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We're Doing That Good (Tyuki)

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We're Doing That Good (Tyuki) Empty We're Doing That Good (Tyuki)

Post by Seagirl December 14th 2013, 5:04 am

The tracker reading said she was about forty meters away.  No signs of movement, but within the twisting turns of the complex, forty meters in a straight line could turn into a mile through these corridors.  Bliss's rubber soles slid gently across the concrete floor of the plant hidden beneath the Budokan.  Under the guise of a music festival headlined by Tyuki Gold and her band of people Bliss couldn't keep straight, Bliss set off an operation to infiltrate Clement Corporation.  The only problem Bliss encountered was she already tried this unsuccessfully.  

And she had no idea anyone was planning on doing it again.

Hoping the popularity of Tyuki's group and the new found resources of her suits and companions, Bliss placed a little faith in the works of others.  Her faith brought her into the depths of danger with a tracker to try and recover what she could from this misadventure.  Trusting the responsibility of Ashley with high tech suits, and what she deemed an 'unstoppable' team of badass Japanese popstars with attitude, came at the fault of misappropriated paperwork filed through the wrong department.  The concert and the break in completely fell outside of Bliss's scope of influence on what she thought Ashley actually did for the company.

The only reason she stumbled across the discovery of the operation and the newly minted Popstar secret agents happened because of an air conditioning malfunction in the Tokyo apartment Bliss took up nesting in. In her regular abuse of power, Bliss hoped to use one of the power suits to repair the unit, only to find all five suits missing.  Picking up her tracker and following the blinking light brought the jean clad Bliss into the heart of the Budokan with her atlantic scarf hanging over a black turtle neck.

Twenty meters now.  

As she came across what looked like the door she needed, Bliss placed her cheek against the  side of the wall and tried to listen in.  The sound of metal against metal sounded eerily familiar to her.  Nothing in a good sense, but old memories of familiarity shrouded in complications always took a while to traverse through.  

With no noticeable signs of activity, Bliss looked down to her scanner.  Looked good.  Pressing her shoulder against the door so her torso could pry the door from the frame once her hand pushed the handle down, Bliss slid into the room.  A metal clanged against the arm of a chair in a rather obnoxious way.  Irritation ran high in Ashley's eyes as she tried to signal Bliss over to her by flailing her head from side to side with her ponytail acting as a counter balance.  A piece of tape disabled her mouth from participation, so Bliss took her own assessment of the situation.  "We're doing that good?" Bliss ripped the tape off with no mercy.

Ashley bit her lips as she stomped her feet in bound unision against the ground.  "We're doing a little better."  Her blue skin suit bore the marks of some kind of electricty along the torso and thighs, but it slipped past her intitial response to Bliss.

Flicking the tape off of her fingers, Bliss closed her eyes in a paused irritation.  "Where's Tyuki and 'the people know one cares about'?" Bliss assigned a loving name to Tyuki's band.  

"I don't know."  While Ashley gave her lack of information, Bliss went to work examining the cuffs holding Ashley's hands.

"What is the silver lining to this mess?"

"We're inside of their base, past their security."

"I'm trying to pry their security off of your wrists girlfriend, so maybe we should keep our eyes on some easier priorities."

"Shouldn't you be pro at escaping from things like this?"

"Watch it, captive." Bliss leaned forward to press a threatening finger into Ashley's face.  "First off, you never insult the person freeing you, especially if they still have the duct tape they pulled off of your mouth right by them; second, these things are pretty tough and are rigged with a knockout gas if you break the seal the wrong way."

"Break it the right way then."  Ashley offered up as advice.  "Aren't you smart enough to get it taken care of?"

"Again with the liberator abuse. Is this chair and predicament really that comfortable to you?"  In annoyance, Bliss contemplated angrily tripping the device just to show it who was boss.  She then realized she didn't own this complex and would wind up in a terrible situation, so a minor pause recentered her.  "What captured you anyways."

"Robots with electricty guns and some kind of organic material making them move in a more natural way."

"That was concise.  I'm glad I rescued you first. When's the last time you saw Tyuki and her girls?"

"When we first came in.  Things got bad fast."

"And then they got worse."

"You ripped tape off my mouth."

"You deserved it."  ust knowing the pressurized gas sat on such a hair thin trigger made Bliss weight her options. Her infiltration went smoothly, so breaking cover to save one person seemed counter productive.  "Not only will this cannister go off, but it will trip an alarm too."

"The handcuffs?"

"Yeah, apparently they don't want people escaping." Bliss rose up and knew she needed to find however many allies as she could before she made the brash movement of setting off these alarm cuffs.  "I'm going to go do some house calls."

"What about me?"

Bliss pushed the tape back over Ashley's mouth in case someone checked on her. "You'll be fine; I won't be too long and between you and me, I have way more faith in me getting this done than anyone else you brought along." So Bliss set off to find the four members of Girl Alive to put together a wrecking crew to take this place down.
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We're Doing That Good (Tyuki) Empty Re: We're Doing That Good (Tyuki)

Post by Chellizard December 14th 2013, 12:32 pm

Inky darkness was forcefully swallowing any hopes of actually seeing where she was, and that was only the first thing annoying Tyuki today.

So let's start at the beginning.

Today was supposed to be an amazing day for Tyuki. She had been given the opportunity to play with her band again since that horrible show in Chicago. But this time, back in Japan where she should be. With her main fan base. Anyone who knew her in America was a die hard weeaboo, or whatever they call those anime addict j-pop loving Caucasians. Tyuki typically titled them 'fans.' She needed any and all popularity. And, surprisingly enough, the show in Chicago had boosted her ratings and Girl Alive! was selling more copies of their album than they had in Japan by now.

And that's not even a bad thing, but hold on! Other bad things happened! And it's all Ashley's fault. As if that's surprising, right?

All Ashley had to do was make sure Tyuki and her band made it safely to the venue. Instead, they get there. And it's like they knew and were waiting for them to get there! They being the bad guys, them being Tyuki and co. respectfully. It happened so fast! She had never heard Bonnie or Kyrie scream like that before. Yui was the little girl of the group, so of course her screaming wasn't new, but it still sucked.

