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Echo Empty Echo

Post by Thorgron May 11th 2015, 12:56 am

   "Live not on evil.
Evil, a sin, is alive.
Lived as a devil."


Basic Biography

   Real Name: reinieR ottO
   Renegade Name: Echo
   Title: N/a
   Alignment: CN
   Age: 24
   Gender: Male
   Race: Namuhatem
   Hair: Black
   Eyes: Dark Blue
   Height: 6'1
   Weight: 170
   Blood type: A
The Looks


The Legacy

Echo is cool and collected, possessed always of a sort of tranquil calm even in the face of danger. Though not necessarily good, he will always fight for what he believes is right or just.

What happens on the other side of a mirror? Is that simply a reflection of ourselves that we see or is it another being, trapped in some parallel world. Were you to ask Echo, he'd be rather quite on the subject but his mere existence seems to indicate the latter. When it comes to his past, or where he's from Echo is silent but there are clues as to who and what he actually is. The name embroidered into his leather jacket says "reinieR" capitalized as such on the end. Echo is also left handed, for his two katana fighting style favoring his left hand over his right and at times has been noticed to read backwards. Do these things implicate him as some sort of mirrored human or is he simply playing into his strange reflective powers? And if he is someone's reflection, then what happened to Otto Reinier and where is he now? It seems that only time will tell...

The Powers and Weaknesses

   (All characters can be as powerful as they want, as long as they are balanced with proper weaknesses.)

   Mirror Image: Echo can generate a non-corporeal, translucent "mirror wall" at any angle, on any axis from a point on his body. These "mirror walls" create solid light constructs of chosen objects on the opposing side of the mirror wall that act exactly as their actual counterpart does. Solid light constructs generated this way possess the same attributes of thing they are mirroring. As an example of how this works, let's say Echo is being shot at by a machine gun. Were he to put out a hand and create a mirror wall perpindicular to the machine gun from his hand, solid light bullets would fire from the same distance behind him, impacting the machine gun fire just in front of his hand. He can choose whether or not these constructs can physically effect him.

   Mirror Mime: Echo can select a person, usually someone he is in combat with, and force himself into a focused trance where he perfectly mirrors everything they do including their supernatural, metahuman, etc abilities. In this state, things like speed outputs, strength, durability etc. are all equal to that of his opponent's. He can enter and exit this state at any point he wishes.

   Swordsmanship: Echo is beyond proficient with katanas and throwing daggers/knives. He has trained for years in their creation, technique and form and is skilled enough with them that he could slice a bullet out of the air.


   Monkey no see, monkey no do: While the reflections created by Echo are a formidable force they have one major drawback, sight. If something could not be reflected by a normal mirror then it cannot be made into a solid light construct by Echo. Put him in a  pitch black room or attack him with something like sound and his uses for this ability become very narrow.

   Tunnel Vision: In his Mirror Mime state, Echo essentially becomes impervious to anything his locked on opponent can throw at him. However these copied traits only apply when being used against the copied person or objects in the environment. These increased or decrease attributes do not apply to other people in the surrounding area. So though he may be super durable against an opponent who he is locked on to in this state, someone else could still easily shoot him in the head and the gained durability would mean nothing. Mirror Mime also has the added deficit of forcing most of Echo's concentration on his locked opponent making him less aware of his immediate surroundings.

The Good and The Bad: While Echo gains all of the abilities and strengths of a person he is Mirror Miming, he also gains their weaknesses again only against them.

   One Trick Pony: Echo is one with his blades, knowing their exact weight and shape. Such intimate training has granted him his amazing skill and seemingly superhuman abilities in their use. But it is only because of his years of training with katanas and daggers specifically that he can achieve such feats. With any other weapon, even with another type of sword he is only as useful as any other average Joe.

   RP Mechanics

   RP Mechanic(s):


   Physical Priority
   (You are to put these physical attributes in order from 1 to 4. 1 is the highest priority, 4 is the lowest.)
   Agility 2
   Endurance 3
   Reaction 1
   Strength 4

Last edited by Thorgron on May 28th 2015, 12:53 am; edited 1 time in total

Echo Pbucket
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Mega Poster!

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Registration date : 2013-04-16

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Echo Empty Re: Echo

Post by Thorgron May 28th 2015, 12:37 am

bumping this now that its done Smile

Echo Pbucket
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

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Registration date : 2013-04-16

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Echo Empty Re: Echo

Post by Silus May 28th 2015, 1:02 am

Don't abuse this... I will find you. I know where you live.

Approved until stated otherwise.

Echo Lucife10
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Registration date : 2013-11-05

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Echo Empty Re: Echo

Post by Atlas August 25th 2015, 2:31 pm

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Posting Apprentice

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Registration date : 2015-01-29

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Echo Empty Re: Echo

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