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Sprinter Man

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Sprinter Man Empty Sprinter Man

Post by FantasyBound May 8th 2018, 5:15 pm

Sprinter Man
Sprinter Man Zombie12

"You have two options. Either you are going to miraculously debilitate me long enough to allow you to temporarily escape, or you are going to give up here. We both know I'm not exactly something you can stop for long."

The Bio

Real Name: Lucas "Luke" James Leagalow
Hero Name: Sprinter Man (Previously Revenant)
Title: The unstoppable force
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Age: 23 (Physically 21)
Gender: Male
Race: Human variant 66 (Homo Sapien Vivere, Bioengineered Humanoid)
Hair: short straight black
Eyes: Red
Height: 5' 10"
Weight:  183 lbs.
Blood type: Constantly altering, morphing, changing. Can adapt to copy whatever was last introduced as a blood type.

The Looks

Normy Gallery:
Fighter Gallery:
Survivor Gallery(Slightly Graphic):
The Personality

Luke is seeking to be his own person in this world of a few billion individuals. He wants to be someone who would stand out in history, but who doesnt?
Luke is driven, but that's a side effect of being immortal. He is easily bored by tasks, and so tries to live a high excitement life to feel life. He is curious, sometimes about the wrong things, he wants to experience everything, but he wants to hold off on the really bad things... For the most part.
"What's it like when you press just a thumb as hard as you can on your head, will it bend it? Can you bite off a finger? How do people act when I threaten their family? How far can I push them?"
These are some of his thoughts in every given moment, this is from Leagalow alterations, he is curious, but dangerously so to things that could be bad, being immortal he doesn't feel the same repercussions, a life sentence for him isn't exactly possible, so what's to be afraid of?

But, there is still a major part of him that wants to be a good person, something in him that fuels the wish to be a better person, because anyone can be bad, it takes a significant person to be good.
The Story