Ambushed by robots with electricity guns. Guns that felt like a standard issue taser, but still sent Tyuki's body into a heap on the floor. Every member of Girl Alive and their 'responsible' band manager collapsed. It felt like a solid hour had passed by before the muscle spasms stopped. By then, Tyuki was sitting in a suspended metal chair. It was hanging from a metal chain (unbeknownst to her), hands and feet bound, head covered with a bag, and no sense of up or down left in her.

This situation felt all too familiar, so she attempted to test her situation by shifting in her seat. She felt her stomach lurch as a rope tightened around her middle, and her feet refuse to meet with solid ground. A touch of panic raced through her, and a yelp passed her lips. Wait! There was no duct tape? Taking this little piece of sanity she had found in the inky darkness of her captivity, she spoke out loud.

"Please tell me I'm not alone..." she heard her voice echo. This room must be big. Wherever she was.

"No... *sob* you're not! *wheeze* i-is tha-that you-ou Tyuki?" that must be Yui.

"YUI! Thank GOD! And Tyuki! Okay, now where's Kyrie?" that was definitely Bonnie.

"Maybe she's in here... do all of you have bags over your heads?"

A very uniform 'yes' echoed through the room.

"Guys...." a sigh of relief passed over Tyuki when she finally heard Kyrie speak.

"I don't have a bag over my head!" well that wouldn't help Tyuki at all.

"Okay. What can you see? You have to be my eyes, Kyrie!" Tyuki said, shifting in her seat again. The chain made a loud clink noise with each move she made.

Kyrie began to describe the room to her best ability. She labeled most of the items in the room a "thingie" and continued to describe what was most around of her. Tyuki asked how everyone was tied up. Kyrie explained that she was suspended upside down near the ground level. Bonnie was on a suspended walkway. And Yui was on a separate suspended walkway. All of these levels were connected with stairs that wrapped around the walls of the room. Tyuki was suspended in the middle of the room from a 'very super duper scary' looking claw machine. Of course she was.

That's how it had to be.

"Crap... crap crap crap. I have got to get out of this stupid bag... Can you just close your eyes, Kyrie?" Tyuki had gained an amazing idea. Use her wings! Of course that would be smart.

"But why?!" Kyrie protested.

"Just do it!" she demanded.

She did not want to be stuck behind of this darkness anymore. So, despite Kyrie having her eyes closed or not, Tyuki willed her wings to spread out behind of her. The feathers ruffled in a very happy manner. She shifted her wings and used the wind to help knock the bag off of her head. The smartest thing she's likely ever done. As soon as the bag was off, she took this time to look around.

But, instead, caught Kyrie's upside-down gaze.


"What?" Bonnie was a bit confused, but she was also still blinded by the bastard bag.

"What do you mean? Who has wings?" Yui had finally stopped sobbing.

"Oh, you know, it's just a thing I can do. SHUT UP KYRIE. I told you to close your eyes!"

And instead of finding a way to get out of this mess, the four girls started to quarrel.


-My DeviantArt-
We're Doing That Good (Tyuki) JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5015
Location : The Internet
Age : 31
Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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We're Doing That Good (Tyuki) Empty Re: We're Doing That Good (Tyuki)

Post by Seagirl December 14th 2013, 6:07 pm

Off in the distance a multitude of doors rang out through the cavernous enclave of the subterranean complex.  The first few openings came without anything out of the ordinary interval Bliss expected from a single person. The door slid in one and a quarter seconds to a full opening, then, once it hit a point horizon, it fell back in and and a half seconds. The doors further down worried her.  Now the intervals came at three seconds following by a three and a half second fall back.  

Too long for anything good, but too short for anything concrete. Bliss fiddled with her tracker to try and get a lock on where the others were, but only managed to make the low battery alert come on. The beeping rang out through the halls and died down just in time for Bliss to hear the sound of alerted voices moving to investigate the situation. She couldn't hide in the narrow halls and finding a room would be a dangerous gambit. Bliss hardened her fist with ice and got ready to see just what this place was up to.  

As she banged her frozen fist into the palm of her hand she heard the discordant sound of an argument. Luckily, so did the guards coming to investigate her. A brief delay in the confrontation would stand for now, but the lack of substance in the argument and the high pitch whine caught the unmitigated attention of Bliss. Time to get to work.

Guarding a dysfunctional group of j-pop stars fell to a surprisingly well armed security force. And they had a robot. Towering at eight feet with a bipedal frame and two hulking arms teeming with electricity, the behemoth's red scanning head surveyed the situation for possible complications. Voices raised as a team of men, poorly equipped with interpersonal communications, went about arguing and threatening girls in their late teens. And losing. Bliss slipped in behind the party, who failed to be as alert about doors staying open as Bliss. The placement of each girl in the room alarmed Bliss. She wanted to trip the alarms on their bindings quickly, but with each girl being so far apart, it would take too long. Bliss started to think about who to blame for this.

"Warning." The robot pivoted and struck out towards Bliss with a prod. Getting caught in her scarf, the surge of electricity began to burn through the cloth while sparks leaped and singed along Bliss's cheek. "Intruder."

"Make sure no one else escapes." A small beat club expanded into a quarter staff with a jolt sparking at the business end.  "I'll stick with her."

Flipping the material around her neck to free herself from the grasp of the robot, Bliss spun over her shoulder and came up with a hard uppercut aimed at the guard's chin. The crash of metal chipped pieces of Bliss's ice fist, but her resolve pushed him off of his feet. Following through with a strong right, Bliss gave him her business end and put him on the ground.

A stinging jolt dug into Bliss's back. It just missed her main nerve bundle, but still shocked her kidney. Dropping to her knees with her fist slamming into the ground. The robot released a spray of water to knock Bliss to the floor and move her closer towards the man guarding Kyrie.  Before his staff could break against her torso, Bliss threw her legs back and came out between his legs. She threw both her elbows into the crevices of his knees to split him further than he would like. With his balance off, Bliss rose up and flipped him over her shoulder.

