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Naomi     Empty Naomi

Post by Fidget March 24th 2011, 9:01 pm

Real Name: Naomi Me Lei
Super Hero/Villain/Renegade/etc Name:
Title: The Lady In Red
Alignment: Neutral
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Race: Human (Asian)
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Green
Height: 5 Feet 4 Inches
Weight: 112 Pounds

Costume Description/Image: If description please be very detailed.
Naomi     3010j8p

Personality: When first interacting with Naomi, what becomes immediately apparent is her sense of calm reserve, one that often leaves her mistaken as the silent type. As a fairly perceptive person, she finds that most statements about a person's character can be inferred not by the manner of content of their message, but how they choose to say it, if one has a mind to look for the subtext. And, as a simple matter of preference, she reveres a subtle touch. This philosophy has left her with an appreciation for a precise, but articulate manner of speech. As such, she doesn't have much of a high regard for the brash, the loud, or the nonsensical, often returned with either a sly rebuttal, a sharp rebuke, or out-and-out ignoring of the perpetrator. Likewise, when it comes to important matters, she prefers a discussion to be all about business. That said, when it suits her, she can prove a rather graceful conversationalist, both witty and charming, if a bit concise from her end, but nonetheless capable of keeping up with even the most intellectual of discussions, so far as general knowledge is concerned.

It's not a large step from a mere observation of her social habits to infer that this Asian youth is a harsh pragmatist, and to a point, that would be an accurate description. Mei Li is, at her best, cool, serene, and calculated, placing a hefty regard to tact and a mindful, well-thought out approach to life and decision making, careful to understand and properly evaluate the cost of one's actions before taking them. In her world, the consequences one's own foolishness or ignorance is not to be coddled or sympathized with, as they are well deserved, as are those decisions derived from those who can't separate their emotions from rational choices. It's a rough philosophy, but one understandably derived from her upbringing, and not to be mistaken for cruelty. In the commune, an injury gained from one's own poor decisions doesn't only hurt the wounded, but hurts the entire community, as precious time and assets must now be wasted on their correcting their mistakes. They may be obligated to assist their brethren, but it should not be without constant admonishment and rebuke, to discourage further thoughtlessness, and to encourage learning from the mistake.

Unlike a true survivalist bent on personal survival and success, however, Naomi holds one reality to which most all other decisions and choices are ultimately bent towards: that her life is not her own. It belongs to the family, to her commune, and, in a much more broader, abstract sense, to the People's Republic of China. She is not out in the USA for her own amusement. She is not out here to get wealthy and set long roots into the local towns. She's not wandering to find the white prince who can wisk her away to settle down. She has a specific set of tasks - observe the forsaken lands, learn, procure valuable information and resources, and return to the cell to enrich the community with her findings. That isn't to say that she doesn't have any regard for her personal well-being. After all, if she doesn't take care of herself, she can't complete the mission, and her commune will suffer for it. So many operatives end up missing when sent on this task, so it's very important that as many return with as much as they can afford, or the cell will be thrown into jeopardy from a lack of supplies and a lapse of intel. A respect for one's personal self is necessary, but the context puts a higher understanding on being careful and thoughtful with one's choices, one beyond just self-interests, for not only will she suffer for it, but her brothers and sisters are also compromised.

To that end, she makes an effort not to needlessly interfere with the social dynamics present in the Superhero Community. She is an observer, scavenger, and benefactor of this land, not a player or a social engineer, and to make herself too visible threatens to expose the existence of the cell, not to mention, possibly corrupt present available intel. Given that, she won't take the initiative to disrupt a big time battle between good and evil, no matter the morality involved. Whether local tradesmen, a bureaucrat, or a gangbangerr, it really doesn't mean much to her, at least in regards to official interactions, unless the people concerned threaten to compromise her health or objectives. And, if it can prove a useful enough end, just about anything is on the table for negotiation, regardless of public tastes and sensitivities. She is to hold herself apart from the concerns of morality or politics. It might prove her dangerously open-minded, but to her, that is simply part of her duty. It would be difficult to face her community and say to them that her personal taste and principles is more important than the medicine or rare acquisition they would receive for following a distasteful seller.