The Truth: Luke was surprisingly weak at a young age, in between the ages of 3 till 10, he has had 11 fractures and 7 breaks. Leading his parents to limit his physical activity to minimal at 5, making him incredibly weak, hardly able to run 20 feet without getting tired, or even hold a plate full of food with just one hand without losing his grip in the first 5 seconds. One nice fall day when he was 11, after walking home from a friends house after a long day of school and video games, his parents immediately sat him down and gave a long, and a little bit boring talk about disappointment, after what seemed like hours they finally gave each other a look and then handed him an odd letter, it was so formal he could hardly read it, they explained it was test results from an "Inhuman Gifts Test", and he proved positive, and he should expect powers soon, which when he does, he can then go to a special place where they teach him how to use his powers to the fullest. He was ecstatic! Him, a superhero! Before he could shout with joy his Dad Interrupted him, "Buddy, We don't think you should go...". He looked up, at first thinking they were just pulling his leg, but they were dead serious. "You can hardly lift 25 pounds with both hands, and your body gets broken so easily, part of the training is very... physical. We are worried you wouldn't make it, and...". It was too late, they already lost him. He stormed off to his room, holding back tears. "I should have known." He muttered to himself, "I will never be special.". He stayed up all night, contemplating his misfortune. How could he get his parents to let him go, through a test? Through a lie? No, he finally resolved something much less easy, "To exercise." he groaned before going to sleep.
My Greatest Foe, Exercise: He started slow, only working out once a week, then once he got a little stronger, he started going twice a week, then every other day, then finally every day. His best friend, Sean, was also revealed as a power positive, they started working out together, even though Sean only showed up less than half the time, they always held each other up. At 12, both boys powers finally woke up, Sean with a very unique form of seismokinesis, and Luke with a very, very unique power, Regeneration.
The Trial: They were both 14 now, and the boys began there training. To enter the program, you had to display your abilities, so they could evaluate your strength, and decide if they would accept you in. The boys planned a… Unique visual for the onlookers. Once they made it, they stepped on a stage, standing in front of hundreds, stated their names, but when they were asked their powers, they just said “Watch.” in unison. They set up this large, transparent tent, then Sean put on this white paint suit, both stepped in the tent. Announcing “For those with weak stomachs, leave now”. Nobody moved. Sean began by winding up for a punch, directed at a wooden board held up by Lucas, but when he hit it, his fist went clean through, and directly into Luke’s shoulder, his arm flies off, smacking to the back of the tent, Blood gushing everywhere. Then he continues throwing vibrating punches, obliterating Luke to a pile of mush and pulverized bones, Then Sean to the now terrified and disgusted crowd, shouted; “And for the finale…” Pointing towards the mush, which started mixing and forming, within a minute, Luke was standing there like nothing happened, “Ta-Da!” The two boys shouted in unison, to the 4 judges viewing, one currently throwing up in a trash can, another unable to move from shock, another one unconscious, The final one took a minute, then said “you… you can stay.”.
Tragedy: The boys where both gladly accepted, once both their parents signed some waivers, the two boys were put on a bus and then drove out. They kept driving along the road until a blue gas was released from the ceiling, causing everybody to doze off, except the driver… Once everybody was awake, they weren't on a bus anymore, they were in a dark room, full of bunks. A moment later somebody came in, he introduced himself as Sergeant Caleb, and they were officially enrolled in the army as “Bioweapons”, and anyone caught disobeying would be severely punished, one’s caught trying to leave would be executed, and that they begin training now. This “Training” was a terrible, terrible experience. For everybody other than Luke, who never found it very challenging, but Sean was another story, Sean was often beaten for “disobeying”, which was usually because he couldn't finish his full set of push-ups or something along that line. Luke thought he could leave any time he wanted, but he vowed to not leave without Sean. Then, at 16, they were officially old enough to go on “battle test”, where they would go out on the field of war to finally do something. There Team was built of 6 people, they went on a recon mission, only 3 made it back, Sean not being one of them. Sean was late for the pickup, and they had to leave him. Luke tried to stay, but they used a unique tranquilizer to paralyze him and put him in the helicopter, he could hear Sean cursing his name, then gunfire, then no more Sean.
”Vengeance To The Black Hearted Demons Who Taint My Name”: Luke was in a deep dread, he was put into therapy for months to cure his self-hatred. He would bash his skull to the ground as hard as he could whenever he thought of his friend, cursing his name as he thought he had been betrayed, which was very often. Recently he‘s starved himself, now just a husk sitting curled up in a ball in the corner. The sergeant decided he needed his target to get back on the firing range (That was his job most of the time.). So he walked up and told him “Sean was a weakling, don't go on his level by acting up like this.”. Luke turned his head, making a crunching sound from the dryness of his skin, looking up with sunken, yellowed eyes. “There we Go! Now let's get you something to eat.” As the Sergeant turned around to go call someone, he felt something grab him by his arm. Then he started feeling pain like never before, as his arm started shrinking and weakening. “Don't worry, you will do.” Lucas said from behind. The general turned around to see a slowly recovering Luke, yellow energy reverberating up his arm, sapping the general of life. “Let go… I...I can have killed… for this…” The sergeant said, throat drying from the moisture leaving his body. “I will never die.” Luke said, now looking in perfect condition “Vengeance to the sinners who hurt the innocent. Vengeance to the men who enslave others. Vengeance to the black-hearted demons who taint my name.” He said, then placing his hand on the Sergeants head, absorbed the last of the Sergeant. Turning him to a skeleton covered in decayed skin, no meat, no organs, no... Life.
I will return: He then just walked out the camp, walking to the place where his friend has died. They tried to stop him, but it was pointless, no bullet or bomb would stop his march, it took him 2 days. Once he made it, to his grim horror, Sean’s body was still there, half eaten and decayed. He touched his body, trying to bring him back, but he didn't know how to do that, and even if he did it probably wouldn't work, he's been dead for too long. He took his friends body, walking another long distance towards some mountains, he always knew Sean liked to snowboard, but he never been to a mountain, which he always wanted to do. Now he could. He spent a week building a massive tomb on the top of the mountain, after he put him in, he felt an almost reassurance, that he was forgiven, this wasn't enough for him, “I did leave you, now I won't leave anybody else behind, I will help all those who need me, And give vengeance to the black-hearted demons who taint my name.” He left, taking with him a trench coat he was offered as a gift, but felt it looked better on Sean, now he would begin showing the world that this vow would stay as true long as he breathed.

Years later, he continues his march of justice. He's considered weaker than when he began his career, but that's not stopping his push.

Dreams. Dreams shape some people's days minorly with influence on their personality, sometimes it can really change them, for Lucas, he did really change.
The more Lucas tried to look back on the days as the kid in the camp, the more he saw holes in its world, the position of the opposition, the corpse was different, the reaction of the people, his physical state... Things were broken, to say the least. But thanks to some of the advanced technology from the Olympus organization, Lucas was provided a more clear insight on his life before all the hero stuff.

Lucas James Leagalow. The name was given to him by short men who spoke fast and sharp. He remembered his first stages of consciousness, before his eyes developed, a humanoid shape, unclothed, and without eyes or a mouth, hairless, and oddly shapen head. He remembered the cold cables that ran into his body, they had to be removed and placed back in again, to distribute the nutrient-rich artificial blood. The short men would walk up and speak to him, telling him who he was.

"Understand, we have upgraded you from a simple sack of meat that would provide a medical fluid, to a functioning and sentient being. Be grateful, your father loves you."

He learned to hate 'Father'. 'Father' put him in a cold room, father made him feel cold, made him feel refined metal against flesh all the time. Lucas was fed information through tubes, jolting his brain, heating it up to points of combustion, which he one day grew a mouth just to scream from the pain of a burning cranium. Eyeless still, he was soon provided clothing when he asked for it, and then was provided food, which he learned preferences from, how he liked the food that was not too hot, he liked strong tastes, he couldn't have too much sweet before he felt sick. The little men listened. Matter of fact, he never knew of the short people, 3 feet tall on average with shockingly black hair, and eyes of hundreds of colors. He never knew what they looked like, he didn't know sight, but he knew feel, and when he had the chance to touch his makers, he would gently prod them, some of them hated this, others wanted him to touch the tops of there heads, which he felt hair, he felt a nose, ears... Eyes.