Two down. More water shot out to push Bliss against the wall. With the spread of the tide over her, any kind of ice would only freeze Bliss in her entirety. Not the situation she hoped for.

"I see we're having a good demonstration." A woman clad in a powered body suit stepped from behind the drone. The glare of the energy forming around her hands beamed off of the tint of her glasses.  "Now, I can have you demonstrate for me."

"You should be careful what you hope for."

"Don't worry." Two hulking robots came through the door to support Jules against Bliss. "I always do."
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We're Doing That Good (Tyuki) Empty Re: We're Doing That Good (Tyuki)

Post by Chellizard December 14th 2013, 10:10 pm

All four girls were yelling at each other now, except for Yui. She was mainly crying. Kyrie was trying not to freak out any more. And Bonnie was just telling everyone to shut up over and over again.

"But, like, OH MY GOSH! TYYYE! You have WINGS!" Kyrie yelled, her form swinging from the upside down position.

"I was going to find a way to tell you guys, but there's no point in it now! Oh my GOD! Yui! Stop crying!" Tyuki shouted, the chain she was suspended from shaking a bit violently while her wings ruffled in anger.

Yui just continued to sob. She had no words. Just ears and loud cries.

Bonnie tried again to make this situation easier.

"Okay, okay! SHUT UP GUYS!" the echoing in the room had finally drawn attention to them. Bonnie, however, was still blind to this, so she continued. "If Tyuki has wings, she has to be that girl that was at our show! The one that saved us! Man.... I wish I could fly!"

Now the girls were getting along, but the situation had turned to the next chapter. One that featured scary robots and a security team holding guns.

Tyuki wrenched in her spot. She was careful not to break the chain because the middle of the room had no real floor. It just kind of went down into a deep, dark abyss. And for some odd reason, this made Tyuki think of that one time she was sucked into that time-space hole.

Stupid Hermione and Imena. And Elaine! Gosh... wait! Bliss?

Tyuki knew Bliss was supposed to come to her show, but she had no idea Bliss would even bother with the old rescue routine. Tyuki's eyes lit up and her heart fluttered a bit. It was just like old times! But this time, she wasn't completely incompetent! At least, not when she's untied and able to punch things in the face.

The guards were shouting, and they hadn't noticed Bliss yet. Not until Kyrie cried out for her. Good grief.

"Oh gosh; now is not the time Kyrie!" she shouted; her wings arching when the chain suddenly started to lower her down.

"Hey hey hey!! WHOA!" she flapped her wings and pulled herself upward to her best ability. "Cut that out!" she said. A bullet flew past her head, clipping her hair and shooting pain through her ear. Everything went silent on the left side of her head save for the softest sound of ringing.

She winced and her wings folded around of her as if to shield any more attacks.

"That is ENOUGH!" shouted a brutish guard. He was a military cut man with scars along his shoulders and face. He had an eye patch, and a few gold teeth. All of the girls quieted down and Bliss was left with no back up. Not until Tyuki got herself free from these chains.

She could risk it. She could risk falling into that deep dark black abyss. But would she come out? Would she be falling into something that sent her through space and time again?

She had to risk it! She had to be the one to save Bliss this time; not the other way around!

"HEY! Fat head!" she shouted, staring right at the military brute.

Bonnie, Kyrie, and Yui all got quiet. Kyrie was the only one that could see what was going on, but she chose to shut her eyes in fear of the situation.

The brute looked up to Tyuki with a glare in his eye.

"Yeah, I'm talking to you!" she said again, daring him with her own gaze.

"Bet you can't shoot me," a smirk was heard in her voice, and stealing over her face.

"Try me, pip squeak... you're tied up there and I'm down here!" he brought his gun up, aiming toward the suspended Asian.

Just as he was about to shoot, Tyuki willed herself to use all the strength she could muster. Her bindings shattered, the chains falling loose as she hugged herself, going feet first into the pit.

The blackness swallowed her.

"NO! NOOO! TYUKI!" thrashing in her bindings, Kyrie started to sob while a guard made his way to shut her up.

Just before he could reach her, Tyuki came flying out of the pit and leaped onto his back, hugging her arms around of his neck to choke him out.

So, turns out, the pit just leads down to some weird basement of blackness.

-My DeviantArt-
We're Doing That Good (Tyuki) JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5015
Location : The Internet
Age : 31
Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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We're Doing That Good (Tyuki) Empty Re: We're Doing That Good (Tyuki)

Post by Seagirl December 14th 2013, 10:41 pm

The shrieking of the band at the dismay of their leader duoig under Bliss's final nerves.  Not only could she barely stand up against the wave the three robots shot against her, she now needed to contend to Jules sizing her up. Only her attention passed over Bliss.

Jules shot a rancid blast of heated plasma towards Tyuki. The intensity burned with animosity and ill intention. With her preoccupation with a lesser target, Bliss took it upon herself to try and remedy the situation for Tyuki. A blast of ice shot from her hand and froze over Jules fingers on her left hand together. Sadly, the water dripping off of her body froze and covered Bliss from palm to shoulder.

"You're still here?" Jules burned away the ice. "We'll see how your friend does against my drones. We can see how you do against me."

Bliss charged forward and spun to throw the momentum of her frozen arm towards Jules' head. It slashed the air and brushed along a soft cheek. Jules locked her right arm with Bliss and bent her over. With only one good arm, Bliss fought off the plasma attack by freezing Jules at her feet and swinging under her. More of the water froze and Bliss found herself without an arm to direct her ice. Laughing at her dismay, Jules reached down to start burning the ice away. Catching her unaware and at odds, Bliss kicked both feet square into the back of Jules. Falling forward, Jules felt her ankles hyper extend, but let the pain pass. Bliss moved back towards the suspended walkway to try and get help from Bonnie.

Each of the drones moved with a quickness outside of the regular mechanical movement. With lightning reflexes of organic material and the resiliency of a machine, they continued to try and overwhelm Tyuki before she could escape.

