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Pummel Empty Pummel

Post by Nate6595 July 3rd 2020, 3:57 am


"Interesting opinion. I shall consider it while I beat your face in."

The Bio

Real Name: Diesel
Hero: Pummel
Title: Mechanized Champion: Pile Driver
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Age: ???
Gender: Female
Race: Robot
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Electric Blue
Height: 5’7
Weight: 180lbs
Blood type: N/A

The Looks

A strange design, like all of her mechanized champions. Her skin is a steely white, though sections of it while having the durability of steel appear softer and almost flesh-like. Her eyes are obviously robotic though designed to be similar to that of a humans and glow with an electric blue color at their irises. Besides the white steely sheen and smoothness of her skin she is designed to look human, though her joints are more robotic in nature. Much to her creator’s delight, she is more bottom heavy compared to her other champions. Her hair is blonde, done up in a short ponytail with two bangs falling to each side of her face.
In terms of attire she wears black spandex shorts, matched with a skirt. She also has a dark brown vest, a short white shirt that exposes her stomach, and a metal dark blue bow in her hair. When her gauntlets are activated her fists expand to be five times their size, looking like large jackhammers, though still having her digits. Two large cylinders extend from her elbows whenever she throws a punch they go in, enhancing the strength her blows.

The Personality

Like her other mechanized champions, she seems self-aware, having a full personality and emotions. There seems to be no limit to her abilities to react to outside interaction and seems to grow with her experiences. She takes as much time to learn something as it would a normal person, so to that regard she is limited.
In terms of how she acts, she’s got a spunky, almost sassy demeanor. She’s confident and strong headed, very determined, and most importantly…she is protective of her friends. She’s almost playful in nature, liking pranks and similar antics.

The Story

Diesel was the first of Lyra’s mechanized champions and was based off of Lyra’s favorite hero, Rabbit Punch. She wanted a robot who could beatdown enemies and physically take on any sort of villain. She carries a reckless nature which has gotten her into a lot of trouble and at one point managed to escape the range of Lyra’s communicator (though not her tracker) and went on a bit of binge, enjoying the nightlife of Vegas and just having a good time. Despite that, she does have the utmost respect to Lyra, but still wants some freedom. Lyra did agree to this, so long as Diesel kept her informed. There isn’t much to tell of her history other than she does honestly want to be a hero, regardless of any programming previously given to her. She likes helping people and like her creator, she wants to be acknowledged by society as a hero.

The Powers

Beatdown: Diesel’s is capable of high outputs of physical damage with her fists. She can easily punch through steel, though usually pulls her punches as she doesn’t want to cause actual damage to people (she is a hero after all). She is also able to throw these punches at an incredible speed, throwing a good fifteen a second. Not as quick or accurate, she is able capable of releasing the same amount of force as her legs, which can be used combatively, but are better used to allow her to leap up to forty feet in the air.
High Durability: Diesel’s body, like all of the other mechanized champions is made of a highly durable metal, stronger than steel. She is able to take heavy blows, bullet fire, heat, cold, water, and mediumly powerfully explosive attacks. She’s not completely immune to any of the above and continual damage will wear her down eventually.

The Weaknesses

Upward Capicity!: At her maximum strength she can lift things like busses and punch through/damage steel, but she cannot go beyond that. She doesn't have muscles so unless Lyra works to improve her that is all she can do, she cannot go beyond her limits without causing serious and life threatening damage to herself.

Weak Points: The joints of Diesel would be considered her weak points and while it may not damage her overall ability to operate, attacks focused there would limit movement and prevent/slow attacks. Acid, while her metal is slightly resistant to it, will eventually eat through and damage her internal circuitry.

Lyra’s Command: While she does seem to have a free will, she must do as Lyra commands. If Lyra says stop, even if she wants to keep beating something up, she will have to stop.

Charged: Diesel, like all the other mechanized champions, has a battery life. If that runs out she is forced to “go to sleep” during which she will not be able to act. She cannot surpass these limits no matter what until she is recharged. Using Beatdown eats up more energy than her normal functionality.

The Items

Built in Communicator.

The Fluff

Diesel loves romance anime/manga, racecars and racing, and a big fan of boxing.

Application created by Chellizard | This code is open-source and available for free use.

Last edited by Nate6595 on July 3rd 2020, 2:37 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Pummel Empty Re: Pummel

Post by Silus July 3rd 2020, 1:42 pm

Limited capabilities isn't really a weakness. It's true that she can "only" punch and kick, but that in and of itself is a super-leveled power.

If you can substitute that weakness then everything else looks great

Pummel Lucife10
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Pummel Empty Re: Pummel

Post by Silus July 10th 2020, 1:31 am

Thanks for your work on this! Approved!

Pummel Lucife10
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Pummel Empty Re: Pummel

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