That said, it's much different speaking to such strict abstinence from the plights and concerns of the outside world in theory than it is to see it personally, and to find oneself inside it. Naomi tries her best to remain logically objective in all regards, and tight-lipped when it comes to her personal feelings, much like one would be expected to within the commune, but in the blatant freedoms and open nature of the free world, she sometimes finds herself surprised at the emotion she feels in certain situations. Having always been rather divorced of her feelings as a necessity, and in the presence of strict authority, she sometimes doesn't really know how she really feels inside about many subjects, and against her better nature, sometimes an unexpected emotion bursts through to action before she can hold it in. Anger when a selfish youth steals from the shop they're working, anxiety wondering about the fate of an outsider, or an unexpected tear hearing the cry of a grieving mother. In many ways, as time goes on, she fears that the American way of life is rubbing off on her, and corrupting her thoughts, to which she tends to react with shame or vehement denial.

After's not her land. And it's not her destiny.

Above all, Mei Li is someone who prefers to have control in any situation she finds herself in, whether it be in combat, or a simple battle of wits. Although this could be attributed to a manipulative personality, which wouldn't be totally inaccurate, it's really not about power. Rather, it's about safety and pragmatism. She doesn't like to appear vulnerable, and never feels comfortable in a scenario unless she has at least some measure of control over the variables within, so much so that, despite her otherwise reserved manner of action, she's willing to go out of her way to attain that measure, even if she has no intention of using it. It simply gives her a valuable peace of mind.

As a person who values intellectualism and thoughtful expression, Naomi has a special regard and respect for those of great intelligence, one that borders both admiration and jealousy. Although hardly lacking in mental facilities, there's little that intimidates her more than someone who's obviously smarter than she is. It's a rare insecurity in her that is almost visibly uncomfortable, and often leads to more risky behavior to compensate.

History: Mei Li was raised among a commune in a manner much as her parents were, and their parents before them, holding steadfast to communist principles and upholding the mission, with the latter holding just as much importance as the former. Everything came second to the need to continue the strength and function of the cell. Although there were something that most could identify with "families", children were the responsibility of everyone old enough to watch over them, just another duty like regular maintenance of the facility or scouting the perimeter and those around age were your siblings. It may provide for an unusual existence, but that strength and unity is all the separated them from the society outside that was collapsing into anarchy all around them. A chaos maintained only by violence and wealth. That was the greedy blight of capitalism. But the order within, one that was able survive generations in the hellish world, that was the strength of Eastern Communism.

But, even in a deeply institutionalized and fortified society, the commune cannot remain isolated from the world, especially if they wanted to continue the mission. Thus, once of age, older teens are sent on a quest to the outside, to further their mission, and bring supplies back home. These Chinese loyalists are trained from childhood to prepare for this departure, and to be given the best chance possible of coming back. The success rate isn't very high, but if enough agents are sent, the return is profitable enough, especially since greater rewards await those who bring back rare or needed assets. Of course, there are exceptions to going. For example, a rather high-percentage of female youth end up pregnant early on, thus forgoing the trip, and though skipping such an important duty brings about a level of shame. But, quite frankly, the more children to eventually make the quest, the better, and some young women find the alternative quite attractive, even despite the cost.

However, Mei Li isn't amongst them. After all, she has enough shame. Her mother was little more than a breeder, and her father, once thought dead, was discovered hiding within a local town and promptly executed as a traitor. Although each child theoretically belongs to the community, there is a certain stigma that has followed her since childhood in regards to the elders and veterans, and one she has dedicated her life to ridding herself of, and redeeming her reputation. And, despite proving herself a rather capable student and worker, she has yet to accomplish this. That's why she needs to not only succeed in her trial in the wastes, but to exceed all expectations. Enough to rid herself of her father's stink, and to prove she's more useful than as a simple comfort girl. And to make sure that her future descendants face a better start than she did.