When he grew eyes, he learned to hate Father more.
Father loved ugly things.
The room was filled with metal tubes, a single mirror acted as a viewport for the three-foot men and women, he saw the wounds they inflicted on his body. Hate-filled him when he saw the deep holes they dug into his flesh, the mirror showed his open chest cavity, and he hated to see his body taken apart.

They did the tests often, they opened him up, holding him down with a strong burst of force, and prodded him until they got the satisfying beep that told them to leave.
He had no concept of time, he didn't know how long he was in there for. Until one day, he showed up on the earth, with those memories gone, and new ones in place, of a weird life that made little sense with his ever-increasing knowledge of humans.

Who were the little men? He knew only a bit... The details on appearance beforehand, and there name. The Leagalows.

Did he hate them? Did he want to seek vengeance again?


He wasn't really sure what he wanted to do... But he would like answers. And to try and be his own person. Two new goals for the Revenant... No... A new name for a new realization... Sprinter man... It's alright.

The Priority

1. Endurance
2. Strength
3. Reaction
4. Agility

1. Willpower
2. Awareness
3. Intelligence
4. Empathy

The Powers

Immortal's blood: Luke can recover from injuries a million times faster than a regular human thanks to a mix of his superpowered origin, magically enhancement, and mutation. He is capable of rapidly healing himself and others by having them come into contact with the blood, even allowing him and others to regrow things that shouldn't grow back, like limbs. Only he can grow back a head. He can revive somebody that has died from an unnatural and non-supernatural death, but it requires about two hours of the blood being pumped into the killed, and only works if most of them remain. He can heal cuts, gunshots and the like of small wounds within a few seconds, he can regenerate limbs and his head within a minute, to regrow a large portion of him(when all that remains is a head), He requires 10 minutes, and something from a single, living cell of his requires nothing short of a few days. Finally, this in total increases his overall physical durability, allowing his body to hold together from more intense blows then a regular human.
Freak physiology: Luke no longer has to fuel his body with much. He can survive in low oxygen environments and survive without oxygen for up to an hour, and his blood nourishes him and hydrates him for up to a week without water, a month and a half without food. Finally, it keeps him young, he ages at 10 years = 1 year
Never Tired: Luke doesn't get tired, his body recovers so fast all he needs is the time in-between steps to count as a 2-week long rest, making it so he's never tired. This applies to sleep as well, a blink could act as a long nap for him.
Resilience: Luke doesn't easily get cold, overheats, or gets sick. His body's blood travels very quickly, enabling his body to regulate his temperature at a comfortable rate. Also, his body has a near-complete immunity to poisons and diseases, only the most alien and most concentrated can infiltrate his body.

The Weaknesses

Healing blood: Luke's blood isn't limited to himself, others who get splashed by it also gain a similar fast healing with equivalent mass as the blood, leading to them getting rejuvenated as they get sprayed.
Weird... That Shouldn't Be There..: His body will, if affected with certain chemicals, grow the wrong material in place of other's, such as bone with muscle, cartilage with flesh, and so on.
Sonic Rejection: Very unique frequencies can severely mess with Luke, upon having these frequencies sent through his body, it begins separating, attempting to get away from himself, once the sounds end, his body attempts to rebuild itself.
Separation: His body will be unable to return if placed in a cold, condensed state.(Example, sticking his head, if that's what remains, into a jar, then cooling it, would make it so he cant regrow.
The Items

He carries an ax, a single handgun, and a flask full of an unknown, ridiculously powerful alcohol.
He tends to carry a cheap bunny designed mask, he slaps it on for hero work, but it's usually very ineffective at its job.
The Fluff

Emotionally Damp: He doesn't have very strong emotions, making it really hard to empathize with people.
Unique Blood: His odd blood type is very easily tracked with its own unique smell and chemical makeup.
Dead skin: Usually, his skin maintains its tanned appearance, also his regeneration rate is kept at only 1 million times faster than average. But his body, when adrenaline is released, increases back to 2.5 million times faster, so fast that his body starts disintegrating itself in order to stay away from increasing mass unwantedly. Turning his skin gray and releasing a gray “mist” of dead skin cells.
Laws of regeneration: His body has a rule, whichever piece remaining of him is bigger, will be the one that is animated, so he can't just chop off his hand and throw it, then become the hand, unless his body is quickly destroyed, that won't be happening. Also, his regeneration has a burning sensation from the heat of rapidly multiplying cells friction, only painful when recovering extreme portions or organs.
RP Sample


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Last edited by FantasyBound on April 5th 2020, 1:36 am; edited 24 times in total (Reason for editing : Reboot)
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