"I'm over here Bliss." Jules fired a heated shot towards Bliss, missing her wide to the left.

"Cold feet?" Bliss said with a smirk as she turned to take delight at the snared Jules.

"Look behind you." Stepping from the ice she melted away, Jules pointed behind Bliss.

"I'm not falling for..." The shot Bliss laughed off was never meant for her. The super heated plasma burned through the support of the scaffolding and caused Bonnie and her chair to fall from the elevation onto Bliss.  

"You're the one being fallen for, my dear." Jules fired a heated shot at Tyuki to give her drones a little help, then turned to see Bliss and Bonnie. "Had enough?"

"I've always had enough of you." Bonnie's chair kept Bliss pinned to the ground under its dire weight.

"I know." Jules flexed her fingers and pressed Bliss's head to the ground under her heel. "I need something defrosted."

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We're Doing That Good (Tyuki) Empty Re: We're Doing That Good (Tyuki)

Post by Chellizard December 15th 2013, 11:21 pm

With arms locked around of the security guard, a human, he bucked and attempted to smack her with his gun. But she was too strong. Her grip tightened just that little bit more and soon he passed out. She heaved him over to lean against the wall behind of Kyrie, and chucked his gun down into the deep dark pit. She turned her attention back toward Kyrie now. There was a split moment where Tyuki could get her friend and band mate untied. That moment was interrupted when a ball of heated plasma energy came whizzing passed her head.

Taking a moment to actually look back, she saw the robotic assistants on their way for her. Her eyes widened and took just a moment to get into gear. She turned and yanked down on the chain holding Kyrie upside down. It released and Kyrie was now laying on her back, but at least she was no longer up in the air. Up on the suspended walkways, Bonnie and Yui were crying with guns to their heads. Tyuki had to get to them soon, or they would be nonexistent. Bonnie was being so brave right now! She, between hitched sobs, was talking smack to her guard. He rose his hand and smacked her so hard that the chair toppled over, and the bag over her head came flying off.

Now Bonnie could see Tyuki. The two pop stars locked eyes. A nod was sent toward Bonnie just as Tyuki's wings ruffled, and the robotic enemies came to apprehend her.

Rearing downward, Tyuki charged and sent a heavy duty head butt into the nearest robot. It let out a very mechanical set of chuckles and swung a heavy looking baton toward her side. She ducked down and dashed through his legs. Tumbling forward, she rolled, right into a second robot's grip. It lifted her up by her left wing. A shrill screech of pain raced through her. The hollow bones were shattered by the firm grip, and despite the pain, pissed the popstar off more than anything.

"I'm going to have to teach you not to mess with Eclipse!" she grunted and moved both of her hands up to grasp onto the robots hand.

Tearing at the metallic clamp for a hand, she heard the metal start to break and snap under the immense strength. A hellish roar was building up in Tyuki's gut as she struggled. As soon as she pried the clamp off, she fell to her knees just as the other robot shot a torrent of water at it's partner. The proximity of the two robots left Tyuki soaked in between them, but now she was free from their grip, and her wing was already repairing itself.

Ebony hair became ivory, and eyes shown bright white. Her healing powers had activated and were making bruises disappear the moment they appeared. Little did she know, the 'cool attire' she was wearing was actually a power suit for Bliss. Ashley had insisted all of Girl Alive! wear them for tonights show. It would be "really awesome" she said. And she was right. Tyuki's strength, durability, and healing ability was being amplified by a significant amount. It even healed the minor bruise that grazed Bonnie's cheek while the guard picked Bonnie's chair back up.

"I've had enough of you two!" she said, flying straight up to crash back down with one foot on either robotic head. Despite her weight, gravity and the backwards flap of her wings sent her crashing down. Both heads were severely damaged, and sparks flew from one of their 'spinal cords.' Annoyed with the situation completely now, Tyuki flipped backward toward Kyrie again, and farther from Bliss or Bonnie.

Another plasma shot was sent toward Tyuki, but a drone stepped in front of it on its way to grab for her. It's head was melted in, and it became a heap on the floor. Dumb move for Jules. Good move for Tyuki.

While Tyuki finally finished off the second robot, Jules shot another plasma ball toward the scaffolding and it sent the platform holding Bonnie down. The guard had jumped onto the stairs between the suspended levels, so he was safe. With a screaming Bonnie, and a pinned Bliss, Tyuki only had one shot to tackle this bitch.

So she did.

Tyuki came rocketing toward Jules, her wings pumping to send her straight into the woman's back. This sent the woman face first into the concrete wall, likely dazing her for just long enough to free Bliss, pass out a heal, and get Bonnie untied. Tyuki's hand shattered the cuffs around of Bonnie's wrists, and once Bonnie was lifted up, Tyuki flung the chair into the deep dark abyss pit as well then extended a helping hand.

"I have never been so happy to see you!" she said, effortlessly peeling Bliss off the floor.

-My DeviantArt-
We're Doing That Good (Tyuki) JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5015
Location : The Internet
Age : 31
Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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We're Doing That Good (Tyuki) Empty Re: We're Doing That Good (Tyuki)

Post by Seagirl December 16th 2013, 12:20 am

Even in the frigid force Bliss conjured up, the chill of the floor stung slightly more given the heel Jules used to force her face upon the metal. Knowing Bonnie could do nothing to dislodge herself from the particularly bad situation she found herself in did no favors to Bliss in regards to escaping before this trap could fully swing shut. "This is kind of troublesome isn't it?"

"Not really." Jules held her foot firmly. "A lot of people want all the power they can get out of New York. Excavators from legal and illegal sources all flock there and turned it into a military state, but they aren't looking in the right places." While Tyuki flew around, Jules lifted her foot off of Bliss' neck and thrust it down upon her frigid arm. A resistance to cold did next to nothing when the shards broke off and cut the skin along her arms. "Before Necrodium went and got himself killed, he left behind a few gifts. And one of those gifts is how you got that ice you like to throw around." A final strike broke against a broken Bliss. "I'm going to crack you open and get it out."

