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Binary Empty Binary

Post by Binary March 10th 2017, 2:09 pm




The Mind Incarnate


The Bio

   Real Name: Kyle Masters
   Alias: Kyle McKenna
   Hero Name: Binary (formerly Epsilon)
   Title: The Mind Incarnate
   Alignment: LG
   Age: 15 in appearance (actually only about 1)
   Gender: Male
   Race: Homo Superioris
   Hair: Light Brown
   Eyes: Grey
   Height: 5'4
   Weight: 115 lbs
   Blood type: 0-

The Looks


The Personality

Kyle at first glance appears to be a soft individual. He after all was often looked at as a runt, not possessing the physicality or hyper-intelligence of his brothers. So he became used to having that sort of "last picked in gym class" mentality. He's often, not so much shy but reserved in social situations but always friendly to those he speaks with. It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt, is a phrase that fits his general attitude when it comes to interacting with others for the first time. That said, Kyle has some very strong held convictions that he will break all shyness and even at times instincts of self preservation for. Kyle is a pacifist and will adamantly speak out against physical violence whenever he is around it. He believes that violence is all too often the solution to problems that could be solved in more peaceful ways, especially with the prevalence of metahumans. He is also adamant about the fact that overt mind control and mind reading against the will of an individual are inherently immoral. Privacy, he believes,  is incredibly important to the way that humans interact with one another as is sovereignty over our bodies. Above all else, Kyle is at his core a compassionate and deeply loving person who wants to see the best in everyone and everything, believing that the only way that things get better is to inspire change through your own actions.
The Story

Kyle was born as your typical test tube baby of one Travis Masters. Born in the third generation he was already well behind his brothers and sisters in status. However, during the first week of his awakened life he underwent the typical evaluation that all Master's children did. During his examination, it was discovered that Kyle possessed none of the enhanced mind or body that the others so uniformly did. Obviously this was a major disappointment to Travis who had invested time and effort into the production of this latest generation of brothers. What it was discovered that he possessed though was telepathy. Again, this was somewhat disappointing, many of the Masters children possessed this ability and even those that didn't could be linked up through Omega, negating their need for it. However, the more that was looked into Kyle's telepathy the more that it was realized that it was truly unique.

With no training and no advanced intelligence Binary was doing things like actively combating the implantation of Omega's psychic virus and excluding himself from the collective hivemind. His immense raw telepathic power was impressive enough for the young test tube child to be given the title of Epsilon in the 26. But even despite his promotion, Kyle never felt quite right among his siblings. Many of them were content to lives of waiting and leisure in the compound to be watched over by Omega. That was not the life for Kyle, but neither was it his desire to do things with his chosen brothers and sisters. Very quickly, he realized the aggression and  ill intent possessed by many of his siblings. But he persisted, loving his strange family inspire of their quirks and seeming aversion to him.

Life went on for Binary like this for some time, feeling like a square peg forced into a round hole. His lack of both their enhanced physical and mental faculties Kent that he was often picked on, toyed with. Perhaps it wasn't maliciously, as Kyle tended to believe, justifying it as his siblings just being like big brothers. But it had an impact on his psyche, making him feel less than the rest, like a freak. This was furthered by his feeling and need for privacy as he constantly unlinked himself from the hive mind, preferring instead to communicate normally.

His suspicions and fears finally compounded one day when he accidentally gained access to the deeper recesses of Alpha's mind. It had been an accidental lash out of his abilities but it had been enough to bull right through Alpha's passive defenses and into the areas he wanted hidden. What Kyle saw of his eldest brother for those brief moments terrified and shocked him. He and all of his brothers were weapons in a war they k ew nothing of. The hatred and animosity of it all brought Kyle to tears. And even worse, Alpha knew instantly, lashing out at Kyle and displacing him from the only home he knew. Cast out and alone Kyle decided to change his last name and look for a new place to call home.
The Priority

   1. Reaction
   2. Endurance
   3. Agility
   4. Strength

The Powers

Unmatched Telepathy: This is Binary's only ability though within it are possessed many sub-abilities. Put simply, Binary's natural telepathic abilities are off the charts powerful. Not only can he sense the minds of anything around him and communicate all manner of information he wants between himself and them and visa versa, he does so with absolutely no effort. It's like breathing to him, and yes mind reading is included in this aspect, a person's mind being like a perfectly filed and indexed catalog of information that he can quickly tap into and pull out any information he is seeking. But it goes much further than that. Binary is able to link minds to one another or force minds into one another without even being included in the link, and can dictate just what sorts of information can be transferred through that link. Even more so, he can share the senses of those he is linked to or has linked; seeing through their eye, hearing through their ears, feeling what they feel, etc. If he so chooses this can also include the sharing of emotions like an empath without the transference of the actual thoughts behind the feeling.

