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Jeremy Tanasugarn (Done)

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Jeremy Tanasugarn (Done) Empty Jeremy Tanasugarn (Done)

Post by Neodraconis August 17th 2014, 2:30 pm

Jeremy Tanasugarn
Demon Detective

Basic Biography

Real Name:  Jeremy Tanasugarn    
Title: Demon Detective
Alignment: Neutral Good
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Hair:  Black
Eyes: Blue
Height: 5' 9"
Weight: 177 lbs
Blood type: B+

The Looks

Jeremy, Split Male/Female :


Jeremy in Crossdressing:

The Legacy


The Detective

Jeremy is a curious person and always has been. When faced with the choice to look behind one of two doors he would open both anyway. His curiosity and the fact that he becomes madly ambitious in what he undertake is what makes him suited for the line of work he’s in. It is two things that drive him and it’s the core to why he’s so stubborn. Sometimes however, his persistent nature can turn the focus of his attention into an unhealthy obsession. When that happens he loses himself in his research and forget other things that’s important. In the end he somehow always snaps out of it, either by solving the obsession if it’s a mystery or by realizing just how far gone he really is.

Others usually feels calm in his overall likeable presence. He is friendly and polite enough when talking to possible new aqquiantances and he doesn't see reason in acting hostile without cause.  But lately Jeremy has developed the not so attractive trait of using sarcasm in conversations. It’s a coping mechanism he started using against Avalone during their bickering to deal with his new life. Avalone is also corrupting Jeremy’s moral code since the demon’s thoughts and emotions to some degree become part of his own. His line of what's right and wrong is getting blurred and deep inside, Jeremy knows that.

Loyalty is important to Jeremy. His closest friends is people he would do anything for as long as they are willing to do the same. He also trusts people easily which could become a problem in his line of work. Luckily his intelligence and observant nature makes it harder for him to trust the wrong person since he usually can tell if people are lying to him.  He also absorbs knowledge he comes across like a sponge and is often described by others as a “fast learner”.

The Demon

Avalone is an independent demon that refuses to take orders from anyone. She is also a bit cocky and often picks fights she can’t win, sometimes with significant consequences. Though that’s not to say that she can’t live up to her own words, because she can. If she makes a threat, you can bet that she delivers. She does this with nothing more than sheer willpower if needed.  

Despite being a demon she actually values honesty and despises lies. To her dismay she lacks any prominent lie detecting skills and therefore she has to rely on others to help her in that area, something she also dislikes. She likes however being in charge and taking control of a situation. She needs to feel that she has the upper hand and could make a great leader someday. If she wasn’t so impatient that is. Impatience is in fact one of the problems she is faced with while stuck in Jeremy’s body. For her it’s like a prison. But exposing herself to a situation that she has no control over has also made her forced to adapt.        

Though she doesn't really have any sympathy to speak of, Avalone can still find interest in people's emotion. Usually she sees it as entertainment, but ever since she merged together with Jeremy she has started to understand the motives behind people's actions. But in the end, she still mainly see humans as nothing more than tools, an alternative to wikipedia and toys.


Jeremy grew up as a member of a Thai-American family in New Orleans. His mother was strict about Jeremy learning Thai traditions while his father pushed him to embrace the traditions he was surrounded by. He was an only child and was one of the few kids his own age in his neighborhood. That made it hard to make friends and Jeremy spent most of his time alone. Not that he minded since it gave him more time to solve the mysteries that he made up in his mind. However, he didn’t remain a lone wolf for long. As he started school he made friends, some would even come to be by his side through college, some even through police academy and beyond.

When Jeremy was eleven, a curiosity to try on female clothing grew inside him. He started trying on his mother’s clothes in secret and found that he liked wearing them more than the clothes he usually wore. He continued doing this on occasion and as he got older he became more open with it as he saw it more of a hobby than anything else.

His teenage years were uneventful except for finding out his cousin’s secret. His power to control electricity. Suddenly, the mystery of what his cousin had hid from him when they were kids was solved and Jeremy suddenly had to deal with that fact while also juggling school. And that wouldn’t have been such a problem if his cousin hadn’t used his power to do bad things. He tried talking some sense into the guy but without success. As they grew up, his cousin’s involvement with the wrong crowd started to have an deep impact on their relationship. Jeremy could no longer sit on the sidelines and watch him throw his life away. Especially not since he at the time was attending the local police academy. His moral compass screamed at him to take action and so he did. After another failed attempt to make his cousin understand his wrongdoings, he turned his cousin in to the authorities. They caught him in the act of laundering money and he got sentenced to 5 years in prison with the possibility of coming out sooner by showing good behavior.

Shortly after graduating from the police academy he got a job as a police officer. He quickly made the station his second home. All the long nights and early mornings didn’t bother Jeremy since he was focused on reaching his goal to become a police detective. But reality had other plans. Two years of ambitious work in one of NOPD's (New Orleans Police Department) police stations didn’t prepare him for what happened next. During a chase after a bad guy, Jeremy was suddenly struck, like by lightning. It felt like he had ran into a wall and suddenly flashes of images, memories, overwhelmed his mind. It was memories  that Jeremy couldn’t possibly wrap his head around. New confusing, roaring emotions flooded over him and suddenly he wasn’t alone. In his head he heard a voice. A female voice that he could feel was as confused as he were. Everywhere he looked he swore he could see demonic creatures staring at him while the voice inside his head screamed louder. Jeremy broke down in the middle of the street, the man he was chasing got away and his partner at the time took care of him. He was sent to a psychiatrist. He diagnosed the event as a major nervous breakdown due to stress and at the time Jeremy had calmed himself down enough to not ramble about what he had seen. He was temporary suspended until he had resolved his issues.  

