not break it's contents.

Have fun; good luck.

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Thrones; Welcoming the New Part 2: Scavenger Hunt (Robert and Kassandra)  JiLqjv0
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