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Faster Than Lightning.

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Faster Than Lightning. Empty Faster Than Lightning.

Post by Madhouse June 16th 2013, 5:12 pm

It was midday, and on a lonely highway in Arizona a blur of black and red shot through the state, tearing up asphalt as it went. It was positively burning through the scorching dessert, and had it been on sand one would have expected a trail of glass to follow it. It was of course, not as this blur was slightly worried about getting lost in the middle of a desert, and ending up running to Texas again. Of course, this was no simple glitch in nature, it was of course James Thurman, speedster extraordinaire. The man was less of a glitch in nature, and more of a hack. Despite the fact this kid basically turned god mode on in life, he was having a bit of a bad time. 

As he was running, he mused that in retrospect, a holiday in Washington, DC was an absolutely awful idea. First of all, the city was literally on the other side of a continent, so getting there would be a pain, and on top of that there was nothing there anyway! James sighed as he wiped his brow in the boiling summer heat. He'd been running for around half an hour and had so far only covered one state. Predictably, it was the boiling hot state filled with cacti and sand. Just like every other one in the middle of the vast country he had chosen to live in. He groaned, knowing that he wouldn't have to deal with this if he was back home. Nevertheless, he was making a fine pace, travelling at his top speed and due to reach the big city in around four and a half hours

--Four and a half hours later--

James shot into the capital, far before anyone he passed could even see him. He was finally there, and James took a few minutes to circle around the city, wondering where on Earth to go first. After much deliberation, he decided the only place he could clearly see how to get to was the giant obelisk that so proudly dominated the skyline. With a smile, he set off towards it, cruising past car and motorbike alike. He took a moment to consider police, but then shrugged it off with a laugh. They wouldn't be catching him anytime soon. 

In an instant, he'd arrived at the obelisk. He took a second to stare at it, something he didn't do very often, before setting off again, much to the bemusement of several other tourists. From there, he basically toured the city, darting back and forth and generally trying to see what they had. Eventually, however the inevitable happened. James found that he was getting hungry. With that, he ran to an isolated area, and pulled the mask of normality over him once more. The owners of the cafe he chose to visit were quite surprised however when James ordered everything on their menu, and proceeded to greedily tuck into the whole thing, finishing it all in a matter of minutes. Licking his lips, and wiping some jam off his face with a handkerchief, the speedster stumbled out of the cafe, feeling very much satisfied. Stretching, he prepared for another tour, deciding he may go and have a look at the White House itself. He eyed the structure from a distance, and began to break into a run. Unfortunately, however he did not have the sense to look where he was going, instead keeping his eyes on the President's residence. Consequently, the second he set off he slammed face first into a fellow pedestrian, falling flat on his back. He twitched irritably, but managed to control himself. "Sorry about that. But in future, if you see someone running at you, please try and move out of the way." He said with a smile. "Especially if colliding with that person could hurt you considerably. You're lucky I was only starting off."

Last edited by Madhouse on June 17th 2013, 4:15 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 29
Location : Manchester, England
Age : 25
Job : HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I don't have to work yet.
Registration date : 2013-06-15

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Faster Than Lightning. Empty Re: Faster Than Lightning.

Post by Chase2000 June 16th 2013, 5:30 pm

Chase was just walking on the sidewalk thinking how he should start life as a hero. When he turned around and started to walk somebody ran right into him. He heard him say "Next time you see somebody run into you you should move" Or something like that. "If you see someone walking and if your running maybe you should say "Hey maybe i should slow down! Y'know just in case you run into somebody!" Chase said with a weird face expression. But he was hoping he was talking to the right person. Him only seeing Outlines and all.

(Yea sorry it was short)

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Registration date : 2013-06-14

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Faster Than Lightning. Empty Re: Faster Than Lightning.

Post by Madhouse June 16th 2013, 5:46 pm

James sighed. "Well, in case you haven't noticed i'm a tourist. I have to look where i'm going. Otherwise I won't be able to get there." After a moment, James realised that he'd given the stranger way too much time to look at his face. He didn't want anyone reporting him to the police, and giving them a detailed description of him, that wouldn't be good whatsoever. Leaping back up to his feet, James offered his hand to the man, looking around him and speaking in a hushed tone. "Look, do me a favour and don't mention any of this to the authorities. The whole super speed thing does not make them happy. I know we got off on the wrong foot, but let's be civil about this." It was his only remaining option, but his tongue had gotten him out of many situations, maybe even more than his legs.

James Thurman:

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 29
Location : Manchester, England
Age : 25
Job : HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I don't have to work yet.
Registration date : 2013-06-15

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Faster Than Lightning. Empty Re: Faster Than Lightning.

Post by Chase2000 June 16th 2013, 6:59 pm

Chase got up on his own not taking his hand and looked straight at him. Which was hard not having pupils, and heard the whole favor thing. "Look, I dont know who you are but the whole police thing gives me a bad vibe about you. And also... You have super speed? Sorry didn't notice. But i'm going to have to... umm.... y'know what? Im doing absolutely nothing. I cant turn you into the police.... I'm not going to kill you.... So fine I wont tell the fuzz. But tell me, whats in it for me?"

