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Remedy Empty Remedy

Post by TBroomey July 3rd 2016, 8:55 pm


Basic Biography

Real Name: John Fisher
Renegade Name: Remedy
Title: Evil's Cure
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Age: 45
Gender: Male
Race: Caucasian American
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Green
Height: 6'3
Weight: 212 lbs
Blood type: AB(-)

The Looks

Physically imposing, with faded medium-length hair and stubble. Sharp features on the face including a notable scar above the right eye from a gunshot wound. He looks his age, years of war have taken much of the vibrancy from his face, along with a permanent scowl. He is donned in an all black spec-ops uniform with a matching tactical vest. There is a distinct emblem on the left breast-side of his vest, a small white wolf which clearly carries some significance.

The Legacy

Personality: Remedy is a natural leader, who is constantly assessing whatever situation he finds himself in and commands other heroes on the battlefield as if they were his soldiers. He believes that strong teamwork can solve any problem, and because of this is fuelled by ruthless efficiency. Remedy possesses an alarming amount of cynicism as well as a cruelly dry wit, his presence is one that commands respect due to his combination of skill and humanity. Motivated by a deep and rooted hatred for evil, Remedy is often at odds with his own morality as his brutal methods of dispatching enemies have him wrestling his own position within the dichotomy of heroes and villains. Despite being willing to commit actions that could be perceived as "evil", Remedy insists he leans more to the hero side, as his sole goal is to eradicate evil by any means necessary.

History: Born in 1971 to Richard and Catherine Fisher, baby John Fisher was destined to fight from day one. After watching Way of the Dragon when he was 4 years old, John wanted to be the next Bruce Lee and begged his parents to take him to karate lessons. The young boy excelled in his classes and was recommended for one-on-one tutelage with the legendary practitioner Morio Higaonna at the age of 7 after earning his black belt. Moving to Japan, he earned his third dan at just 16, becoming the joint-youngest holder of the third dan rank in history.

Moving back to America, Fisher enlisted in the US military as his father had fallen ill, with his mother retired and him being an only child, it was Fisher's job to provide for his family. He thrived in the military, growing a strong respect for discipline and solving problems in high pressure situations. Despite not regularly gaining combat experience, John trained intensely every day, incorporating Krav Maga and knife play into his karate background, thus formulating a unique fighting style that he dubbed "BOMB" (Breaking Of Mind and Body). Whilst on patrol during Operation Desert Storm, Fisher's unit were hit with an insurgent ambush and all but three of the men (including Fisher) were dead. Refusing to panic, Fisher took advantage of his surroundings, quickly identifying the number of targets based on the relative quickness of his squad being wiped out. Fisher was aware that a sandstorm was rolling in, and quickly hid him and his remaining men under some dead bodies until the storm hit. Moving hard and fast once the storm had provided him with ample cover, Fisher proceeded to pick off the enemy one-by-one, snapping the limbs and slitting the throats of anything that moved.

After the storm had cleared, Fisher had saved his men and neutralised a huge threat. Upon being rescued by back-up, he felt an intense pain in his head and had realised he had been shot just above his right eye and passed out not long after. He miraculously survived his injury without any apparent permanent damage and was serving again within a matter of weeks. His incredible performance in the field led to a recommendation for a new covert unit designed to mould exceptional front line soldiers into a world class spec ops unit. Through rigorous field testing, the unit known as WOLF (Wetwork Operative Lethal Forces) became battle hardened, with John Fisher being the stand out.

However, the soldiers of WOLF had been lied to by their government. The missions they had been sent on were not sanctioned and officially didn't exist, during one such mission, the entire squad was assassinated by an elite unit that outnumbered them 5 to 1. The entire program had been a smokescreen for finding the ideal candidate for a super soldier experiment. John Fisher's life was spared and he was chemically enhanced over a period of 6 months, amplifying his already fine-tuned abilities, John also gained what one may deem as superpowers. The experiment's purpose was to create a superhero that would be accountable to the US military and would be used to hunt down both heroes and villains alike that were perceived as threats by the government.

Being sent on countless search and destroy missions, Fisher was constantly told that he was "a cure", but he secretly hated his country for betraying him. Plotting his revenge over a number of years between missions, Fisher was able eliminate everyone connected with his experiment, but in the process was now a man without a country or cause. In an attempt to flush him out of hiding, his parents were killed by the CIA, but he was totally off the grid.

Fisher now knew what he had to do, his purpose was to be a cure, a cure for the evil in the world, regardless of whose side they were on. Taking the name Remedy and wearing his WOLF squad's emblem to commemorate his fallen brothers, he decided to be a hero rather than the hero killer he was created to be. Altering his appearance with plastic surgery (but opting to keep the scar from being shot in the head as a reminder of what it means to be close to death) and severing all ties with those he knew and loved, he now operates as a fragile ally with the heroes of the world, hellbent on ending the scourge of villainy all around him. John Fisher is dead, only Remedy remains.

The Powers and Weaknesses


Power 1: Limited superhuman strength, far beyond what any human could ever have and on par with lower level super strength heroes

Power 2: Enhanced thought process, allowing for limited superhuman reaction time and full awareness of surroundings

Power 3: Creation of force fields with both offensive and defensive capabilities, a result of gene alteration during experimentation


Weakness 1: Damage to optic nerve that was previously unknown as a result of being shot in the head, leading to limited depth perception and peripheral vision as well as occasional hallucinations

Weakness 2: Suffers from PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder), leading to occasional lapses in judgement that can be costly in battle

Weakness 3: Can easily be drawn into combat despite being at a disadvantage, putting his life at risk far too often

RP Mechanics

Expert hand-to-hand combatant, utilises his innovative BOMB combat style to devastate opponents
Body trained to its physical and mental peak
Expert marksman with most firearms
Access to large sums of money accumulated through mercenary work
Computer expert
Expert tactician and strategist
Expert in infiltration and extraction
Holds a Masters degree in chemical engineering


High-tech military bodysuit with tactical vest, complete with stealth capabilities as well as high damage absorption
Large arsenal of advanced military weaponry, with caches stored in various countries around the world
Chemical injection system built into suit equipped with a compound of Remedy's design, provides a large boost of combat effectiveness at a severe cost of stamina
Multiple combat knives, pistols and assault weapons always kept on his person
Access to several military vehicles such as jeeps, helicopters and boats

Physical Priority

Agility: 4
Endurance: 3
Reaction: 2
Strength: 1

Last edited by TBroomey on July 3rd 2016, 9:39 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Formatting error)

Status :

Quote : "I don't hurt people, I break them."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 26
Location : London, England
Age : 28
Job : Customer assistant
Humor : I can go as dark as you can
Registration date : 2016-07-03

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Remedy Empty Re: Remedy

Post by Hyperion July 3rd 2016, 9:41 pm

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Number of posts : 417
Registration date : 2011-05-24

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