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Kander Empty Kander

Post by Kander April 25th 2011, 6:08 pm

Real Name: Kander
Super Hero/Villain/Renegade/etc Name: None; Either someone knows his true name, or he makes up a name to suit himself.
Title: Jinn, Slave, Demon, ect.
Alignment: True Neutral
Age: 1,246
Gender: Male
Race: Jinn
Hair: Depends on form
Eyes: Grey
Height: 1’-8’6” (Depending on form)
Weight: 1-400lbs (depending on form)

Costume Description/Image: Since he doesn’t wear a costume (and he can shapeshift into almost…anything), he doesn’t exactly have a standard image. However, he does have a few forms he finds the most comfortable.

He typically sports this when he’s feeling…elemental.

Incubus: (warning, this image is suggestive, and almost shows some stuff. Avert your eyes, yee youngin’s!)

When he’s in a mischievous mood, Kander likes to play dirty in an attempt to embarrass his masters. This is his weapon.

Any sort of bird really, from cardinals to rocs...though he prefers the bigger birds. Makes him feel better.

A favorite for combat, particularly with a big axe. (axe does no extra damage at all; it's simply a part of his form, and does normal strength damage)

Assorted Tentacled Horrors:
When the Minotaur just isn't scary enough.

Personality: Snarky, sarcastic, and more than a little proud and confident sum up Kander rather well. He’s far more agreeable with other spirits, but he hates humanity; after it, it’s human mages that have kept him in slavery (and all other Jinn and Djinn). It would take a monumental effort of compassion in order to overcome his ingrained prejudices, since he’s never, ever met a human that did not treat him like dirt.

History: Kander was first made by a magi more than a thousand years ago, forced from the collective conscious of the Other Place to a singular identity and made into a magical slave, like so many other spirits before him. Kander was not special: he toiled for master after master, his wit and usefulness being one of the few things that kept him alive - both literally and figuratively. However, a few hundred years ago, Jinn slowly came out of service, as they were not nearly so useful as the magical Djinn but just as troublesome. Thus, Kander spent a few blissful centuries in his home, his name forgotten in the turmoil of human conflict and ignorance. But, such peace cannot last forever; a few years ago, Kander was summoned once more, and after a few months in the modern world, he has somewhat adapted to it, though it’s a far cry from the ancient world he knew. However, now that his name has been uncovered, Kander dreads that he will have many such summonings in the near future…

Powers: Kander is a Jinn, a being from the Other Place that was “created” from it’s mass and given consciousness by being given a name. As a Jinn, he doesn’t have the same magical capacity that Djinn do, but he does have supernatural strength, durability, and shape shifting ability. He is effectively immortal to age because he isn’t a corporeal being, but a spirit that must be given shape in the physical realm. While he is exceedingly powerful in the mortal realm, prolonged periods exposed to the mortal world (weeks, not hours) wear on his essence, making him weaker over time.

Power Grid:
STR: 5
SPD: 2
END: 5
INT: 3
EP: 2
FS: 3

Character Image/Description: Same as “costumed” appearance.

Roleplay Sample: Not new: I’m also Brightside and Superiority.

Last edited by Kander on April 25th 2011, 7:18 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5
Registration date : 2011-04-25

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Kander Empty Re: Kander

Post by Paine April 25th 2011, 6:31 pm

O.o; I don't get the fact that he can be one foot tall to.. gargantuan in size.. Do explain that.

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Post Adept
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Number of posts : 366
Age : 31
Registration date : 2009-11-01

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Kander Empty Re: Kander

Post by Kander April 25th 2011, 6:43 pm

He can shapeshift. Thus, he could turn into a cat (1'), or enlarge into a minotaur (8'6"). Either way though, his stats are the same; he's just as strong as a minotaur as he is a cat...though the cat is alot less scary.

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Number of posts : 5
Registration date : 2011-04-25

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Kander Empty Re: Kander

Post by Paine April 25th 2011, 6:52 pm

So, a tiny little bitty cat, that's tiny.. is as strong as a minotaur?


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Post Adept
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Number of posts : 366
Age : 31
Registration date : 2009-11-01

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Kander Empty Re: Kander

Post by Kander April 25th 2011, 6:56 pm

Technically, yes, it is. It might have issues with leverage....but the material that it's made out of is not a cat. Let me explain.

It's sort of like an illusion, a cloak for the actual spirit that lies within. The cat isn't fueled by muscles, and neither is the minotaur; it's the spirit's power that causes the shape to interact with the world, not physics. The form is merely a vehicle that the spirit is forced to take, not the spirit itself, thus a more powerful spirit who has the same shape is still more powerful.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5
Registration date : 2011-04-25

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Kander Empty Re: Kander

Post by Paine April 25th 2011, 7:27 pm

Approved and moved.

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Post Adept
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 366
Age : 31
Registration date : 2009-11-01

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Kander Empty Re: Kander

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