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Spacebug Empty Spacebug

Post by Spacebug November 8th 2011, 1:16 am

Real Name: Zolt-Clendeznt-Clackarack-Gl'ybub-Zendrick
Hero Name: Spacebug
Title: Zolt
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Age: 67 000 Julian Years old [Without time spent in Stasis; 11 Julian Years]
Gender: Undisclosed
Race: Antrax
Hair: None
Eyes: Black
Height: 5'8”
Weight: 98lbs
Blood Type: Yellow

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Zolt is an egotistical, opinionated and often vulgar alien. He casually swears, spits and cusses in the presence of other people and doesn't like to be beaten or proved wrong in anything, often point blank refuse facts when he is informed so. He will strong arm his way into conversations or people's lives and while others may never actually want him to be a friend when the world clicks inside his head he won't leave them alone, for better or worse. It is even worse when he somehow decides things should be Romantic. Wild claims of his seem to show that on his own planet he was considered something of a sexual or romantic icon. A space Casanova. He is driven to rebel against authoritative figures especially, itching to start a revolution simply because it is encoded into his DNA. He is also, as mentioned before, very alien; he will often call out people who reference facts that he has no possible way of understanding or unusual human behaviour. He has a slight lisp when saying the letter S, often just replacing it with a Z.

There is a good side to him of course. He doesn't like to see people hurt, especially the young, whom he'll attempt to save over adults. Zolt is also a friend to any homeless people he meets, being one himself, often redistributing the money he takes from mobsters and thieves to the streets. This transient state of mind allows him to move freely without much worry when he can sneak his way aboard things. Corrupt Companies or Officials are among primary targets, while he is also motivated by one more thing; to find a number of false asteroids containing Antrax young. These eggs will hopefully be hatched on Earth so that Zolt could begin a fresh colony free from the oppressive rule of the other Castes of his species.

Zolt's species is considered a pest by mostly any other space fearing race and general Galactic belief is that you should crush out any infestation before it takes hold. This makes Zolt hostile to alien species that are recognisable.


The Antrax history and caste system, as well as its tightly entwined evolutionary and cultural dynamics, are an overcomplicated mess of hundred of thousands of years foundation. To describe it simply there are commonly 4 castes in a colony; the lowest of which are called the Hands. They are the most populous of any other form of Antrax. Industry is their job, as is Rebellion, and Zolt belongs to this caste. Residing over them are the non-sentient Architects, whom are much less humanoid and build the distinctive sky-scraper like mounds that work as Antrax Hives. Above them are the Guard, soldier humanoids that are twice as big as the hands and deadly in every respect. They serve the Royal caste, an elite of Beetle like creatures who control all Castes below them with numerous political and religious manipulations.

Zolt's story begins on a Planet orbiting a blue star roughly 16 million years ago. This colony of Antrax had reached a technological age which allowed them to accelerate materials near the speed of light. These machines were called Great Seeders and were loaded with pregnant Royal Eggs, packed into artificial asteroids. While they would never know if any of their young would find a world to land on they began to select visible stars and fire genetic time capsules.This age old cycle had taken place on many other worlds over many millions of years that the galaxy has been able to support life. Clutch #1334265 was selected for Star #1334254 and survived the harsh environment of space long enough to completely miss the star. After some more millions of years of drift they finally came down on a Rogue Planetoid between solar systems. The planet had an atmosphere thick enough to retain heat thankfully due to its many active volcanoes. It surface held one major continent where the Royal eggs hatched. Soon, a new hive had flourished in the harsh conditions like it did for so many other worlds. The Antrax cycle began anew with a caveman period of ignorance that moved quickly through a comparable industrial revolution until their technology moved beyond our own.