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Registration date : 2013-06-14

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Faster Than Lightning. Empty Re: Faster Than Lightning.

Post by Madhouse June 17th 2013, 3:08 pm

James lowered his hand, a twitch of anger struck him. James would never deny someone's hand, and was quite frankly insulted by the gesture. This irritation was coupled by the fact James just completely caused a problem through poor choice of language. He could have just said "Don't mention what happened." but no! On the bright side, the man had agreed to do nothing about it, and as such James wasn't too worried. Nevertheless, he thought it best to teach the man not to be so rude. He stretched for a moment. "I can run at five hundred miles per hour, and I don't get tired. What's in it for you is that I will elect not to c-AH!" he reeled back as a blue fork jumped from the man to him when he attempted to grab his arm. James took a moment to cool down, thanking his superhuman endurance, a trait accompanying his speed. His face took an altogether more serious tone. "What was that?"

James Thurman:

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 29
Location : Manchester, England
Age : 25
Job : HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I don't have to work yet.
Registration date : 2013-06-15

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Faster Than Lightning. Empty Re: Faster Than Lightning.

Post by Chase2000 June 17th 2013, 3:28 pm

Chase smiled. Even though this is his first time meeting another person with power. and to Chase's surprise, he taught the guy that he cant just push Chase around. This is what is called a small victory. "Yea, wasn't suspecting that huh? I didn't take your hand because i would kill you. I am made out of electricity and all." Chase said. He didn't know what was about to happen next so he got his hand in a gun position behind his back. and then, Chase also took a serious tone and looked at the guy. "Hey. Whats your name?" Chase asked or demanded. "I dont like people trying to grab me for one. And for two, was that a threat? Yea, just to war you it is not a good Idea to threaten me. I will y'know, Shoot you with a lighting bolt and walk away without saying a word." Chase said with a serious face to add to the serious tone.

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 18
Registration date : 2013-06-14

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Faster Than Lightning. Empty Re: Faster Than Lightning.

Post by Madhouse June 17th 2013, 4:14 pm

James remained confident. "Yes, it was a threat. You may very well warn me all you like, in fact I appreciate it. So let's get some things clear: My name is James, you can attempt to shoot me with a lightning bolt anytime you'd like. I'm superfast, and I think much faster than you do, I'll be able to dodge it just fine, thank you very much. Though I must say, it's a pleasure meeting another with abilities similar enough to my own. I'd assumed I was the only one. Nevertheless, just because I wasn't suspecting anything the first time doesn't mean I didn't just see your hand slip behind your back. For what reasons I don't know, but i'd think very carefully about what happens next."

James Thurman:

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 29
Location : Manchester, England
Age : 25
Job : HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I don't have to work yet.
Registration date : 2013-06-15

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Faster Than Lightning. Empty Re: Faster Than Lightning.

Post by Chase2000 June 17th 2013, 4:22 pm

Chase stood his ground. "My name is Chase and "Wow you have super speed! So cool!" Is that what im supposed to say? Listen you may be smarter than me. Guess what? My whole life was me being the dumbest person in my class or in the school. So im completly used to it. And let me think.... Yea I dicided." And with Chase Pointed his finger gun and shot a lighting bolt directly at James. Chase then flew up into the air to get a birds eye view just in case he mad a terrible,terrible,terrible Mistake. "I told you not to threaten me again." Chase yelled under him.

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Number of posts : 18
Registration date : 2013-06-14

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Faster Than Lightning. Empty Re: Faster Than Lightning.

Post by Madhouse June 17th 2013, 4:31 pm

Thankfully, James saw Chase's arm move from behind his back before anything too bad happened, and as such was able to move well out of the way before he was able to fire anything. Once the bolt did fire, however James was rather shocked. Even with his accelerated thinking, the lightning still looked astoundingly fast. He watched as Chase rose into the air, shaking his head slightly. What a fool. Well, the police will be around anytime now, I suppose i'd better get going. He turned to set off, preparing to run, when something stopped him. He could hardly leave one of his own kind to be hunted down. Sighing, he turned around, and shouted. "Come down from their you fool! Do you have any idea how conspicuous you're being?" With that, he took a moment to wait for Chase to descend, in order to tell him what he was doing wrong.

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Number of posts : 29
Location : Manchester, England
Age : 25
Job : HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I don't have to work yet.
Registration date : 2013-06-15

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Faster Than Lightning. Empty Re: Faster Than Lightning.