"Get what out exactly?"

"I don't know yet, but I'm sure after a few cuts of the knife I'll know exactly what I need from you..."

While pressing her heel deeper into Bliss' back, Tyuki flew across the room to throw Jules back along the wall. Before Bliss could warn Tyuki about what she discovered in Ashley's handcuffs, she heard the release of the gas spew into the air. With a heightened resistance from her ice and a little healing, Bliss got away from the knockout gas before it could spread further. Bliss went down to one hand and looked around through foggy eyes.

"There's a gas in some of the handcuffs." Bliss tried to crack the elbows of her frozen arms, but only managed to topple over. "I guess we found which ones."

Not amused, and biding her time off of the gas spewing along the room, Jules set her gaze upon Tyuki. None of the other band members garnered her attention and Bliss proved to be out of service for the time period, so Jules decided to hit Tyuki where it would hurt the most. Blasts of plasma flew throughout the room at the scaffoldings to bring down the house on Kyrie and individual blasts flew to burn through Bonnie.

Leaping to her feet, Bliss ran and knocked Bonnie to the ground before a shot of plasma burned into her torso. "Don't take that the wrong way..." Bliss muttered as she held her side. "I didn't want to get holes in my powersuits."

While plasma flew around the room, one of the security guards grabbed Yui and fled the room with her in tow. If these girls were powerful enough to bring down the guards and drones, keeping hostages would be the only way to outmaneuver them. Jules did a great job of keeping an onslaught up to distract the room while her 'clean up' team arrived on the spot to give some much needed back up to the fight. Two men in power suits moved to push Bonnie off of Bliss and apprehend their target while two more drones moved to secure a perimeter to trap the others in a triangulated riot hoses and plasma blasts.
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 147
Registration date : 2013-07-03

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We're Doing That Good (Tyuki) Empty Re: We're Doing That Good (Tyuki)

Post by Chellizard December 18th 2013, 12:03 am

Standing for just a few moments next to Bliss, Tyuki looked her over and gave her another goofy grin. She was just too happy to see her.

"Oops. I had no idea!" and she really did not. Things like gas in handcuffs was not something she paid attention to. Her healing field was protecting herself, Bonnie, and Bliss from the gas while it dissipated, though. Looking over to Bliss, she rose a brow curiously.

"Oh, need some help?" she asked while she grabbed for Bliss' arm. Being careful not to hurt her too much, Tyuki punched a few stress fractures across the ice and then it started to fall off piece by piece. The moments it took to do this was just long enough for Jules to collect herself and actually stand on her own two feet yet again.

Tyuki had no real time to react. But Kyrie did. The powersuit helped immensely.

Rolling to her right, Kyrie sprang to her feet and dashed away from the falling scaffolding. It just barely missed her petite frame. She was gasping for breath, and patting over herself to see if she was all right.

"It... IT ALMOST SMASHED ME!" frantic, Kyrie sunk to her knees and wept into her palms.

Tyuki, during all of this, and flown up to attempt and grab Yui as the security guard snatched her. Dodging plasma blasts proved difficult when going after friends or band mates. Tyuki landed on the upper level as the door made a loud hiss and click noise. It must have bolted down.

"You better be glad I'd rather kick your ass right now," she said, a growl passing her lips while she turned to stare down Jules.

The violet lights in Tyuki's powersuit were pulsating faster and faster. The lights then steadied and became a dim, but solid violet glow. Clenching her hands into fists, she jumped up over the railing and dove down, coming head long toward Jules.

-My DeviantArt-
We're Doing That Good (Tyuki) JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5015
Location : The Internet
Age : 31
Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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We're Doing That Good (Tyuki) Empty Re: We're Doing That Good (Tyuki)

Post by Seagirl December 18th 2013, 2:03 am

The blistering shards of broken ice ripped the bruised skin. A return of movement to limbs she could barely feel troubled Bliss; never before did the feel of ice do such damage to her. With Tyuki moving about the room to save her hapless bandmates, Bliss turned her attention to offer Bonnie a hand up, before realizing the pain would impact her to the point of needing to let out a yelp and dropping the girl to the ground. "This could be troublesome with Jules-"

Just as Bliss turned to survey the area, Jules delivered a swift blow from a lead pipe to Bliss's collarbone. Knocking the wind from Bliss's lung and the elevation from her torso, Bliss rolled on the ground in pain. She turned to put an arm up only to feel the hard impact swipe her forearm from underneath her. Already in pain from the subjugation of her arms from her own powers, Bliss now took on the bone crushing force of the harsh, metal pipe.

Jules fit the pipe in front of Bliss's neck and pulled Bliss back against her chest. Pinning her in place, Jules slid her hands towards Bliss's face with her hands aflame. Moving from her position of resistance, Bliss quickly scrambled her reflexes to cut off Jules' advance and freeze her hands over. Each particle of water used to waylay the defense Bliss used froze Jules to Bliss.

Tyuki's flight pulled Jules off of Bliss, shattering the ice bond and leaving a harsh impact making it difficult for Bliss to breathe without horrible pain.  Jules would try to wrap herself around Tyuki and put her hands at the origin point of her wings and make an attempt to burn her wings off. "We can see if they grow back later, but now, you've come to need them to much."

Bliss went across the room to lift Kyrie off the ground and make an attempt for the door. The detention block had too many doors for Bliss's liking. Ice pulsed through the ground and splintered the doors at either side of the room. Metal doors broke and found themselves replaced with barriers of hardened ice. "My ice isn't breaking like it used to. I can make the stuff, but-" Not knowing who she was talking to or why she would mutter those words, Bliss decided to keep the information to herself. "We've got one way out." Bliss would take Kyrie for the adjacent door to try and split the group up to find Ashley and Yui.
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 147
Registration date : 2013-07-03

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We're Doing That Good (Tyuki) Empty Re: We're Doing That Good (Tyuki)

Post by Chellizard December 19th 2013, 1:31 am

The force of impact between Tyuki and Jules was like a minor shock wave. Hugging her arms around of Jules, Tyuki began to squeeze. She decided that keeping herself and Jules in a tango would eliminate anything else from happening. The backup that had flooded the room disregarded that theory entirely, however.

