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Captain Cosmos

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Captain Cosmos Empty Captain Cosmos

Post by Zonkes January 14th 2018, 1:12 am


"Okay, Cosmos. We’re about to go into one of the most dangerous sectors in the known galaxy. Let’s go in, and be careful not to hurt anyone too badly."

The Bio

Real Name: Anders Jacobsen
Hero Name: Captain Cosmos
Title: The Outlaw
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Race: Genetically Modified Human(?), Caucasian
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Red
Height: 6’3”
Weight: 155 lbs
Blood type:
The Looks

The Personality

Anders in large part doesn't take his job as captain all that seriously. He enjoys being the center of attention, and quite frankly doesn’t care what people think of him. After years of being stuck in a simulation of earth life, only to realize that everything Anders thought he knew was false; he has decided to make his life as good as it was in the simulation. Through any means necessary.

Anders in large part holds a heavy burden within himself. He lost quite a bit to get to where he is, and feels highly responsible for an innocent aliens death. He wants to make up for it by any means necessary, but will hide this behind the mask that he has put for himself.

The Story

Anders was born on earth, where he would spend the first 13 years of his life. He was a rather normal kid. However, it was here that he would spend most of the formative years of his life.

Anders was born to a very rich and influential father from the Faroe Islands. Anders was put into a private school for this very reason, and didn't have a lot of social interaction outside of his group of peers because of it. However, what social interaction he did get; tended to be restricted based on the schools harsh rules. Anders thus developed a rebellious attitude very early in life. Leading to a high probability of getting himself in trouble both by his father, school officials, and even sometimes the law.

Anders would constantly break rules in an attempt to get attention either from his peers or his fathers approval. Anders had no idea just how bad things could get for him. Especially when a particular girl found out about his nature, and wanted to “meet up” on his 13th birthday.

She was gorgeous, perhaps a bit too pretty. She seemed to be a couple years older; but Anders only thought that made her more attractive, and when she pulled him into her spaceship; he didn't think much of it. Anders was poked and prodded by members of her race for a while, in an attempt to save themselves. He was little more than a weapon to them by this point.

After this however, Anders isn't quite sure what happened. He remembers two versions of events. One, he was sent back to earth where he lived out the rest of his life relatively normally, before being hit by a truck one day. The events of which he calls the “long dream”, as even though they feel real; the second version of events seem more likely. Seeing as he woke up surrounded by goo and breathing through a gas mask apparatus. When someone hung a flower necklace around his neck, Anders became aware of what had happened. He was no longer a simple human. He was some sort of super being. Given all the skills and memories of his genetic ancestors, which now numbered far beyond just the human side; Anders recalled how to use many different weapons, even those he had never seen on earth, he remembered lost loves from a thousand lifetimes, and felt the heartache of each and every one, but he also remembered the long dream. Where he had moved to america, learned English, and created a name for himself.

Anders figured that since he already lived out the normal human path and that didn’t seem to work out for him; he’d try something different.
Anders became an outlaw. He became Captain Cosmos, pirate of the stars. He was going to spend this life doing everything he always wanted to do as a kid. And god dammit it was gonna be cool.

At first, Captain Cosmos only wanted two people on his ship, the super intelligent cosmonaut monkey, Vladimir Bananas, and the girl from before. He didn’t know why exactly she had released him, but she seemed repentant at least. Plus, one thing he had learned about himself for sure in the long dream; is that he couldn’t simply say no to a pretty face. He had stolen a space ship, a space suit, and gone on his way.

This crew didn’t last very long however. And the Captain left Vladimir on the moon with the intent of making him setup a base there. after the death of the girl on his team. Apparently he had given her a form of the common cold that her immune system couldn’t adapt around.

The Captain drifted the Cosmos for 3 years after that...racking up a bounty, but saving people where he could.

The Priority

1. Agility
2. Endurance
3. Strength
4. Reaction

The Powers

Genetic Mutation - Anders was created in a lab on the Lunari Regnum - a large city on an alternate reality version of the moon. As such, he is the culmination of several different types of alien DNA being cloned into a human body; giving him several abilities.

Ancestral Knowledge - Gifted to Anders from a race of aliens that ingest a type of flower, called the Angrasi flower, at birth, which gives them all the skills and memories of their ancestors through their DNA. As such, Anders is a master of each of his different abilities, can speak 20 different languages; and 9 different dead languages. Anders gains these abilities when an older relative passes.

 Super Strength - Anders is capable of lifting large amounts while in earth like gravitational conditions, far exceeding that of the top strongmen, and fairly high into the superhuman category.
Super Durability - Anders is able to survive blasts from very heavy artillery, and can tank a lot of damage before giving out.

Psionics - Anders main ability is that of psionics. Anders was given highly powerful psionic DNA from a now extinct race of aliens. In order to focus this power, Anders was told to create a “prism” in his mind. The prism would act like a focus for his powers, and allow him to use them at will.

