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Edge's Items

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Edge's Items Empty Edge's Items

Post by Edge August 28th 2012, 2:39 pm

Name: Prototype Armor Ultimatum 
Abilities: The PAU connects directly to Edge's brain through the port in his stomach, making the armor a part of him once connected. 

The armor allows for access to a large information database from the future that was loaded by Slack, along with being able to access information from the Internet. This allows Edge instant access to many forms of martial arts, battle strategies, espionage and assassination tactics, weapons information, and a lot more. The armor is extremely advanced, and its functions cannot be accessed without a user. Edge is the only one who is able to access it.

The PAU has 5 accessible quivers on the backside that open upon his mental command. These hold each type of his trick arrows.

The PAU is able to generate disguises for espionage purposes, as well as to blend in while on the streets.

His helmet also acts as a first line of defense to protect his head. It is made of a rather thick metal, but most superhumans would have ease crushing it. Its main purpose is its visor which helps Edge keep tracks of his targets. Once he has visual contact on others, he can assess their race (humanoid, angelic, android, etc) and get a lock on their energy readings, making a sort of heat vision silhouette around them. He is also able to get an estimation on their physical abilities and their vitals, but is in the dark on other powers.This allows him to keep track in the night time and through walls.

Description: Dr. Slack developed this armor for Edge to use for his mission. The PAU was developed strictly for use by Edge, not wanting his future tech to fall into the hands of people from the past. 
INT Allocation: 6

Name: Cyber Sabers
Abilities: These swords are able to respond to Edge's mental commands while he is wearing his armor. They are able to suspend themselves in the air, return themselves to him if he loses them, and can retract and expand, being able to retract into just handles. They are also incredibly lightweight, due to their material makeup. Should they happen to break, they are able to put themselves back together as they are made up of small micro-robots. They exude an energy source when fully extended that is extremely dangerous. 
Description: Slack was able to use his nano-robotics knowledge to put together two swords for Edge. He was able to install a miniature energy generator inside the swords.
See above picture.
INT Allocation: 6

Name: Cyber Bow
Abilities: Is able to fire off arrows made of energy, when Edge makes the mental command along with pulling back the string. These arrows sustain their energy concentration. The bow is also able to expand and retract like his swords, using mental commands as well. 
Description: Slack decided to attempt at making a ranged weapon using a spare energy generator. He was able to make a bow string out of the same kind of nanobots that were used in his sabers, but focused the energy to form on one point of the bow to keep from injuring the user. 
Edge's Items SP-Epirus-BowAdjusted
INT Allocation: 5

Name: Gungir
Abilities: Made up of a highly durable unknown metal. Dr. Slack gave up on trying to identify it. 

The spear is able to retract and expand, like the other weapons Edge possesses. The spear also possesses a propelling function that is able to send the spear head at a rapid speed of around 150 miles per hour, but can only travel 500 feet at maximum distance. Strong enough to pull Edge in his armor, but may only carry him and around 50 pounds more. Many spikes protrude from the sides of the spearhead when activated, and is used to make it an effective grappling hook. The spear will simply slide out of whatever surface it penetrates if the spikes aren't activated.
Description: This was a gift given to Slack by a friend just before he was executed by the empress of their time. Slack has had a hard time identifying its origin and its materials, and decided to leave it for Edge. Sometimes he believed that it may be the real Gungir. Edge's Items DBPK2451_detail
INT Allocation: 5

Trick Arrows
Name: Cryogenic Arrows
Abilities: This arrow delivers a small burst of liquid nitrogen on impact that sprays in all directions from the area. Each arrow contains about 50 millileters of liquid nitrogen, and the maximum distance from the arrow that it sprays is 2 feet. 
Description: These arrows were all of Edge's inventions during his short time of being a cyborg in the future. 
INT Allocation: 4

Name: High Density Foam Arrows
Abilities: On impact, these arrows release a highly dense expanding foam that acts as a cushion, or to capture foes and keep them in one place. Fire and electricity rapidly destroy the foam. Water can wash the foam away, but keeps it one piece. This could be used in conjunction to make a sort of raft. Can't stop foes with Str of 4. 3 will have a lot of difficulty getting out of. Most EP users can get rid of this easily.
Description: These arrows were all of Edge's inventions during his short time of being a cyborg in the future. 
INT Allocation: 4

Name:EMP Arrow
Abilities: On impact, delivers an EMP that has a field of affect radius of 15 feet. This renders most electronics offline for 2 posts. This arrow could backfire and leave Edge unconscious if he uses the EMP too close to himself. 
Description: These arrows were all of Edge's inventions during his short time of being a cyborg in the future. 
INT Allocation: 4

Name: Small Explosive Arrows
Abilities: These are used mainly to breach doors from a distance or to take out firearms. These arrows only explode in the direction they are aimed at, so those on the sides or behind the arrow are safe from the explosion. The explosion isn't strong enough to deal damage to most superhuman durable opponents, and most other arrows are a better choice for combat purposes.
Description: These arrows were all of Edge's inventions during his short time of being a cyborg in the future. 
INT Allocation: 3

Name: Toxic Arrow
Abilities: An arrow that delivers a weak toxin into the bloodstream of an opponent. This is strong enough to render someone's reflexes slower and offset their balance, but does no damage to their body. Dur 4 and higher are unaffected by the toxin even if the arrow pierces the skin. 
Description: These arrows were all of Edge's inventions during his short time of being a cyborg in the future. 
INT Allocation: 3


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Edge's Items Empty Re: Edge's Items

Post by Chellizard August 28th 2012, 2:53 pm

Approved. Much better. Very Happy

Have fun.

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