After that horrific event Jeremy felt a bond with the female voice. But it wasn’t just a voice anymore, he knew what it was. It was a demon that now was a part of him. It had been her emotions, memories and thoughts that had almost mentally crushed him. She explained to him how she had been thrown into his body after messing with the wrong demon and how she now was stuck in his body. It took some time to accept that fact but when he did, they struck a deal to help each other find a way to get her out of his body. Though a part of him was still convinced he was going crazy, a bigger part knew he wasn’t.

To find a way to get rid of the demon inside him became like an obsession for Jeremy. He dove into all the demonic lore he could find, getting guidance from the occult knowledge granted by the bond he and the demon called Avalone shared. He spent every waking moment trying to figure out a solution and just like that, he was a kid again, solving mysteries. This time however he had a nagging voice in his head that wouldn’t leave him alone. He quickly surpassed even the demon's knowledge in the occult as his obsession stretched out for weeks. But all the new knowledge he had didn’t bring him closer to a solution, so he decided to find the source of the problem. The demon that Avalone had messed with to begin with. And to do that he needed to go out and engage in some field work. So he did. By using a contact of Avalone’s he came in contact with individuals and creatures he never encountered before. One of the person’s he met agreed to give him information about the demon Avalone had messed with, but he wanted help in return. He needed to find his werewolf cousin that he hadn’t seen for days, and in desperation Jeremy accepted. After all, he did have some experience with missing people. Though missing werewolves was a new one. After treating the case as any other, he found a trail he could follow and succeeded in locating the werewolf. He was lying passed out in an alley with the smell of alcohol on his breath and Jeremy was later informed that the werewolf had a history of alcoholism. When the cousin was brought to his recruiter, Jeremy found out that he had lied about having information about the demon. Avalone hadn’t been happy about that, which she showed the man by almost giving him a heart attack.  

Even though the case hadn’t brought him closer to being free of his inner demon (literally), it did make people whisper about him. Suddenly, people were coming to him, “The Demon Detective”, with cases that was too “weird” or “supernatural” to be taken by others. And though this hadn’t been the road he had imagined taking to become part of the profession he had dreamed about since he was a kid, it was still a road taking him where he needed to go. And on the way, maybe he would find a way to get rid of the voice in the back of his head as well.    

The Powers

The Detective

Power 1: Enhanced Occult Comprehension AKA "Wait…so vampires aren't allergic to garlic? ": Thanks to the demon currently residing in him and the bond they share, her extensive knowledge of the occult is now also Jeremy’s. This also makes it easier for him to obtain new knowledge in the field and after obtaining it, also understanding it. Because of his increased insight, it is more likely that he will be able to identify supernatural phenomenons or creatures for what they really are and is also more perceptive to signs pointing towards all things occult.  

Power 2: Suistenance: Jeremy has the ability to survive things that most humans wouldn't, though just temporarily. He can sustain himself without food, water or sleep for a longer period and he can keep going even with nearly fatal wounds for a short period of time. This is due to the fact that Avalone works as a life support system for as long as she is surviving through him. The ability activates instinctively and provides a flow of the demon's life force whenever an acute situation arise. It is however impossible for the demon to be drained of all her life force and she has the ability to stop this flow, but that would most likely result in Jeremy's (her host's) death and at the same time, hers as well. The ability doesn't make Jeremy more durable, it just allows him to survive a little longer in life-threatening situations. This ability is therefore rendered useless if he doesn't get the help he needs, whether it would be medical attention or just a breath of air.

Occult: 5
Strength: 3
Speed: 3
Durability: 3
Ability: 4 (Grid Shift)
Fighting Skills: 3
Magic: 6 (Dormant)
Spells: 3 (Not learned yet)
Wealth: 1

The Demon

Occult: 4
Strength: 4
Speed: 4
Durability: 4
Ability: 2 (Demon Form Grid)
Fighting Skills: 5
Magic: 4
Spells: 1
Wealth: 3

Avalone's Grimoire:
Power 1: Enhanced Physical Properties: Avalone has the power to be slightly enhanced in all physical aspects. This include strength, durability, speed and reflexes. Her senses is also heightened, making her perceptive to her surroundings. This might help her in all various of physical tasks that she might attempt, including physical fights. When residing in a form that isn't her own the effect of this ability is slightly weakened since it's someone else's body she's controlling.  

Power 2: Intimidating Shapeshifting: By enhancing, diminishing and manipulating physical traits through minor shapeshifting, Avalone have learned how to intimidate others. With the ability she can change the physical appearance to some degree. This includes but is not limited to eye color, hair length and facial structure. The ability makes it slightly easier for Avalone to threaten and intimidate her victims.    

Power 3: Transformation - Demon Form:

By showing of her true form, Avalone can make most people shake in their boots. The transformation is painful for both Avalone and her host as she temporarily rip apart her and Jeremy's emotional and mental bond they share just to later have to merge it again. But the transformation also grants her full axcess to her demonic powers.

Demonic Powers:

Demon Form Grid:

Last edited by Neodraconis on August 19th 2014, 6:22 pm; edited 3 times in total

"If you treat glass the way it deserves, it won't crack. If you know its properties, you can bend it to your will. Sadly, humans aren't made of glass, but oh, how I wish they were."

Derek Mannings

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Jeremy Tanasugarn (Done) Empty Re: Jeremy Tanasugarn (Done)

Post by Neodraconis August 19th 2014, 4:51 pm


"If you treat glass the way it deserves, it won't crack. If you know its properties, you can bend it to your will. Sadly, humans aren't made of glass, but oh, how I wish they were."

Derek Mannings

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

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Number of posts : 25
Registration date : 2014-07-20

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Post by Odien August 19th 2014, 7:56 pm

Approved as of now.

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Registration date : 2014-04-11

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