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Alexander King (Story NPC)

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Alexander King (Story NPC) Empty Alexander King (Story NPC)

Post by Olympus December 12th 2020, 4:59 am


"By the grace of God, you will die tonight."

The Bio

Real Name: Alexander King
Nickname: The Silver Immortal
Title: Paladin-Supreme of the Templar Order
Alignment: Lawful Good
Age: 30,000+
Gender: Male
Race: Human (Immortal)
Hair: Silver
Eyes: Silver
Height: 6’2
Weight: 210 lbs.
Blood type:

The Looks

Alexander is an old man by this point, his many deaths aging him to physically be in his fifties. Despite this, he is quite a powerful man, taller and more broad than a man half his age. Silver hair and shaved face give him a refined, elegant look, and the seriousness of his expression gives him a permanently upset appearance, though this isn’t necessarily true. He’s only upset most of the time. His style is simple; very rarely will anyone find him without some sort of armor, whether his full plate he wears for work or the lighter leather-and-chain he wears in his downtime. On the rare few occasions he is without his armor, he can be seen in robe-like attire, similar to that worn of priests.

The Personality

Once upon a time, a long ago, Alexander must have been happy. Before the rigors of time took their toll, Alexander enjoyed life; he even enjoyed other people, casually and often engaging in conversation with them. But not so anymore. Time has been cruel to the immortal, the many grief’s of a long life etched forever in his memory. He rarely leaves his room unless business persists, and when he does, it is only to satisfy the natural human impulse of connection. This is very quickly satisfied, and to his self-imposed isolation he returns. He has no patience for the idle meandering of typical life; oft described as being “all-business”, he is the type of individual who brooks no disorderly conduct under his command. He demands perfection.

Behind closed doors, however, the old man is a mess. A drunk, he attempts to drown out the horrid memories burned into his psyche with poison, though the curse renders that impossible. His room is bare of anything personal, save for the few badges of honor he kept from previous fights; a shard of twisted silver, the first seal of the templars, and other such keepsakes. Save for a military-style cot and a comforter, he derives little pleasure from the creature comforts so many of his comrades take comfort in. He is, in essence, a sad individual, one who hides his depression and exhaustion of life with professionalism.

The Story

Alexander was born in a time when the world was unsettled, only pockets of civilization existing in the vast wilds. The world was wild and untamed, gods roaming this natural oasis. Humanity was in its infancy, trying, and struggling, to coexist with these beings that dominated the wasteland. Magic ran wild, gods and demons feasting on each other in an eternal war to control the planet. And humanity had little recourse but to hunker down in their towns and villages, and hope against hope that they avoided the gaze of these almighty creatures.

It was in one of these towns, roughly translated in modern English to “Crossroads”, that Alexander was born. Nestled deep in a great forest, Crossroads managed to exist in relative harmony with the magical world; or at least, they managed to evade them. Either way, the people of Crossroads were as happy as any human could possibly be in a time when humans weren’t allowed such things. It was a small town, even for the time, only a dozen families living within the confines of the village.

Born to a family of silver miners, Alexander was quickly enveloped into the family business. By the time he could walk, he was swinging a pickaxe. As a teenager, he was quick to rise in the leadership, by the merit of his hard work and his skill as a miner. His relative wealth, general good nature, and natural good looks attracted him the attention of many females, but none caught his eye. He was purely focused on his work, and by his own merit, he quickly elevated to mayor of Crossroads. Yet still, as his 21st birthday approached, he had yet to take a wife, or even have any relation to a girl.

Until Farrah.

Beautiful, wild, and fiery, Farrah was the girl he never knew he dreamed about. The only person in Crossroads to not be impressed by his title, his money, or his good looks, she instead judged him on the strength of his heart and the merit of his personality. It was … surprising, a real breath of fresh air. He fell in love, hard, with all the strength and ferocity only a young man could. The summer after they first met, they were wed, her stomach already swollen with child. That winter,a  beautiful, fiery haired little girl was born, whom they named Ada.

Ada King.

She was his reason for living, and for the first time in his life, he truly understood the definition of love. Yet, his love was returned by sickly cries and, even more frighteningly, silence. The child was sick. Very sick. And the village elders knew why. A being had moved in, a self-proclaimed God of Life, and his influence was causing all the young, from human to animal, to die before they reached their first year. Rage and sorrow wailed inside him, and though it warred with fear, he knew what he had to do.

Gathering all the males of fighting age in his village, they hunted this God of Life. With spear and sword and silver, they hunted down this God … and it was a disaster. A giant, furry abomination, it slayed man after man, leaving only Alexander. With what he thought to be his last breath, and with the thought of Farrah and Ada on his tongue, he plunged his sword deep into the heart of a creature. Black blood surged from the wound, covering his sword, coating him in the corruption of the creature.

