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A Dangerous withdrawl

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A Dangerous withdrawl Empty A Dangerous withdrawl

Post by Markj1998 February 27th 2012, 4:41 pm

Ashley had just returned home from a busy day and was about to hang up his hat and go to bed for the night when suddenly he saw the alarm go off knowing it was time for action he threw off his jacket and slammed his fist with speed onto the button on his suspenders which immediately began having his outfit appear and once it had he shook his shoulder feeling his wings free and feeling the cool air against it he grabbed his Bo Staff and his Crossbow putting them onto his back, tied up his boots and put on his gauntlets immediately running outside pressing the button on the wall having the door disappear into the wall and leapt over the edge of the building flying with speed towards the bank upon arriving however he saw someone in the bank knowing he was probably to be the culprit he flew and shouted "Stop and put that money back now!" awaiting a response from the mystery person readying his weaponry.

My Two heroes created for justice -
The White Light Eagle
Nova Star

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 49
Registration date : 2011-09-26

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A Dangerous withdrawl Empty Re: A Dangerous withdrawl

Post by Guest February 27th 2012, 6:07 pm

Nick had just gotten off of work and was heading back towards his apartment. Before he could get near his apartment he heard a bank siren going off in the distance. Nick turned and ran towards the siren's location moving with tremendous speed. When he arrived tot he bank he hid in an alleyway as he saw a winged man standing in front of the bank. Nick stepped back into the alley and straightened his whole body and got ready to change. "Sunthera!" Nick whole costume changed and now became Solar. He stepped out from the alley and ran up to the bank joining the winged man. "What is going on here?"

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A Dangerous withdrawl Empty Re: A Dangerous withdrawl

Post by Markj1998 February 28th 2012, 3:05 am

"hey man the name's White Light and it appears this guy over here is attempting to make a big withdrawl" White Light said as the man holding the rather large bags of money turned throwing off his rather stereotypical trench coat and hat revealing himself to be covered in armor with two swords from his hands. The armored criminal now to be known as Death Slice (NPC) ran at the two hero's showing that it would be needing the both of them as this wacko was obviously quite powerful and skilled White Light then send a strong gust of wind at the guy following it up by running at him with his Bo Staff.

My Two heroes created for justice -
The White Light Eagle
Nova Star

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 49
Registration date : 2011-09-26

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A Dangerous withdrawl Empty Re: A Dangerous withdrawl

Post by Guest February 28th 2012, 4:49 pm

"Nice to meet you, the name is Solar. Ah trying to rob a bank never gets old." Solar stood up straight as he watched this guy coming at them in some armor with two swords in his hands. Solar stepped to the right as White Light fired off a strong gust of wing and then followed up with his Bo Staff. Not wanting to be in the way Solar looked around to make sure that nobody got hurt. After seeing that nobody was hurt he turned his attention to Death Slice and fired off a eye beam of yellow energy aiming for Death Slice's left hand. This was the first time that Solar was using his powers in public ever since the day he found out what they were.

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A Dangerous withdrawl Empty Re: A Dangerous withdrawl

Post by Markj1998 February 29th 2012, 2:33 am

"new to the job eh Solar" White Light said as the yellow beam hit Death Slice's hand causing him to drop a sword, White light further getting rid of it with a gust of wind. White Light then attempted land a powerful blow to the left side of Death Slice's head boosted with a gust of wind to increase Speed, Velocity and his added Olympian Strength.

My Two heroes created for justice -
The White Light Eagle
Nova Star

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 49
Registration date : 2011-09-26

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A Dangerous withdrawl Empty Re: A Dangerous withdrawl

Post by Guest February 29th 2012, 9:35 pm

"Yes I am new to the job." Solar crossed his arms and watched Death Slice and White Light movements. Everything had to be timed right or else things could get blown to kingdom come. Solar watched as White Light sent another gust of wind towards Death Slice. Solar took this opportunity to attack Death Slice as well. He fired off a beam of yellow energy from his eyes aiming for Death Slice's feet trying to knock them from under him. After firing off the beam Solar went and picked up the money carrying it back into the bank.

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A Dangerous withdrawl Empty Re: A Dangerous withdrawl

Post by Markj1998 March 1st 2012, 1:19 pm

The beam and White Light's Bo Staff attack both hit sending Death Slice to the ground knocked out, White Light then pulled out some special cuff's putting them on Death Slice before picking him up and carrying him out of the bank he turned back and looked to Solar saying "Dude I'll be back in a minute just taking this guy to the Maximum security jail ok back in" he then counted it saying "12 seconds" flying off with speed over the jail and dropping Death Slice in through the specialized flight drop in bay Death Slice landing calmly with the help of a gust of wind. White Light then flew back saying "hey dude" walking in and sending a mini tornado the money bags which gathered all into the tornado taking them into the bank and dropping them then, calling across "hey Solar wanna go get a drink?" awaiting an answer from him whilst walking into the vault and quickly pressing Insignia returning to his normal clothing straightening out his hat and sunglasses.