In response to Jules' attempt to burn off Tyuki's wings, the feathery appendages vanished by Tyuki's will. Now she loved that genetic trait from her blood line. One bad thing was the palms of Jules' hands burning prints into Tyuki's shoulder blades. The pain that raced through Tyuki was soon negated while a wave of her healing energy pulsed over herself from head to toe. The relief that washed over her was refreshing, but the situation continued to escalate.

The two drones and two men donning power suits split into odd pairs. A drone and power suit came to aid Jules. The drone apprehended a kicking and screaming Bonnie while the other pair went for Bliss and Kyrie.

Kyrie was surprised that Bliss had managed to get over to her so quickly.

"Are you going to be okay?" she managed to ask the very weak looking Bliss between hiccuped sobs.

Almost being crushed to death was actually more terrifying than Kyrie had ever dreamed. But, luckily, she had this cool suit on. A suit she was still slightly unaware of. She did realized it's capabilities, but not that it was the main reason she was alive. And in retrospect, Bliss was the real reason she lived.

Accepting the support from Bliss, and giving her own to her best ability, she listened to her and glanced back to see if Tyuki and Bonnie were okay. She only came face to face with a drone and guard. One wearing a power suit as well.

"TYE!" Bonnie shouted, kicking away from the drone that held her up in the air.

Tyuki was tied up with Jules at the moment, so it was particularly hard to focus on Bonnie and save her. She had to knock Jules out or something. And so she attempted it. Rearing a sharp right hook, she managed to beat Jules down to the floor just long enough to wrestle the power suit wearing man.

"Ha. Ha. HA!" he laughed. It was annoying.

Tyuki laughed back and then reared a headbutt into his forehead. Having much tougher skin now was a plus to her better healing powers. A display of inky black hair waving in slow motion disrupted her line of sight. She felt her head hit his, however, and then felt him buckle backward. He fell right on top of Jules. Tyuki was a bit dizzy from how hard she smacked her head into his.

She'd be all right, though. Maybe a tiny bit of a concussion. She wasn't going to sleep any time soon, so she would be fine. It was just a tiny bump. Now it was time to go after Bonnie.

Hopefully Bliss and Kyrie made it out all right.

-My DeviantArt-
We're Doing That Good (Tyuki) JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5015
Location : The Internet
Age : 31
Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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We're Doing That Good (Tyuki) Empty Re: We're Doing That Good (Tyuki)

Post by Seagirl December 19th 2013, 5:21 am

Bliss needed to be somewhere else, but somewhere else did not need her quite like this place needed her. Seeing the powersuit diverted the attention of the drone and guard to Kyrie over Bliss. Vitriol sparked from the end point of the stun gun as it raced for Kyrie's midsection. It fell just short of its target with ice falling from the prods. A splintered shield of ice stood in between Kyrie and the drone. Snared in place, the guard fought against the ice keeping him planted while Bliss grabbed Kyrie and high tailed it. "We have somewhere else to be."

Following the path she once blazed with much more expedience than before, Bliss ran back to where she left Ashley. Throwing her shoulder into the door, Bliss burst into the containment room to find Ashley where she left her, no worse for the wear. "We need to go." Bliss ripped the tape from Ashley's mouth and covered the cuffs in ice.

"Leave it on or leave it off..." Ashley licked her lips. "Just stop ripping it off." The cuffs snapped and a gas began to permeate through the room. The bindings around her feet limited her mobility, but Bliss grabbed Ashley around the torso and carried her out while a shrieking alarm began to sound.

"Take Ashley and get somewhere safe." Forcing the bottom bindings with her ice, Bliss left the duo to make their escape while Bliss set her focus on rescuing Yui from whatever grasp she still found herself in. Commotion sounded as the hot zones increased in quantity and intensity.  Bliss Obi-wan Kenobi'd her way around a trio of guards making their way to the main detention block and slipped into a security room. A slew of monitors tied together the collective eye sight the complex could oversee. Bliss froze the two guardsmen attending to the surveillance in place and surveyed the scene. Tyuki continued to battle with Jules while a swarm looked to descend upon the poor girl and her hopelessly outmatched drummer. Traces of guards moved from camera to camera as they flooded the wall with motion to stillness, but Bliss locked down on something troubling to her.

"I guess beating you myself isn't quite what you want..." Jules stood to her feet while the phalanx of guards entered the room. "Maybe you need some options." Pulling a tablet from one of the guards entering the room, Jules showed Tyuki the options she laid out for her. Tied to a chair with a piece of tape over her mouth and a vest full of explosives mounted to her chest, Yui kicked and squirmed from an undisclosed location. "Option 1 is you help me get Bliss here and under control..." Jules zoomed in closer to Yui. "...or Option 2, you get a new bass player."

Bliss checked the room number on the camera with a map located on the control panel. It would take her a minute, but Bliss could make the trek. She just needed to be prepared to take out whoever Jules left to guard Yui and keep the bomb from turning into a truly explosive situation.
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Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 147
Registration date : 2013-07-03

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We're Doing That Good (Tyuki) Empty Re: We're Doing That Good (Tyuki)

Post by Chellizard December 20th 2013, 3:59 am

"What does that even mean?" she asked, raising a brow, cocking her head, and placing a hand on her hip.

The motion was immediately deflated when Jules brought up the tablet and gave Tyuki the options. Option one was definitely doable. But then again, Bliss would probably already be on her way to save Yui by now. Bliss' number one job was saving people, after all. So Option two was likely not even considered an option by now.

"Hmm..." she hummed in thought, glancing over the monitor one last time.

"I'll take option three," confidence was in her tone now.

"There is no option three," Jules was seething with annoyance at the petite asian girl.

"Option three is the best though!" she was counting how many people were there in her head as she spoke.

Three power suited guards, one of which had some beefy looking armor, and the singular drone that was halfway busted. This would be easy. Well, hopefully.