And as this creature died, it cursed him.

Alexander returned home, limping, trailing blood, but it wasn’t until years passed that the true repercussions of his curse came about. Ada, as a child, fell from a tree; a seemingly innocuous injury killed her. Farrah died shortly after of a broken heart. With nothing left for him there, he left Crossroads, seeking his death at the hands of the many monsters that inhabited the earth. And from them, he discovered his curse, his curse of immortality. Despite his want for a death, he kept persisting, living far beyond when he was willing to live. It was in this state that he lived for many thousands of years … until he found God.

It was his faith that saved him; he was a wasted individual, filthy, living a wretched existence in the city that would become Rome. And it was there that the visage of God showed himself; either true divine intervention or drunken hallucination, it matters not. The ball of light showed him the ways to manipulate divine energy, and through that, unlocking the unique connection between him and silver. From this vision, his life changed. He went to help found the religion that would become the Catholic church, and from there establish the Templar Order, to fight the corruption and evil present in Israel.

But as the years went on, the Church grew more and more corrupt and Alexander, fed up with the hypocrisy, took his order and left, traveling to the New World. There, they established the New Templar Order, located at the Dragonthrone Temple. For the next thousand years, they operated in the shadows, slowly expanding their operations worldwide. They kept their operations in the Dragonthrone Temple, updated throughout the ages, and for the vast majority of recorded history, they kept to themselves, only acting when the magical threat required it.

That is, until the modern age. A politician by the name of Katrina Russel offered Alexander a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity; to join with her organization, expand the Templar Order beyond what they are now. They would be allowed to keep their autonomy, their way of life, with the only caveat being a move. After much deliberation, Alexander readily agrees. He now leads the Templar Order from the home base of Olympus, where he finds a way to break his curse and end his miserable life.

The Priority

1. Endurance
2. Reaction
3. Strength
4. Agility

The Powers

Immortality: A curse placed on him when he was but a young man, it keeps him alive, but not necessarily healthy. He is ageless, forced to watch those he cares for wither and die. He cannot be killed, either; doing so merely ages him. If he dies in honorable combat - that is, facing an opponent in such a way as he did not try to die, using his full power - he will simply age a year. If he dies any other way, he reverts in age by ten years. It takes him from two to ten minutes to resurrect, depending on the type of death and the severity of the damage; only the fatal wound, and any injury received within ten seconds of death or completely postmortem, will be healed. If completely blown apart, he will reconstitute from the largest part. If completely atomized, he will reappear the next dawn in his bed, wherever he calls home.

Holy Silver: A metahuman ability manifested from birth, Alexander can conjure and control a form of holy silver. He can conjure this from nowhere and also control existing chunks of it. Additionally, any silver in the vicinity he can control; should he do this, it gains the same properties of holy silver. In typical situations, he can conjure up to 100  feet of silver at once and control an indefinite amount. The properties of Holy Silver absorb and nullify magic equivalent; while it doesn’t work on god-like beings or top-tier magics, it is useful for combating magics. [This particular effect is permission based.] He can control them telekinetically, up to fifty MPH. Using Holy Silver in conjunction with his templar training produces powerful effects that put him at the top of the Templar Order. Holy silver has durability on par with high-grade steel. Alexander can convert normal silver to its holy variety by simply placing a piece of the latter against the former. The normal silver will convert to its holy counterpart at a rate of a foot a minute.

Templar Fortitude: As part of the training each Templar receives, Alexander is highly resistant to any effects that tamper with the mind. A mixed result of the extraordinary faith and willpower required of the Templar and the divine curse in his veins, Alexander’s resistance is legendary, capable of shrugging off most mind-altering hexes and jinxes with relative ease. This also manifests as extreme physical fortitude, as well, allowing him to shrug off low to mid-range elemental effects and take reduced damage from all others, while also possessing an incredible ability to resist the sheer force of attacks.

Templar Training: As a lifelong slayer of evil, Alexander has sublime knowledge and tactics for fighting against the forces of darkness. This can range from the various weaknesses of various magical creatures, such as garlic for traditional vampires, to the specific rituals needed to banish or kill these creatures, such as a bundle of hemlock and sage to deter ghosts. His well of knowledge is deep, extending back to the beginning of his life, nearly 300 centuries ago. This also extends to regular forms of fighting against more mundane enemies. Alexander is perhaps one of the most adept swordsman in the world, having trained in every style known to man while inventing several of his own. Fistfighting, gunplay, lance combat, and any other form of fighting that currently exists, Alexander is at the least adept in.

The Templar Techniques

Templar Seal: The basis of any typical templar technique, these seals allow the Templar to channel divine energy for use in various techniques. As part of their training, each Templar must create a unique seal that will be used for the rest of their lives; this seal is near-holy to the Templar, and is usable only to that specific templar. The seals themselves, if placed upon an evil or magical object or person, can cause temporary, severe pain. Mechanically speaking, any seal over a foot in diameter takes a post to make, with each subsequent foot taking an additional post.