However it was not totally peaceful. An inbuilt evolutionary step for the Hand Caste is that once the population of the hive becomes too great to sustain they begin a bloody long revolution. Royals are executed. Soldiers turn on each other and slaughter the Hands in their scramble to control. The Hands themselves eventually seize power but find leading a culture beyond them, installing the Royals once more and beginning the cycle again. This important process makes sure that the Antrax people do not collapse under their own weight. It was during one of these Revolutionary Eras that Zolt-Clendeznt-Clackarack-Gl'ybub-Zendrick was hatched. He seemed to be the classical Rebellious Hand Hero, eager to reject the fields of Science and Engineering in public simply to anger and irritate the Royals. His public image began to grow as he revealed wings, a very useful genetic anomaly among the Hand. Proving to be far more trouble then he was worth the Royals attempted an assassination which lead to a wild riot amongst the Hand Caste when it was revealed.

Zolt grimly agreed to lead his rebellious people towards the Palace and the Great Seeding facilities attached to it. A terrible battle, more of a slaughter, shook the hive to its foundation as walls of Architects, Hands and Soldiers crashed forcefully together. Zolt decided to focus troops on breaking into the Seeding Facility through the sewers, sure that they could bring an end to the siege on the Palace. So sure in fact he lead the assault himself, which turned out to be something of a mortal error. Soldiers used tight hallways to their advantage and slaughtered his men indiscriminately. It was by pure luck that Zolt fell back into a workshop for Antrax eggs. Here he discovered a artificial asteroid containing a stasis pod built to house a fully grown Royal, who was eager to escape the fate of the revolution with the foundation of a new hive. It was Zolt's second in command that actually knocked him clean out and threw him into one of the pods for reasons the Antrax would never know, whether it was protection or an attempt to lead the rebellion himself.

But that was how he found himself strapped into stasis and pointed at a random star which was our Sun. He was accelerated at a fraction of the speed of light and tossed into space with a clutch of eggs, each packed into asteroids themselves. The next 67 000 years of hibernation went without incident, as the little one-man ship cut its way through an arm of the spiral galaxy towards the emptiness of deep space.

It was by pure miraculous chance that in late winter 2030, five asteroids burned a light through dark Siberian night. They burned holes into the snow and were later picked up by an unknown group, neither identified as a military or private company. Zolt's earliest memory of Earth is being awaken from thousands of years of sleep to the sound of a buzzsaw. Disorientated by bright lights, alien shouts and a choking atmosphere he struggled out of whatever place he was in until he realised that after tumbling through a door he was thousands of feet off the ground. The plane he had been transported in streamed away above him. Thankfully he was able to use his wings to stabilise himself in the air and land with a splash in a Kansas water tower.

Zolt now struggles adapting to Earth, having difficulties with social customs and many laws. He continues to be something of a nuisance to most public figures but is considered some of a likeable rogue by many poor people.


Zolt's has numerous odd little things about him. Firstly he is incredibly strong in four separate arms thank to his thick carapace and very elastic muscles. This same set up allows him to move much faster the standard human and his thick shell offers him some protection from many human weapons. The part of his brain evolved for controlling movement is much more advanced, thanks to his extra limbs, which gives him a much stronger edge when fighting hand to hand. Large translucent wings are folded safely under the carapace on his back, big enough to carry Zolt through the air quickly from one place to the next. His final oddity is the two small antennae on his head; they allow him to see electrical currents in the air as blue lines. Most unshielded machinery can reveal it's inner workings, such as mobile phones and laptops and many gadgets. Human beings give off a faint energy in their nervous system too, however thick clothing can mask most of it.

Power Grid:
Intelligence: 2
Occult: 0
Strength: 8
Speed: 4
Durability: 6
Ability: 1
Fighting Skills: 7
Magic: 0
Spells: 0
Potency: 0
Flight: 2
Wealth: 0

Last edited by Spacebug on December 12th 2012, 3:42 am; edited 1 time in total

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Spacebug Empty Re: Spacebug

Post by Pain November 29th 2011, 12:13 pm

I apologize for this taking so long. Seems good to me, interesting creature you have here; don't get a lot of aliens here. Making the grid now.
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Spacebug Empty Re: Spacebug

Post by Pain November 29th 2011, 12:32 pm

Added and moving to approved heroes.
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Spacebug Empty Re: Spacebug

Post by Chellizard December 12th 2012, 3:47 am

Reapproved for new system.

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Spacebug Empty Re: Spacebug

Post by Sponsored content

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