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Flizzles Archive..

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Flizzles Archive.. Empty Flizzles Archive..

Post by Dragonflizzle August 11th 2014, 9:29 pm

#1 approved

The brain/eyes
He named her Eve

(essentially this is a jarvice within Flizzles brain.. a computer with many applications, it can map out the environment using different scimatics, inferred, heat vision etc. It can also hack other devices and link up to a computer at flizzles base of operations)  

Description: The brain is simply that, a cluster of nanites within the brain that simply scans the capabilities of electrical impulses thru the body, its purpose is to communicate with flizzle  keeping him updated. It reacts to his thoughts, and responds as a woman's voice in the back of his mind. The intelligence of the nanite is unparalleled and is a fully self aware VI. Connected via network to the world web. The location of this cluster of nanites, is at the base of the brain on top of the spine giving it optimum access.  The majority of this network is wired into the optical sensory network. (the eyes). It takes information and projects it within the nerve network. This allows the VI to give a virtual scan of the environment by scanning the world around, allowing inferred, heat vision, and a electrical motion detection system which can map out nearby electrical conduits. Giving a grid of the world around Flizzle in any fashion he may need.. The VI links up to a bank of memory allowing it to memorize anything, and connect and find anything on the web, while maintaining its security by being retained within the brain. Its called using a proxy server.

Its sends signals via electrical pulses and can connect to any information data base thru any device that has a defense lower than the level of the nanites.

Int applicationLevel 6

Hermonic Nano replication device

Description: This replication device creates three devices all at the same level, Level 8. Its more like it takes on three shapes while still using the same power source, and functions. This device is a laser, powerful and destructive the rest of this page describes the why and how. The laser is a collection of

This nano device Is centered around its power source winch is no larger than a watch. And in fact sorta resembles one except it puts off a eirry red light. The source of this devices power if is the most important. You see the nanos within the device are bonded, to a radioactive Isotope. These isotopes then produce a radiation more volatile then normal radiation because the radiation produced, produces positrons. These particles attack on the atomic level annihilating the electrons within atoms. It is very destructive. The nanites use vibrational harmonics to direct positrons forming into a powerful directed attack. The core produces red light.    

Now the replication part if fun. The nanos that protect the core can form different shapes. Each one with a specific purpose. They do so by interlocking and using small metal fibers to grab ahold.

The coffin

First the light may be intensified and focused in layers making it strong in fact the positrons has been focused so much it has created a dense wide blast covering a huge area. all he must do is hold his hand up fingers together. It stands seven feet tall, and extends twenty feet. Powerful enough to lift the earth and scatter it before him..

Second it creates a dessert eagle just to be cool. The core in the chamber, bulging and seeming to threaten to get loos. it is simple, a few nanites are all that is needed to trap the positrons in a ball about ping pong ball size. They form in a ball around the guns barrel a few hundred in all. barely visible to a close inspection. The core would release a blast and the nanites would capture it keeping it wrapped in a ball layering the positrons. A moment is all that is needed. Then the last bit of force from the core launches the ball forward faster than any bullet. Hitting the target with a level 8 bullet of light, which then explodes on contact radiating heat, and light in all directions. Dealing another Level 6 radiation attack.

and last a laser beam when the core is focused in his palm, casting a beam of light capable of cutting thru a foot of steal in seconds. it can extend 100 feet, at full effectiveness.

Level 8 + Level 6 secondary effect

Nano Flight suite.

Description: A rocket suite simple in design and hooks up to the nuclear engine within Device #2. it projects rockets at his joints directed by nanites that surround his body. the elbows, knees, feet and a large rocket that forms on his back. The nanites when activated form around his body leaving him well away from the heat sources. A nanite mask also forms around his face when he reaches 10,000 feet altitude. The mask feeds him O2.

This device also links up with eve to act as a guidance system.

Abilities: Flight

Level 8

Nanite phasing

Description: These nanites generate a electro magnetic field that makes the atoms of the target it surrounds vibrate at a rapid enough pace that the object or person phases for one post. Power source is the nuclear device on weapon #2. This device is activated via Eve device #1 Via nanite wireless transmition. It makes Flizzle look fuzzy.

Duration 1 post

Cool down 2 posts

Level 7

nanite dissembler

Description: A harmonic teleportation device. The nanites dissemble the atoms around Flizzle and shoot them to desired location .
Syncs up with Eve to activate. and is powered by device # 2s nuclear engine.

Cooldown 2 posts

Distance 100 ft

Level 7

Nanite projector

Description: Produces a hologram that replicates Flizzle  and is synced up too eve and responds to her will.
is power by device #2.

Cool down 5 posts

Duration 3 posts

Level 7

Last edited by Dragonflizzle on August 16th 2014, 11:29 pm; edited 8 times in total

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 77
Registration date : 2014-06-28

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Flizzles Archive.. Empty Re: Flizzles Archive..

Post by Odien August 16th 2014, 8:23 pm

If the items are the way we discussed, approved. First sign of abuse for the Nuclear power and they're gone.

Posting Master
Posting Master

Status :

Quote : [20:06:47] * Odien has sex with Mike [20:07:20] Zell : So did his half brother, don't get excited about it Odien lol

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 412
Location : [17:31:53] @ Forceaus : Not killing the innocent is part of being a hero to begin with
Humor : [19:30:11 19/01/15] @ Bliss : It's like holding someone's head underwater and forgetting they aren't a fish
Registration date : 2014-04-11

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