It's not that simple, however. Despite the unique resources of the Chinese cell, the settlement can't allow those leaving the commune to possess anything that might be linked back to their location, or lend credence to their continued existence. As such, those that are sent off are given the most basic and common of equipment to start them on their journey. A harsh measure, but one for the greater good, especially if it would otherwise mean losing valuable munitions. Mei Li is no exception; quite the opposite, thanks to her minor standing, as she has been issue items of a lesser condition than most. But that's not all she was given. Given the nature of prejudice, those taking the quest are also issued a new name, one that they will use in the wastes to throw off guesses. Although many choose a more westernized title, many choose a name of East Asian origin, hoping to use their appearance and American ignorance to identify themselves as a different ethnicity. To that end, the name "Naomi" is recognized both amongst westerners and the Japanese, to appeal to a more friendly familiarity.

Despite her grand aspirations, after leaving the cell more than a year ago, 'Naomi' has found herself with little to show. She had initially joined a merchant group, operated by an established agent, trading with gruff work and general assistance for living expenses, a grasp on the local geography and an exposure to the economy of the wastes. While it has proved a rather educational and rather safe, little can be said for the rewards, both monetarily and in terms of physical assets. Although she expects this journey to last many years, wandering the U.S.A proves to be an understandably time-consuming affair, and that even a decade could easily be lost trying to build one's fortune to a respectable level. If she is to accomplish her personal objective, she must become more...ambitious. With the coming trade stop in New York City, she is certain to find something more promising to start her solo venture.

Powers: Naomi's only real powers are here fighting skills and her ability to read the people around her like a book. She carries a katana and several throwing stars at all times

Power Grid:
STR: 3
SPD: 3
END: 3
INT: 6
EP: 0
FS: 6

Character Image/Description: If description please be very detailed on it.
Naomi     2yw8ydw

Last edited by Fidget on March 24th 2011, 10:40 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 4
Registration date : 2011-03-24

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Naomi     Empty Re: Naomi

Post by The Black Knight March 24th 2011, 10:25 pm

Alright, nice application. Well, you have superhuman stats, but in your history you never give any reason for that. The most a normal human can have is a 3 in either STR/SPD/END, peak physical condition all around. Any higher is considered superhuman, and you need a reason for being that way. As for your ability to read people, is this actually a power or just a personality trait?

Onto your items, well since you don’t have an EP power, your items are either normal, or powered by tech (Depending on the level of INT. You've modified your weapon in some way to be able to harm super humans and withstand more powerful strikes from them.)

Our characters will meet at one point hopefully.

What color would you like for your powergrid?

"Midway in life's journey, I found myself in the dark woods, The right way lost, To tell about those woods is difficult, so tangled and rough, It's savage just thinking of it now...I felt the old fear stirring, from where my shadows were born."

Naomi     Blackknight1Naomi     Blackknightgrid
The Black Knight
The Black Knight
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 255
Registration date : 2009-11-01

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Naomi     Empty Re: Naomi

Post by Fidget March 24th 2011, 10:41 pm

I changed the stats to fit like you said, and I'm excited to roleplay with you <3

I'd like pink and blue for my grid!

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 4
Registration date : 2011-03-24

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Naomi     Empty Re: Naomi

Post by Guest March 24th 2011, 10:46 pm

The app looks amazing. It seems to fit in with the timeline of the rp quite well too, and I can't wait to see you as a poster on the forums.

However, because your character is from China and that detail is so important for your history, personality and such, I recommend looking at this thread.

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Naomi     Empty Re: Naomi

Post by Wilbert Jackson March 24th 2011, 11:06 pm

Ight, tell me if you like it, I threw it togetha' real quick.

Naomi     Naomis

Naomi     WilbertNaomi     Image
Wilbert Jackson
Wilbert Jackson
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 126
Registration date : 2008-12-02

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Naomi     Empty Re: Naomi

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