Divine Smite: The basic, and most functional ability, within any Templars arsenal, Divine Smite drains mana from any five foot area, causing both physical exhaustion and the inability to cast spells in any mages or magical beings caught in the area. It also causes the inability to use magical items for up to two posts. As powerful as Alexander is, only top-tier magical beings, such as powerful Arcadians and divine beings, can resist it.
Weaknesses: It takes one post to charge and can be only used up to three times a thread. While charging, he emits a faint white glow. If his concentration is disrupted, the spell is lost.

Divine Blade: By infusing a sliver of silver with divine energy, he can create a small blade he can control capable of cutting through most magic. This includes magic-based durability. Any magical being that tries to grab it will receive burns, making it useful to pinning them. Two Divine Blades can be created at a time. Should one get destroyed, he can make a new one next post.
Weaknesses: Divine Blade requires one foot of holy silver. Divine Blade can only be twice per post; this includes any variation.

Divine Blade: Rain Heaven: A variation of Divine Blade where divine energy is put into up to seven different blades and fired at an enemy at speeds up to 75 MPH. Each blade must be aimed at the same target, making it very useful for pinning powerful beings to the ground to allow Banishment.
Weaknesses: Rain Heaven can only be used twice per thread, and only once every other post. It requires a three seconds charge time due to the amount of divine energy needed. It also requires one foot of silver for every blade. While charging, Alexander is immobile; if interrupted, the spell is lost.

Divine Blade: Trifold Seal: A variant of Divine Blade created by infusing divine energy into a typical Templar Seal. Using his holy silver, he can create powerful defensive barriers. He must first inscribe a seal over the area he wishes to use, and then use his Divine Blade to create a triangular border, allowing him to channel divine energy through it. The defensive capabilities of this seal creates a barrier, powerful enough to stop most magic. The size of it depends on the size of the seal used to create it.
Weaknesses: Requires three Divine Blades, as well as a proper seal (see “Templar Seal” for seal requirements.) The max size of Trifold Seal is seven feet in diameter. Should any of the channeling blades be removed, the effect of the Trifold Seal is lost. Trifold Seal takes a single post after the seal is created to take effect.

Holy Shackle: A binding technique, Alexander can summon sanctified silver restraints to any being in twenty feet he can see. Two shackles are formed, which will instantly attempt to bind themselves to the targets wrists. Should they succeed, they immediately seek out the nearest solid surface, such as the floor, table, etc, forcing the target down with incredible force.
Weaknesses: Other than carrying the typical abilities of Holy Silver, Holy Shackle possesses no particularly fantastical abilities. Holy Shackle can be used once per post, three times a thread (or 24 hour period.) Additionally, it utilizes five feet of Holy Silver. Sufficiently strong or durable individuals, or those with particular abilities that prevent them from being moved, can resist the effects. Additionally, they can be easily dodged.

Holy Shackle: Strike Down the Damned: An offensive variant of Holy Shackle, Strike Down the Damned forms two large spikes that taper to a wide base. These immediately seek out the nearest evil, demonic, or otherworldly individual within a twenty-five foot radius. The burning capability of the Holy Silver is moderately increased, burning even those without magical or demonic abilities, though at a significantly reduced level. Those with these certain abilities experience an intense, almost flaming burn in the afflicted area. Strike Down the Damned is called so due to the force it carries, capable of ripping through solid steel.
Weaknesses: This variant requires seven feet of Holy Silver to work; and can only be used twice in a thread or 24 hour period. Strike Down the Damned is relatively slow, capable of being dodged with anything approaching peak human speed or reflexes.

Holy Shackle: Banishment: Perhaps his favorite ability, a spell used on opponents already captured by Holy Shackle. By drawing his Templar Seal on their forehead or chest, he can force the otherworldly being to return to their home domain.
Weaknesses: This requires the being to be bound by Holy Shackle; it can only be used on one individual at a time and requires Alexander to take the time to create a templar seal, utilizing at least a single post of time to create it. Banishment can only be used up to three times per thread [except for plot reasons, which requires the permission of everybody in the thread.] Using this spell on a PC is permission based.

