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Seraphim AMM: "The Harbinger"

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Seraphim AMM: "The Harbinger" Empty Seraphim AMM: "The Harbinger"

Post by Zodiac August 5th 2015, 7:19 pm

Seraphim AMM: "The Harbinger" Seraph10
Q u e s t N a m e

August Mission: The Harbinger

I n f o r m a t i o n

Reason for this quest:
At 0400 we received a call from the department of homeland security and we were granted information regarding an unknown metahuman threat. This metahuman was not of your typical variety. It is a physically adept person with skills that exceed human capabilities. It was last seen dispatching two dozen trained metahuman soldiers and running off in the direction of Chicago. Seraphim's base in Chicago has been out on patrol, but two members of their branch have come up missing and turned up later, mutilated as well as several other metahumans from the city itself. Whatever this thing is it is hunting metahumans. Our Chicago branch is requesting heavy backup to locate and deal with this "unknown metahuman" before it's too late.

Mission Objectives:

  • Retrieve information and break up into groups
  • Locate and track the unknown metahuman.
  • Secure, detain or destroy the unknown metahuman.
  • Optional: Collect deep-tissue sample of the metahuman for Seraphim scientists.
  • Optional: Prevent chaos and disorder from reaching the public.

Other Information

D i f f i c u l t y

Newsworthy (hard) >>> 3000 words minimum.

R e w a r d s

  • The EXP from the quest.
  • First chance at further Seraphim missions
  • Random rewards from optional objectives
  • The fame/infamy from your actions involving this event!

M i s c e l l a n e o u s
The quest requires at least 3 Seraphim members to begin. If there are 5 or more sign ups the quest will be broken into teams.

This is obviously a set up for a bigger plot.

 Seraphim members only.

 If this quest is not completed within 1 month of the first post, all progress will be wrapped up by site staff/group mod's discretion.

Seraphim AMM: "The Harbinger" Guilty10
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Killing never takes a villain out of this world...It just replaces them."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 643
Age : 28
Job : Your salvation through destruction.
Humor : [19:13:20] @ Forceaus : The racking of sperring skirrs means you rack disciprine
Registration date : 2013-08-18

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Seraphim AMM: "The Harbinger" Empty Re: Seraphim AMM: "The Harbinger"

Post by The Pale Kestrl August 5th 2015, 7:23 pm

Sounds like a great start to an overarching plot, Glow is more than ready to do his first mission.

Young and wayward Energy powered metahuman just trying to do some good: Glow

Seismic empowered mercenary looking for work: Reave

Young vigilante trying to make his own mark: Ex-41
The Pale Kestrl
The Pale Kestrl

Status :

Quote : "Impressive toys you have there boy. But your playing in the big leagues now" Felix "Reave" Black

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 56
Location : did I get here?
Age : 28
Job : Roguish Traveller
Humor : Well, the worlds a pretty funny place
Registration date : 2015-07-12

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Seraphim AMM: "The Harbinger" Empty Re: Seraphim AMM: "The Harbinger"

Post by Hyperion August 5th 2015, 7:23 pm

Gabriel is available for this

Shael Atterrius
Posting Master
Posting Master

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 417
Registration date : 2011-05-24

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Seraphim AMM: "The Harbinger" Empty Re: Seraphim AMM: "The Harbinger"

Post by Zell August 9th 2015, 9:44 pm

I'll supplement in one of my Seraphim members to make it three. So I guess now it's just pending approval.

Seraphim AMM: "The Harbinger" Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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Seraphim AMM: "The Harbinger" Empty Re: Seraphim AMM: "The Harbinger"

Post by Odien August 11th 2015, 6:28 pm


Posting Master
Posting Master

Status :

Quote : [20:06:47] * Odien has sex with Mike [20:07:20] Zell : So did his half brother, don't get excited about it Odien lol

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 412
Location : [17:31:53] @ Forceaus : Not killing the innocent is part of being a hero to begin with
Humor : [19:30:11 19/01/15] @ Bliss : It's like holding someone's head underwater and forgetting they aren't a fish
Registration date : 2014-04-11

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Seraphim AMM: "The Harbinger" Empty Re: Seraphim AMM: "The Harbinger"

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