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Nuke's Powers and What to do.

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Should Nuke's powers be Nerfed or re-done?

Nuke's Powers and What to do. I_vote_lcap73%Nuke's Powers and What to do. I_vote_rcap 73% 
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Nuke's Powers and What to do. I_vote_lcap27%Nuke's Powers and What to do. I_vote_rcap 27% 
[ 4 ]
Total Votes : 15

Nuke's Powers and What to do. Empty Nuke's Powers and What to do.

Post by VivaLaCult April 12th 2010, 2:44 pm

Okay due to the massive amounts of complaints on Nuke's powers, me and Slam have devised a simple way to decide how to handle the problem, fairly and in a democratic fashion.

People will not vote for what to do with his powers, you are allowed one vote, and that vote will stand. We also ask that personal feeling not be involved, whether you like Wolf or not as a person, this is strictly based on the character Nuke, nothing else. As such there will be ABSOLUTELY NO CAMPAIGNING for either side, if we see this in anyway, than there will be consequences for your actions.

So character wise, vote for Nuke and his powers please, if you do not know who Nuke is here is his app, read over it then vote, we would like everyone's opinion on this we want this thing to be as fair as possible. :flower:

Nuke's Powers and What to do. Wat12
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Nuke's Powers and What to do. Empty Re: Nuke's Powers and What to do.

Post by The_soapmaker April 12th 2010, 2:55 pm

I voted for keeping them as they are. But I am most certainly of the opinion that Nuke shouldn't be causing A-bomb size explosions. But I am not forcing Wolf to stick to my request. I'm friendly asking him to stop blasting away entire cities. Just make the force of your explosion increase each turn, instead of the size AND force. 'Cos that just sucks, man.
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Nuke's Powers and What to do. Empty Re: Nuke's Powers and What to do.

Post by Slamfist April 12th 2010, 3:15 pm

I tried that. He doesn't listen. I have no problem with his powers, just the actual strength of them.
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Nuke's Powers and What to do. Empty Re: Nuke's Powers and What to do.

Post by Guest April 12th 2010, 3:36 pm


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Nuke's Powers and What to do. Empty Re: Nuke's Powers and What to do.

Post by VivaLaCult April 12th 2010, 3:37 pm

Wtf was that all about? Calm down, he is just trying to help get your character in control.

Nuke's Powers and What to do. Wat12
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Nuke's Powers and What to do. Empty Re: Nuke's Powers and What to do.

Post by Slamfist April 12th 2010, 3:38 pm

WTH did I do?
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Nuke's Powers and What to do. Empty Re: Nuke's Powers and What to do.

Post by Chellizard April 12th 2010, 3:50 pm

As Jesusofthisboard, I vote that his powers are changed.

Even I, whomofwhichdiedforyoursins, cannot beat the guys with my awesome power, nor can you, Wolfiekins.
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Nuke's Powers and What to do. Empty Re: Nuke's Powers and What to do.

Post by U.S.Sentinel April 13th 2010, 10:39 am

I think they should be changed. I have nothing against Wolf this is just purely a statement of my opinion.

Quite simply the charge level's dont add up. 6 x A crate of C4 = Hiroshima? Also I dont think that any character should have access to power's capable of this level of destruction.

And he has infinite acess to level one charges. Multiple finger snaps create multiple explosions. As his powers are on a charge scale it would imply that he has to charge for a level one. Otherwise multiple attacks within the same post would be of little to no damage.

Also the charging and precreation of "Marbles" which he can use while charging is just a bit too much. Leaving him no discernable weakness.

Also without a turn cycle IE everybody in the thread has a turn before the same person can post again charge levels are meaningless. As a more active person who can post more often therefore charge faster.

Again just my opinion on Nuke not wolf.

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Nuke's Powers and What to do. Empty Re: Nuke's Powers and What to do.

Post by Slamfist April 13th 2010, 10:42 am

Which is what we wanted. Thank you Sentinel.
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Nuke's Powers and What to do. Empty Re: Nuke's Powers and What to do.

Post by Guest April 13th 2010, 1:10 pm

Nuke has been advice thank you all for your opinions and advice I have seen nuke as too strong and therefore have fixed him this poll is now no longer needed thank you again.

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Nuke's Powers and What to do. Empty Re: Nuke's Powers and What to do.

Post by Guest April 13th 2010, 1:40 pm

alright everyone this is nukes new poewers I worked hard on it so be nice.

Nuke has evolved once again during a accident in battle he caused a nuclear explosion unknown to the young villian he was near a radiation facility,Nuke was nearly killed by the blast but stranger was that radiation covered his energy cells he isn't radioactive just he can now use radiation in attacks.Also as Nuke walks his radiation is so strong he can leave small puddles of radiation that then spreads into the air and can cover a town or a city depending on how many puddles in radiation.The radiation is based on how long people are exposed at 4 posts a person would lose 1 stat on all stats except fighting skills.If leaving the area of contamination the person will restore all stats by 2 points every 2 posts.

Radiation beams.
Charge 1:Can destroy a car.
Charge 2:Can destrioy a truck.
Charge 3:Can destroy a diesel.
Charge 4:Can destroy a house.
Charge 5:Can destroy a apartment building.
CHarge 6:Can destroy a building.

Air orb.Sends a orb of radiation energy into the air to send down beams.
Charge 1:A rock shower.(1 beam)
Charge 2:A boulder shower.(3 beams)
CHarge 3:A car shower.(6 beams)
Charge 4:A truck shower.(8 beams)
Charge 5:A diesel shower.(12 beams)
CHarge 6.A house shower.(15 beams

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Nuke's Powers and What to do. Empty Re: Nuke's Powers and What to do.

Post by Slamfist April 13th 2010, 1:59 pm

I would also like to add that stats cannot be reduced to 0. And it doesn't affect Int. The only time it might is if you are exposed for a ridiculous amount of time, so much so that it begins to slow down your thought process. These powers are a lot better, and hopefully a lot less OP.
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Nuke's Powers and What to do. Empty Re: Nuke's Powers and What to do.

Post by Guest April 13th 2010, 2:00 pm

correct forgot to add that.

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Nuke's Powers and What to do. Empty Re: Nuke's Powers and What to do.

Post by Chellizard April 13th 2010, 2:19 pm

Hm'... These are much better. (:

I approve, but it's not up to me whether or not these are going to be passed. :]
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Nuke's Powers and What to do. Empty Re: Nuke's Powers and What to do.

Post by Lionheart April 13th 2010, 2:21 pm

These is so much better! I agree

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