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Hijackers - SHRP-AU 6153 [OPEN]

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OPEN Hijackers - SHRP-AU 6153 [OPEN]

Post by Zonkes October 10th 2017, 5:32 pm

William Jeffers sat on the back of his horse, as he watched for the train. He would need to make this swift. His buddies were waiting on him on the train, and they were about to steal 11 thousand dollars worth of gold and precious stones. Including a shipment of super rare metal some of his boys had called magic. He pulled low his ten gallon hat and checked to make sure the dark blue bandana was still secured tightly over his face. That's when the train came into view. He spurred his horse onward and away they went. Almost too damn fast for the outlaw. He stood up in the saddle and jumped from his horse onto a ladder on the side of the train and climbed up. He would need to be careful not to fall off. A fall like this would almost definitely kill even him.

Will felt the rushing air on his face, nearly blowing off his hat. But William kept a hand on it as he kicked open the hatch on the top of the car. His gang had set things up so he could actually enter the train from the roof. Hopefully that meant they had brought the TNT-Man like he had told them to. Otherwise things would probably get messy. A woman screamed at his arrival, and Williams gun appeared in his hand. A flaming six shooter. "Howdy, folks! My name is unimportant, but you can just call me the Hell-Raiser. We're here for the cargo, not your lives. So long as y'all don't do something stupid like Mr. Marshall back there; we'll be fine." Will turned around just as the man tried to loose his own six shot from his holster, but Will shot him in the head. Leaving nothing but a smoking hole where the fireball melted bone and flesh.

"Glad we understand each other. Boys, go tie up the engineers. I'll see to taking care of the cargo."

Last edited by Zonky Blong on October 12th 2017, 4:00 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 635
Location : Somewhere between hell and a hand basket
Age : 28
Job : Professional Slacker
Humor : What’s the difference between a clown and a pancake? Not much after the steamroller incident.
Registration date : 2017-01-10

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OPEN Re: Hijackers - SHRP-AU 6153 [OPEN]

Post by The Swolefather October 11th 2017, 2:32 pm

Thud, smash, followed by a wheezing last breath, Carmichael had finally made his way to the head of the train, taking out the conductor. He flicked a six sided die into the air, catching it before it fell upon the floor "Seems like luck wasn't on your side, mate." The young man grabbed a long cord that hung from the ceiling, pulling on it hard, letting out two quick toots of the horn, signalling the boss that he had done his job. He sat down on the floor, rolling his dice, for each side had a different weapon hidden away. 1 had a lever action rifle, 2 had a tomahawk, 3 sported a six shooter, 4 a machete, 5 packed a 10 gauge shotgun and 6 was a handheld gattling gun. He looked at the dice, willing it to land on 6, and as it landed, the large belt fed gun appeared in his hands. Carmichael took to setting it up, pointing it down the hallway of the train, just in case anyone attempted to foil their plans.
The Swolefather
The Swolefather
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Registration date : 2016-08-29

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OPEN Re: Hijackers - SHRP-AU 6153 [OPEN]

Post by Entei October 11th 2017, 3:03 pm

A slight snoring sound could be heard from the cabin in the seconds before William crashed through the roof. Sitting next to the Marshall that had been so cleanly executed was a young man, probably in his mid 20s, soundly asleep. His ten gallon hat was pulled low over his face, covering his eyes, and exposing his mess of blue black hair. He wore a white denim shirt, embroidered with black, and tucked into a pair of blue jeans, that rode over his riding boots. Over his shirt was a red and white Serape, which covered most of his upper body.

At the sound of the shot, the boy tipped his hat up, but, his hand never moved. Instead, a long mess of what appeared to be black fur appeared from behind him, pushing his hat up to expose a pair of cerulean blue eyes that looked at the man holding the gun.

"Woo boy, you should not have did that." The young man said, raising up in his seat, using his hand to adjust his hat snuggly back on his head. "Erickson there was two weeks from retirement, now we're gonna miss out on a hell of a party. I dun even own any black, what do you expect me to wear to his funeral boy?"

With a sigh, the young man gestured to the large guitar case that sat in the empty seat next to him. Clicking his tongue against the roof of his mouth, he shook his head slightly.

"Yer lookin' for the treasure right? Well it's in that guitar case. We were hired by the company for a lil' extra security you see. Ain't worth dyin' over like Erickson here though. Don't believe me, just take a look fer yerself."