 - Control of the Mind: This section of Binary's ability goes much farther than your typical mind control. Instead this affords Binary direct control, if he so chooses, to any mind he is linked to including his own. So what's the difference? This ability lets Binary control the physical processes controlled by a person's mind. So he could control a person's adrenaline production, disconnect parts of the mind that control body parts effectively paralyzing them, tell the mind to interpret things in their sight that aren't actually there, etc. Any aspect of a person that is controlled by their mind (either consciously or subconsciously) can be taken control of by Binary. So yes, while this can be used to puppet a person's body, the intricacy and fine control over this ability is much much deeper than typical mind control.

- Mental Projection: Binary is capable of projecting a mental version of himself out into the physical world. This mental projection always takes the form of Binary (the second picture above) as that is his mental image of himself. This mental projection can be sent to appear anywhere that Binary or his mental projection have been before but can then explore the environment around them just as a normal person could. Binary possesses all of his senses as this mental projection and can use all of his telepathic abilities through it though it is utterly incapable of physically manipulating anything as it is not a physical form.

- Limit Breaker: Binary's telepathy is so overwhelmingly powerful that is can with minimal effort break down mental barriers and pick up on minds that other telepaths would find impossible. For example Binary is perfectly capable of linking to and understanding the mind of a cyborg or a completely alien and unrecognizable mental landscape. This also gives him a means to break even the most iron of wills that would attempt to resist him. If he encounters a mind that actively is able to resist his abilities (or if permission is not given), Binary can engage in a mental battle with that mind. This creates a mental landscape based on the subconscious mind of the person who is being invaded. In this mental landscape nearly anything is possible and the mental projections of all involved individuals are restricted only by their imagination, concentration and the strength of their mind. (despute this ability as a whole, things like mind reading and mind control are still player permission based)

- Compartmentalized Processing: This is a unique aspect of Binary's abilities considering his lack of any sort of enhanced intelligence. Binary is able to compartmentalize and separate actions and thoughts in his own mind. What this allows him to do is section of a task mentally from the rest of his mind to allow for the performance of further tasks with out either interfering with one another. For example, because of this Binary is ambidextrous and would not find writing with one hand and painting with the other difficult at all. Both tasks would be as easy as doing each of them separately. This compartmentalization of tasks can be done as many times as tasks Binary is capable of performing and can be used in sync with his other aspects of his abilities.
The Weaknesses

Human: Kyle is physically a normal human and is easily damaged, harmed or killed just as any human is.

Pacifist: Kyle is strictly a pacifist, not desiring to fight someone physically. He hates violence and looks always to solve problems peacefully and preferably with words even when that is not the easiest solution. This extends to him using his telepathic abilities to cause harm.

Morality: This has nothing to do with Kyle's unwillingness to kill (though he would never do so). Instead, Kyle believes that to overtly control the mind of another is inherently immoral, an invasion of one's most important form of privacy and bodily autonomy. While he is okay with controlling minor aspects (like paralyzingly a limb or kindly suggesting that someone help him with something) he is entirely against using his abilities to "puppet" another or make them do things against their will. He feels similarly about mind reading.

Two Hands, One Mind: Kyle may be able to multitask but this ability is limited by the number of things that he can actually do. So obviously he can only perform two tasks with his hands but more importantly he can only have one mental projection of himself at a time. So he could not for example, have a mental projection out exploring and be in a mental battle with someone. He would have to choose one or the other.

Observation Only: While Kyle's mental projection of Binary is incredibly versatile and valuable it has its limits. One of the main ones is that it cannot physically manipulate anything. So while he can feel an object through his mental projection he could not pick up or throw said object. Furthermore he cannot currently do anything with his mental projection in the real world that he could not physically do. So things like flying or walking through walls are totally impossible for him to do.

The Items

The Minions

The Fluff

The (Im)Perfect Body: Kyle's body is monumentally efficient, aging rate having slowed to the point that one could consider him biologically immortal His processing of food, water and other nutrients is incredibly efficient, requiring only about a quarter of each that a normal human would require to survive. He is also capable of going on with around eight hours of sleep a week.

Binary: The mental projection of Binary and the illusions he casts over himself to appear as Binary are so ingrained in him and natural to create that they to not require permission, cannot be disbelieved and are visible even to things such as a video camera. This is literally just his "superhero" identity, it's the illusion equivalent of clothes.
The RP Sample




   Application created by Chellizard | This code is open-source and available for free use.


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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 16
Registration date : 2013-07-09

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Binary Empty Re: Binary

Post by Stoic March 11th 2017, 10:59 am


Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Quote : "See, I am a serious vigilante with serious themes dealing with serious issues. You may some day achieve this grand seriousness, but for now, fetch my coffee."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 290
Location : The Moral Highground
Job : Vigilante, of course.
Humor : You cannot ban that which is neither banned nor not banned.
Registration date : 2015-07-27

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