"I'm going to kick that guy down that hole, then throw that guy over into that ice wall, then headbutt you, again! And then I'll let that third guy go, if he doesn't help you." Balling up a fist, she pounded it into her palm while the power suit she wore started to light up and make a whirring noise.

"That is highly unlikely. Guards," Jules ordered them loosely before executing a final command. "Kill her."

Tyuki's plan of action sprang quicker than a spring loaded mouse trap. She flipped and drop kicked the first guy, flipping him over his head as she somersaulted over him. He went flying back into the ice wall. She then twirled into a pirouette just as her wings spread out behind of her. Forming a vortex, she swept up another guard while her wings blocked bullets, and helped knock back the single drone. Grabbing the guard by his chest, she slung him down the pit, feeling no mercy whether he lived or died. Not at this moment, at least.

She would feel remorse later. She had no time to waste. Jules was already turning to make room between herself and the little tanky asian.

"Time for your turn, lady!" Tyuki said as she charged, head down.

A head butt straight to Jules' solar plexus sent her down onto her rump. The tablet she had held went flying and landed flat, spinning to a halt. Tyuki sent a punch to Jules' jaw and then she grabbed for both of her wrists. The two of them were now in a grappling match.

The guard she had previously thrown into the ice wall was collecting himself, and the third guard was coming in to help Jules despite getting it easy. Tyuki hadn't even gotten to him yet.

-My DeviantArt-
We're Doing That Good (Tyuki) JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5015
Location : The Internet
Age : 31
Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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We're Doing That Good (Tyuki) Empty Re: We're Doing That Good (Tyuki)

Post by Seagirl December 20th 2013, 7:34 am

A good deal of ruckus filled the conjoining hallways. Somewhere, something bad played out in spectacular fashion. Now Bliss could focus on getting to the auxiliary room as fast as she could without minding stealth. She pushed past the doors before they could fully open with every bit of haste the quickly weakening woman could muster to save the bombstrapped girl.

Diving through a narrow opening as the doors split, Bliss kept her balance while stealing focus. Yui squealed from her obvious disposition and kicked her bound feet against the ground. Bliss sprinted and with a slightly more gentle hand, peeled the tape off. Yui screamed in agonizing pain bellowing on par with the supernatural. Bliss covered her ears and fell to a knee before putting her hand over Yui's mouth. "That's fine!" Bliss yelled. "I didn't need to hear those frequencies anyways!"

"You'd be proud of your friend." A swift blow came from behind and knocked Bliss to the ground. A heel converged over her throat, pinning Bliss back to the ground. Peering down from behind a blinding light, a haunting silhouette spoke brazenly from such an elevation. "She's barely said a word this whole time."

"A lame joke?" Bliss grabbed the ankle of the woman and began to force ice through the texture of her pants. The ice fell apart and slushed down onto Bliss, the coldness turning her exposed skin a dark purple.

"I cooked up a little something just for you." The light broke the shadowy features and painted the woman in all her splendor. A labcoat hung over a business suit made from a synthetic material gleaming in the light. Her frame stood considerably larger than Bliss's and the comparison became for pronounced as she reached down and pulled Bliss off the ground. A slender needle sprung out from her wrist and into Bliss's neck. Thriving in pain, Bliss kicked out to try and land a shot on the scientist. Sadly, it landed to no avail as the second needle penetrated her skin.

Yui grew more nervous with the distress of her rescuer taking center stage. Bliss falling limp to the ground did nothing the alleviate her troubles. "I'm sure you feel a little light headed. Maybe slightly dizzy. The discomfort in your ribs isn't from the injection though." Reeling back, the scientist landed a shot square in Bliss's ribs before she kicked Bliss over. "I want you to get real comfortable." Blood pooled up on the ground from the puncture wounds. Water began to pour out from the usual spots of ice and intermix, the oil from her hair segregating the blood into subsections. All the symptoms her tormentor listed visited Bliss like furies befalling Orestes. "You're not so tough."

"My heart is beating again." The sensation felt so foreign and antiquated. Years passed and Bliss never thought she would feel it again. The confusion set in against the tide of ill tidings from the daunting figure taking pleasure in her dismay.

"We fixed you..." The woman took the vials from her sleeves and placed them in a pack around her waist. "Or broke you, depending on how attached you were to your cryogenesis."

"Stop it!" Yui screamed. "You're hurting her!"

"That's the idea my girl." Pulling a phone from the same pack, the woman dismissed the injured combatant as flippantly as an irritating child. "Ms. Jules. I've taken what we need from Bliss. Do we have any other use for her?"

"Yes." Jules pried away from Tyuki by surging a great deal of plasma through her body and igniting it. The grapple would turn toxic to the close quarter Asian, giving Jules a moment to collect herself and her tablet. "Give Bliss the star treatment and then meet me at the fall back point. Tyuki..." Jules turned to reacquaint herself with the adversary. "I've made a fourth option. We have a little trade. Just up this hall is a room with two people you care for very much. In two minutes, they explode. I've got what I want, now I guess it is time for you to get what you want. After all, without your capture, I doubt Bliss would be in the compromising position of helping me. I guess fighting me could give you an interesting story to tell new people when you are trying to forget those you let die though." Without waiting for a response, Jules walked through her guards and began to leave the room. "Oops, you only have one minute. Silly me."

The bombvest fit loosely over Bliss's turtle neck, but the straps stayed in place under the scrutiny of a great deal of squirming. Bliss struggled to wrest her hands free from the duct tape wrapping them together simultaneously trying to free her arms from the tape holding her back-to-back with Yui. Both girls were spared the awkwardness of conversation by the tape reaching across their mouths. All leverage Bliss tried to gain in her lower body felt trapped by the bindings around her legs and ankles. Slowly the numbers on the vest ticked down. They ran in just the sequence to push Bliss beyond normal behavior and into a more frantic kind of survival. Grunting in frustration, Bliss turned to see Yui silently muttering something sounding like a prayer.