Quick Draw
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OPEN Re: Hijackers - SHRP-AU 6153 [OPEN]

Post by Morpheus Complex October 12th 2017, 8:55 am

Jeremiah Freeman sat on the train. Recently there had been a slew of trainjackers in the area. He was a Bounty Hunter doing a job guarding the train and passengers. He had strict orders to kill anyone who poses a threat to the train or its precious cargo. He was ruggedly dressed standing out from the other people. He did his best to ignore it. Soon he heard a commotion a few cars ahead. And a gunshot. "What in Tar nation?" He grabbed the two guns from his holsters. The man hopped from his seat and moved up. I opened the final door to what looks like an entier shit show. One of the other guards were down. Jeremiah had his guns drawn on the two bandits. He placed one gun in his holster, and held his fingers to his mouth, whistling. All of the sudden, 3 skeletons dressed as ruggedly as he was appeared, one with a shot gun, one with a with dual pistols, and the last dressed like an Indian, bearing tomahawks. His ghost posse. "I reckon you boys got yerselves into some trouble. Ya picked the wrong train to jack. I suggest you give up, less ya wanna get ripped some anuses."
Morpheus Complex
Morpheus Complex

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Location : I am in a basement. Call for help.
Age : 25
Job : Funemployed
Humor : "I was ask to take the red pill or the blue pill. I stiood up, kicked his ass, swallowed both pills, went to his house and f*cked his wife."
Registration date : 2016-08-21

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OPEN Re: Hijackers - SHRP-AU 6153 [OPEN]

Post by ShoddyHuman October 15th 2017, 1:57 am

Talos, a nine foot tall mechanical man made of brass, he looked like someone from england, he wore a bowler hat with a bronze ring encircling the bowl of the hat and a brass monocle, he had a wiry moustache.

He was running alongside the train while holding the TNT man, Talos jumped and steam boosted onto the top of the caboose. He started to strap him down to the roof with the manacles, he put them around the mans wrist, held him down against the train with his foot, and shot railroad spikes from his hand into the end of the chains.

"Well, come on now, blow up!" Talos said in booming voice. The TNT man flinched but did not move or reply. "Yeah, thats what I thought, your a yellow bellied coward just like your pa." Talos said. The TNT man stiffened, and in a flash grabbed Talos' leg," Don't you dare talk about my pa!" A giant explosion blew the top off the caboose and sent Talos flying.

Talos slammed into the ground and slid a few feet, he got up dented but still intact, and started sprinting toward the train. He caught up to the engine, took off his hat and tossed it into the window.

The hat rolled to a stop in front of a gatling gun. It popped out metal spider legs, and a small hatch near the top of the hat opened and a small telescope popped out. It whirred and a small note came out the front of it, The note read " TNT man blew himself up too soon, Vault didn't open, you boys need to get out of there, gonna try to stop the train." The hat tapped frantically trying to get the mans attention.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

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Registration date : 2017-01-10

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OPEN Re: Hijackers - SHRP-AU 6153 [OPEN]

Post by Zonkes October 15th 2017, 9:14 pm

William grinned as he saw one of his boys had taken out the engineers. Carmichael setup his Gatling gun in a pretty good spot, which meant that they’d be fine so long as no one decided to be brave and take on Carmichael alone.

It wasn’t until William saw the young man that he put his eyes on a specific passenger. The boy made mention of a treasure in his briefcase; and while William wasn’t usually dumb enough to fall for such a silly ploy; Will was just intrigued enough to grab the case from the young man.

He was reaching for the locks on the case, when the piercing whistle pierced the air and skeletons appeared. ”Ah, Hell. I didn’t sign up to fight ghosts! Ya got me.” William said raising his hands and frowning, before he also released an ear curdling whistle. A dripping horse made of water and seaweed appeared in front of them. The thing seemed to stare forward; glowing red stone in the middle of its head glowing bright as day in the compartment despite the bright sunlight streaming outside the windows. ”Get gone, Nessie!” He said and slapped the horse on its flank. The horse surged forward; like a horse shaped tsunami.

While the horse did its job William popped open the locks on the guitar case... just as an explosion rocked the train; threatening to send the thing off the tracks.

”The hell was that?!” He asked and summoned another elemental pistol, this one made of lightning. Sounded like the TNT man had gone off too early.
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Location : Somewhere between hell and a hand basket
Age : 28
Job : Professional Slacker
Humor : What’s the difference between a clown and a pancake? Not much after the steamroller incident.
Registration date : 2017-01-10

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OPEN Re: Hijackers - SHRP-AU 6153 [OPEN]

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