 • Telekinesis - Anders is capable of moving objects much heavier than himself, and is in fact capable of creating forces of 1 million psi. However, this is cut in half under normal circumstances usually leaving him between 500,000 and 750,000 psi.

 • Psionic Energy Projection - Anders can create a large amount of energy from his mind, throw it around, and create weaponry with it.

 • Psionic Scream - Anders forces psionic waves to travel from inside of him and uses his voice as a medium for the energy to travel. The energy boosts the sound of his voice, and rides the soundwaves in a similar fashion to that of a sonic scream.

 • Multiple Arms - As an extension of the telekinesis, Anders can pull elements from the surround area and create 4 extra “arms” to help him in combat, or in moving things.

 • Elemental Projection - Anders can create a ball that contains all 4 elements, Earth, water, fire, air and throw each element either one at a time at an enemy; or all at once for a more damaging attack.
 • Psionic Shield - With intense concentration, Anders can form a large shield around himself and others to shield them from physical attacks.

 • Energy absorption and projection -  Anders can absorb large quantities of thermal energy within himself, and then project it outward in a blast. However, Anders can only do this while focused on doing so. He cannot do it constantly.
• Telepathy - Anders can sense the minds of those around him, reading their thoughts. He can also manipulate these thoughts to some degree. (Permission based)
The Weaknesses

Androsyn Root - Anders is highly allergic to the common root Androsyn, the root is found on many habitable planets. And has evolved to completely negate the effects of Angrasi flower nectar. When ingested - or even touched by the roots potent juices - Captain Cosmos will begin to experience something very similar to anaphylactic shock, as well as temporary amnesia.

Trigger Phrase - “Press a button to begin.” The first use of this phrase, brings mental anguish upon Anders. The next use, brings complete paralysis, the next forces Anders to follow any orders given to him, the final use causes Anders to shut down any non-necessary functions to survival. Speaking, moving, receiving visual and auditory stimulation, etc. etc.

Psionic Scre- - Anders can only use his Psionic Scream for a short period of time before his vocal chords become paralyzed, and cannot be used regularly for fear of permanent damage.

Elemental  Disharmony - Anders elemental ball can fall apart if any of the elements touch each other while being formed. A mixing of the controlled elements is enough to cause a large breaking in the harmony that is required for it to happen.

“Knock knock” - Breaking Anders concentration using any form of mental intrusion will stop him from using any of his psionic abilities.

“What is that god awful sound?” - Anders concentration can also be broken using sonic signals. In other words, loud noises stops his psionic abilities temporarily. This includes his psionic scream.

Easily seduced  - Captain Cosmos is very easily seduced by attractive women, and even not so attractive women. And money. And treasure.

Captain Cosmos requires a ship for space travel, and if left to his own devices; will die in the cold vastness of space without any way to concentrate enough on his own abilities to get him out of the situation.


Light based attacks, and magic based attacks can penetrate the Psionic Shield. If an attack lands, it will throw him off balance and break the mental prism he created to control his psionic abilities.

If Anders is attacked while attempting to pull off a psionic attack, his mental prism will be damaged. After 3 hits, the prism is broken and will require a mantra to bring back.

Anders is not super intelligent, and while he may be able to hear and influence thoughts inside of his own language sphere; he cannot do it for those who do not speak the same language as him.

The Items

The Captains Suit - Anders has a suit of armor that allows him to walk comfortably in any climate without feeling too out of depth for around 45 minutes to an hour.
If the face mask is broken, Anders will begin to feel the temperatures around him except on a more intense level than those around him.

The Stargazer - Anders also has his own personal ship that shrinks and grows on command, allowing for easy transport. In addition, if Anders - or anyone inside - activates the shrinking protocol; the ship will shrink with the people inside, also being shrunken down.
The ship requires a DNA activation in order to grow or shrink and cannot be activated by anyone but Captain Cosmos at a given time.

The Minions

The Fluff

Cosmic Awareness - Anders can sense dangers coming at him from entire galaxies away. Anders can only see brief glimpses of the dangers, and cannot see certain types of dangers. Magical threats for instance; Anders doesn’t understand, and therefore can’t tell what it is until it either hits him; or passes.

Non-Oxygen Dependence - Anders doesn’t require oxygen to convert the nutrients he takes in to energy. This allows him to avoid breathing for a longer period of time than normal.

The RP Sample

Application created by Chellizard | This code is open-source and available for free use.

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Registration date : 2017-01-10

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Captain Cosmos Empty Re: Captain Cosmos

Post by Chellizard January 14th 2018, 1:40 am

Approved and moved.

-My DeviantArt-
Captain Cosmos JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
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Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

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Registration date : 2009-11-15

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Captain Cosmos Empty Re: Captain Cosmos

Post by Dubloon May 6th 2018, 10:15 pm


The Characters
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Captain Cosmos Empty Re: Captain Cosmos

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