They would need an angel.
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

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Number of posts : 147
Registration date : 2013-07-03

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We're Doing That Good (Tyuki) Empty Re: We're Doing That Good (Tyuki)

Post by Chellizard December 22nd 2013, 12:03 am

A yelp of pain erupted from Tyuki as she lurched back from Jules. Her hands were burning, the decorative gloves she wore for tonight's show burned through. They almost melted to her skin, but with some quick reflexes, Tyuki had them off and her healing activated. She was breathing heavily, watching Jules as she spoke to someone on the other end of a radio.

"What do you mean star treatment?!" angrily asking as she stepped forward.

Furrowing her brows together, she caught her breath and steadied herself as she listened to Jules. She stood for the entirety of a minute, listening to Jules ramble on about option four. Stepping forward, Tyuki growled in anger as the guards moved toward Jules to follow her out of the room. They were awfully loyal to that wicked woman.

"I'll be seeing you in the future!" she screamed after the retreating woman before turning and running for the hallway.

Panic was racing through her. A minute left. A minute to save the world.

The world being her friends.


With her heart racing, she threw her shoulder into the door and knocked it right off of it's hinges. It fell with a heavy clink and then Tyuki saw the vest. It was ticking down so fast! Forty-nine, forty-eight... the seconds were driving Tyuki's brain into overdrive, and she was nervous. Completely nervous.

All she could do was unstrap them as fast as she could. Ripping duct tape off of Yui and Bliss was easy, but the pain they would suffer from was just something they would have to deal with.

Ten... nine... eight...

Tossing the bomb to the floor, Tyuki grabbed both of her friends with one arm and formed a fist with the other. She flew straight up. With all the strength she could muster, she formed a hole right in the ceiling and continued up until she reached the surface.

The explosion chased them about halfway up the tunnel Tyuki had made.

Oddly enough, they came right up through the stage where the show was supposed to happen at. An anxious crowd screamed with happiness. Banners donning the Girl Alive! symbol waved in the air. Around from the curtain stepped Ashley, Bonnie, and Kyrie. The three of them looked worried sick, but relief washed over them.

With wide eyes, Tyuki made sure to keep her wings open as if they were a prop and cleared her throat.

"Uhm. Shouldn't we cancel the show?" she asked as she let Bliss and Yui stand on their own.

-My DeviantArt-
We're Doing That Good (Tyuki) JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5015
Location : The Internet
Age : 31
Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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We're Doing That Good (Tyuki) Empty Re: We're Doing That Good (Tyuki)

Post by Seagirl December 22nd 2013, 2:34 am

Bliss struggled and grunted her way into a seemingly more uncomfortable position. All her efforts merely pressed the sticky ends of the tape against each other to tug away at the hairs on her arms. The pain became ever present, but it woke Bliss up to the situation more abundantly. Her weariness began to fade to the peripherals, but what remained in the central chamber made her snort in disgust of her regular audible disgust. A little red dot hung just outside the corner of Bliss's eyes, a tiny camera. Jules wanted to cherish this moment for sometime she guessed. A sadistic pleasure for an amoral woman, but Bliss wondered who else would bare witness to her early demise.

A loud, unpleasant sound burst in the background. Bliss furrowed her brow, turning the softness of her forehead into a harsh crevassed canyon. Bliss slunk her shoulders down and let her eyebrows crawl down to narrow her eyes. "Utterhuker." Bliss slid further down the seat only to hear the crackling sound of the tape without the sound of it breaking she longed for. The sound in the distance closed towards Bliss and Yui. Gently, Bliss felt the soft clammy hands of Yui latched onto hers in an attempt to hold her hand in comfort. Bliss contorted her cheek in disregard at such sudden and unrequited attention, but let her heart grow ten times that day and slid her fingers into Yui's grasp to give her support.

The doors burst open and Bliss's eyes popped at the intrusion. She threw Yui's hands away and tried to break her jaw free from the bindings. A quick level of muffled instructions and anger spewed into the tape but never into Tyuki's ears. Tyuki broke the bindings and the flesh attached split. Bliss would have bruises for a few days from the roughness, but once Tyuki undid the straps on the vest around herself and Yui, Bliss put it to herself to find forgiveness. Until Tyuki ripped the tape from her mouth. "Careful!" Bliss yelled with no sympathy or thanks for the timely rescue. "Great! Now we get to all die together instead of..." Bliss found herself lifted from the ground and soaring towards the ceiling. Tyuki shot them out of a tunnel from the impact force of her fist.

The heat flew past the trio as they emerged from the tunnel and onto the stage in front of the largest stadium in Tokyo. Tyuki said something Bliss found dumb. "No!" The enraged woman turned a judgmental finger towards the band and its manager. "This day has sucked and this day was expensive. This is part of the show. This is part of the show." A vein in Bliss's forehead bumped furiously while her eyes bugged out. She grabbed the microphone and put it to her mouth, hitting it with her palm to make sure it was on. "This is part of the show." Covering the microphone with her hand, she pointed the members to their respective areas. "Get to it. Bow." She breathed out a little breath and continued to speak into the microphone. "And now, Tyuki..." Bliss shot her hand back in abduction. "And the people no one cares about."

Ashley helped show Bliss the correct way off the stage, while the house lights went down. All sound went live and the stage became bathed in the glow of the touring stage lights. The very expensive stage lights, Bliss thought. "Cancel the show. She must be high." Bliss shuck off Ashley's arm and pushed her against the wall. "And don't give stoners very expensive suits."

"We're fine too, thanks Bliss." Ashley tried to prioritize things she failed to take into consideration long before while she got out from Bliss's pin.

"Do you know how many of those suits almost got destroyed? All of them." With the expenditure of energy and the drain of the day, Bliss collapsed to the ground.

"Um." Ashley pulled Bliss backstage and sat her on a couch. It didn't seem like much to Ashley, just the toll from the heroics Bliss worked out, but the extraction taken from Bliss would take sometime for Bliss to get back to health. "She's just a little tired." Ashley explained to a few onlookers. "Not used to this much excitement on the road."
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