Cathedral: A wholly useful spell and the penultimate most powerful in his arsenal, Cathedral creates a powerful dome of Holy Silver twenty five feet in diameter around any location within ten feet he can see. This cathedral is fueled with holy energy, and made of his holy silver, it is a nigh-impregnable defense, even to mortal foes. This Cathedral is absolutely beautiful, shining with holy radiance, with the horned sigil of Alexander dominating the center. This Cathedral nullifies all magic and repels magical and otheworldly beings; however, it is difficult to cast correctly.
Weaknesses: A Templar Seal at least a foot in diameter must be inscribed, and Alexander must pray for a post. Additionally, this can only be used once per thread or within a 24 hour period. [Permission Based]

Cathedral: Army of the Faithful: Once Cathedral is summoned, Alexander can activate Army of the Faithful. The enclosed borders of Cathedral open, revealing white light, and from within this light step ghostly warriors, armed to the teeth with astral equipment. These warriors can wander up to ten feet from the Cathedral; they feel no pain nor fear, and will fight to the last to defend the location they are assigned. These ghostly warriors are insanely powerful, and only the most powerful fighters on earth can destroy them. Five will step out.
Weaknesses: Army of the Faithful lasts or only three posts, at which it cannot be used again the entire thread, or 72 hour period; additionally, Alexander must pray for the entirety of a post. No individual can be inside Cathedral for the Army of the Faithful to work. Additionally, the Army of the Faithful cannot be more than ten feet from the Cathedral, lest they be sucked back into whence they came. [Permission Based]

The Weaknesses

The Curse of Immortality: Despite being  immortal, Alexander is in now way invincible. The curse has several manifestations; the first is immortality, yes. It takes time to reform and come back, thus if someone can get a killing blow to the old man, they can still win the fight. He also doesn’t reform from most injuries; if someone were to cut off his arm and kill him more than ten seconds later, he won’t heal from the lost arm.

Hell-Forged Weaponry: Weapons and equipment forged in hell, or filled with infernal energy, are immune to his Templar Spells and Seals. Depending on the strength of said infernal equipment, this can range from simply causing his spells to fail to causing an incredibly powerful magical explosion. To be clear, this does not include infernal magics, which he is designed to fight. Something about the eternal energies of Hell combined with metals counteracts Templar magic.

No Spring Chicken: Without his magic and spells, Alexander is just a normal human, and a rather aged one at that. Though immortal and incredibly skilled, and quite fit for his age, he is still quite old and only has the physical skills of a human. His stamina, in particular, is limited as any man his age, particularly in active combat.

Magical Limitations: Except for the spells described above, Alexander cannot use magic of any kind, and in fact has expressed quite the disdain for it. His focus on the offensive has left his defenses lacking, and though he has a resistance to magic, he isn’t completely immune to it. Any sufficiently powerful spell will affect him as normal.

Stuck in Prayer: All of his spells require time spent in prayer and chant; if these are interrupted, the divine blessing is lost, and the chant must be repeated to cast the spell.

Virtues Required: If ever Alexander’s mind slips to what may be called evil, he loses his virtuous abilities and may, in fact, be subject to harm from his own skills.

Shaky Hands, Sharp Mind: Though his mind has not deterred with age, his aim has. Long-range abilities are his weakness, requiring an aim that he simply cannot achieve anymore.

The Items

Paladin-Supreme Plate: A suit of armor designed for Alexander, by combining the powerful anti-magic properties of his old plate and mixing it with the ablative technology of Olympus. The result is the magic-defying property of the ancient templars, and the modern force-absorbing technology of bleeding-edge tech. The end result is an overall aegis of protection, rendering him capable of resisting anything below a high-powered rifle, and their magical equivalent.

Aesthetically, the Paladin-Supreme Plate is quite pleasing. With a black and silver theme, the symbol for the order emblazoned on his chest, and a long, flowing cape reinforced with chain, it’s quite a dramatic apparel for anyone to wear, as it’s supposed to be. The whole thing weighs several hundred pounds, but Alexander is quite accustomed to it’s weight,

Paladin-Supreme Full Helm: Unlike most Blackguard equipment, the Full Helm of the Paladin-Supreme is just a basic helm, designed in the same manner as the plate. Built into it is some technology, however, that Katrina insisted upon. Hearing pieces are installed on both sides of the helmet, picked up by a mic near the mouthguard. If needed, the Blackguard HUD can be activated, though Alexander, Luddite he is, rarely uses it.

Blade of Endless Ages: A magical blade, used to slay the God of Life that cursed him with immortality. The Blade of Endless Ages is tied to his very essence, and will persist as long as he does. It possesses no magical properties other than this.

Helsing Pistol: A pistol designed with fighting magical beings. Powered by silver fulminate mixed with gunpowder, this six-shot revolver uses bullets of silver and cold iron. A skilled marksman can down any magical beast with this concoction.

The Fluff

Part of the Curse of Endless Ages is the inability to forget trauma. Though good memories fade, dark memories persist, plaguing his consciousness as if they just happened. In addition, any person he loves and loves him in general is doomed to an early death. He has lost three wives and children this way.

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Alexander King (Story NPC) Empty Re: Alexander King (Story NPC)

Post by Chellizard December 12th 2020, 5:41 am

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