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Darkness Master

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Darkness Master Empty Darkness Master

Post by DarkMaster June 8th 2012, 9:54 pm

Real Name: Jim Jacobson
Super Hero/Villain/Renegade/etc Name: Dark master
Title: He who walks in darkness.
Alignment: Evil
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Race: White
Hair: Black
Eyes: Black
Height: 5'11 at normal but can very depending on his darkness intake.
Weight: 160 but can very depending on darkness intake.

Costume Description/Image:

Personality: He is smart but the more he uses his powers he loses his sanity hhe dosent feel remorse for his killings and he craves power.

History: He grew up in a good house but when he was 12 his parents were murdered by a burgler and hats when his powers awakend and from what he says "the darkness just took controle of its self and riped the burgler apart" from then on he has murderd but his most famous was the police station massacere that ook place at the miami head station also known as the first time he used the name Dark Master (event recounted in sample roleplay).

Powers: ■ Absorb/merge shadows/darkness into users body/mind/soul for greatly increased capabilities, the users blood may turn black, or resemble dark mist.
Elemental Healing by using the darkness to mend/fill wounds.
Intangibility by turning the body into darkness (can only be used for 10 seconds every 30 mins).
Psionic Shield "solidifying" the darkness in the mind/soul.
Flight witch is gaind by rideing on darkness.
Materialize, shape and manipulate darkness at will:
Animating shadows, whether users own or cast by anything else.
Darkness Blasts, tentacles/tendrils and/or wires for direct effects.
Energy Strike/Weapon Infusion by surrounding their limbs and/or weapons in darkness.
Manifesting Multiple Arms/Tentacle Extension or similar extensions
Elemental Constructs of darkness, including weapons, missiles, walls, armor or allies/servants.
Binding/imprisoning/stopping people/objects etc. either by engulfing or binding them.

Power Grid: (You have 22 points to spend on your Power Grid unless you can fly, in which case you have 20. Each stat can start at 6, not 7. 7 must be earned.)
STR: 4
SPD: 3
END: 3
EP: 3

Power Grid colours:

Character Image/Description:Darkness Master Moridin1

Roleplay Sample: BRRRING BRRING the station alarm whent off witch was all pard of HIS plan. He walks in useing the shadows to become almost invisible when he arives in the middle he releases all of his dark energy witch knocks down every body in the room but also renders the room pitch black. "Hello you all may call me dark master" he says with a bow then he is hit with a barage of bullets seemingly dead but the darkness poors into his wounds and heals them but he appeard weak he sends tendrils of darkness and small blasts killing some but not all of the police then before he leaves he smiles and says "Just wait till the rest of the city gets a load of me" then he is blanketed in darkness fromm the wast down and flys away through a window .

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1
Location : london ont
Age : 37
Registration date : 2012-06-07

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Darkness Master Empty Re: Darkness Master

Post by The Silence June 8th 2012, 10:20 pm

There is too much going on here for only 3 EP. Many of the things you just wrote down are different powers.

Darkness Manipulation
Flight (Makes your grid use only 20 points instead of 22)

The whole mind and soul thing is a no go as well
The Silence
The Silence

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 77
Registration date : 2010-07-20

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