My Two heroes created for justice -
The White Light Eagle
Nova Star

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 49
Registration date : 2011-09-26

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A Dangerous withdrawl Empty Re: A Dangerous withdrawl

Post by Guest March 1st 2012, 8:42 pm

Solar walked out of the bank behind White Light following him. "Alright, that is fine." Solar walked around in front of the bank, waiting on White Light. He waved at some children who were with their parents walking the city late at night. As White Light returned Solar stopped pacing around the bank. "Sure that is fine with me." Solar walked into an alleyway and said the words that activated his powers, ending his powers for now. Solar walked back out and joined White Light who was back in his regular clothes. "Call me Nick, Solar is for only when I am in costume." Nick stood there waiting on to see where him and White Light would go to get a drink.

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A Dangerous withdrawl Empty Re: A Dangerous withdrawl

Post by Markj1998 March 2nd 2012, 10:41 am

"Ashley, Ashley Rio, White Light's only when i'm in costume" Ashley said as he walked along taking out his smartphone and looking on the map for where they could go get a drink finding a pub four streets away and so he took a special key from his pocket pressing a button and his car a White Ferrari 458 Italia with an eagle on the side roared around the corner Ashley said "homing key the Car and it's GPS can drive itself to the key and to me so hop in" Ashley walked around to the Drivers side and climbed in doing up his Seat-belt and scanning his key on a specialized scanner which started the engine. Ashley looked out and said "come on then get in" smiling to him.

My Two heroes created for justice -
The White Light Eagle
Nova Star

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 49
Registration date : 2011-09-26

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A Dangerous withdrawl Empty Re: A Dangerous withdrawl

Post by Guest March 5th 2012, 4:57 pm

"Nice to meet you Rio." Nick walked behind Rio with his hands in his pockets. It had been awhile since he had hung out with anybody around New York. He usually went to work then went home and sleep most of the day away until he had to go in. Nick stopped as white Ferrari came around the corner, he was a big fan of Italian cars. His eyes scanned the whole care from front end to the bumper; fascinated by the design of the care."Yeah I have to get me one of these....." Nick walked around to the driver side and got in smoothly. Nick looked around the interior of the car still fascinated.

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A Dangerous withdrawl Empty Re: A Dangerous withdrawl

Post by Markj1998 March 6th 2012, 7:23 am

Ashley just said "it's Ashley, not Rio but anyway one sec" he leant over the dashboard and pressed a button causing a GPS to come out pressing the location of the bar and the car then roared of down the road towards the pub on it's own without Ashley having to steer or drive it being on auto-pilot he then said "yeah it is pretty good isn't it" a few minutes later the car pulled up to a stop in a nearby car park pressing buttons Ashley put the car back to it's normal form so no thieves would see anything in it. Ashley then climbed out and shut his door saying "and here we are so come on" he walked towards the bar locking the car doors behind him once Nick had gotten out.

My Two heroes created for justice -
The White Light Eagle
Nova Star

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 49
Registration date : 2011-09-26

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A Dangerous withdrawl Empty Re: A Dangerous withdrawl

Post by Guest March 9th 2012, 11:37 am

"Sorry, my bad." Nick watched as a gps came out of the dashboard. Nick leaned back in the car as Ashely began making their way to the pub. The part that amazed him the most was Ashley was not steering the car to its location. "Yeah it is, I have to buy me one of these when I get so more money." Nick watched as the car pulled up to a stop in a car park. Nick got out with Ashely and began making his way to the pub with him. "I think I can out drink you, just saying." Nick had his share of wild experiences and this was going to be another he could tell.

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A Dangerous withdrawl Empty Re: A Dangerous withdrawl

Post by Markj1998 March 10th 2012, 5:13 am

"Yeah well I believe I could out drink you I mean I used to out drink everyone but then I became a hero and I had to keep a clear head always just in case" Ashley said entering the bar and nodding to the doorman he walked up the bar and ordered a pint of Lager and placing the money on the side sitting there and taking a quick look around the room taking his hat off and with a quick flick below the bar it became pocket sized so he placed it away collecting his drink and drinking it before taking his phone from his pocket and reading a text from Shannon hearing she'd be a bit late home he put away the phone surveying the bar scene.

My Two heroes created for justice -
The White Light Eagle
Nova Star

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 49
Registration date : 2011-09-26

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A Dangerous withdrawl Empty Re: A Dangerous withdrawl

Post by Guest March 14th 2012, 9:48 pm

"Eh we just defeated a villain, lets celebrate right." Nick stopped in the doorway as his phone began to rang. He stepped outside the bar and closed to door behind him as he answered the phone. "You want me to do what....Since when.....Yeah I can do that I guess....Be right there in a few." Nick wanted to celebrate but something else called his attention. He thought about telling Ashely but he knew that he would figure out eventually. As started to walk off he saw another couple pass him by. He told the couple to tell Ashely who would look like a cowboy that he had some business come up. After doing that Nick ran off into the night.


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A Dangerous withdrawl Empty Re: A Dangerous withdrawl

Post by Markj1998 March 15th 2012, 3:59 am

Ashley found out and flew back home to the rooftop and after inputting the code entered his room in the wall hide-out hanging up his hat and turning on a light shutting the door behind him he looked to one of the monitors seeing Solar and smiled walking to the sofa where he sat down and watched tv until Shannon returned from her latest trip.

My Two heroes created for justice -
The White Light Eagle
Nova Star

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 49
Registration date : 2011-09-26

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