Post by Chase2000 June 17th 2013, 4:44 pm

Chase heard him and shouted back down "Nah im good! I dont know what the heck you can do. you can go all hong kong fuey on me or something! or you could like, shout and summon a dragon to attack me or burn me alive or eat me or something!" Chase  looked around. He never felt this high up before. He liked the air and the wind blowing on his face. He felt peaceful. But that all changed when he heard a noise. So loud annoying noise. Chase looked down to the left by a little bit and saw something getting brighter and dimmer over and over. Chase can also see when things get brighter and dimmer. the more you know. "Ummm what the heck?" Chase said to himself. When he saw what car it was he seriously was ready to fight. "Wait... if I fight them that makes me look exactly like one of the bad guys." Chase said to himself. SO with that he flew down. But he didn't land. He started flying close to the ground and passed by James. "Yo! It's the fuzz!" Chase told him and kept on flying. with his legs being electricity.

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Registration date : 2013-06-14

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Faster Than Lightning. Empty Re: Faster Than Lightning.

Post by Madhouse June 17th 2013, 6:37 pm

James smiled a bit when Chase came down, and began to run underneath him, deciding not to go faster quite yet. "See what I mean? Now, we should get going before more arri-"
"Stop moving and put your hands behind your heads!" Yelled an angry voice, presumably projected by a megaphone. James looked above him, past Chase, noticing a police helicopter. "I told you!" He yelled. "You know, this wouldn't be so much of a problem if we weren't in the MIDDLE OF D.C, WHICH IS UNDOUBTEDLY ONE OF THE PLACES WITH THE MOST MILITARY FORCE IN IT! I mean what were you thinking? Even i'm going to find it hard getting out of this one if we stay here any longer." Reaching the end of the road, he noticed the police had set up road blocks on either side of the road it connected to. "You would be a great time for that lightning you have there."

James Thurman:

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 29
Location : Manchester, England
Age : 25
Job : HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I don't have to work yet.
Registration date : 2013-06-15

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Faster Than Lightning. Empty Re: Faster Than Lightning.

Post by Chase2000 June 18th 2013, 6:50 am

Chase looked straight ahead to see what James was talking about. Chase just rose up to avoid the road block. He made a finger gun and pointed towards the barricade. But alas, Chase didn't shoot. he made no movement to shoot. No desire to shoot. "Not until you say "Hey Chase sorry for running into you. Also I promise to never give you a threat for as long as I know you. By they way Chase is pretty freaking awesomeness." Chase said. And he was some-what serious. He saw a a building he could go through just in case. But also he had a felling he couldn't just let James get shot or captured by the police.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

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Number of posts : 18
Registration date : 2013-06-14

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Faster Than Lightning. Empty Re: Faster Than Lightning.

Post by Madhouse June 18th 2013, 11:55 am

James sighed, Chase wasn't making this easy for him. He'd been able to give everything a good think over in the few seconds they'd been running for (such was his unnatural abilities) and he'd come to the conclusion he'd have to establish trust. Nevertheless, he wasn't saying that. Or at least all of it. The speedster rolled his eyes "Well, I think you'll find I already apologized to you. Also, I promise not to threaten you as long as we're on the same side. How about that?" 

Of course, what James didn't tell him was that bullets didn't particularly harm him anyway, it would take a hell of a lot more than a simple blockade to defeat him. However, this was his way of building trust.

James Thurman:

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 29
Location : Manchester, England
Age : 25
Job : HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I don't have to work yet.
Registration date : 2013-06-15

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Faster Than Lightning. Empty Re: Faster Than Lightning.

Post by Chase2000 June 21st 2013, 6:07 am

Chase looked at the barricade and looked back down at James. Chase had to think fast. Chase looked down at James again and yelled out. "Okay, seeing that you have to have my help or you will be screwed I will work WITH you." Chase said making sure James heard the "WITH" part. Chase wasn't about to be nobody's minnon. Chase looked at the police and barricade and mumbled "Sorry for this." And raised both of his hands and did a Goku stance and yelled out "Kame! Hame! HA!" And did Goku's kame hame ha shot thing at a huge electrical ball at them. Making sure he dosent put enough electricity to kill them. With that, he made a gateway though them. "Get it?" Chase yelled to james, while flying past.

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Registration date : 2013-06-14

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Faster Than Lightning. Empty Re: Faster Than Lightning.

Post by Madhouse June 21st 2013, 2:17 pm

"Wow, really?" James said from beside him. "That was awful, dude. Still the lightning ball was pretty impressive, nice job." With that, he overtook him, rounding a corner at an incredible pace. James began to run backwards, turning to shout at Chase. "Hey, looks like i'm faster than lightning!" (Out of character: I'm sorry dude that joke was way too easy for me to make.) With that, he turned back, sprinting onto the freeway and heading out of state. Soon of course, police cars began to follow the pair there too. Alright, now it was time for him to return the favor. Once again turning to Chase, he posed a question. "Alright, we both know you can't outrun these cars, or at least not as quickly as I can. I'd abandon you right now...but I don't want to. So how about you fly down here and I carry you on my back? That way I will be able to accelerate and leave these guys in the dust. How about that?" James slowed down a bit, in case Chase wanted a safer landing.

James Thurman:

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Faster Than Lightning. Empty Re: Faster Than Lightning.

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